As if he had finally noticed something, the contemptuous "fascist" suddenly shook all over.

But it's too late

The black fog sweeping towards Loren was dissolving and dissipating in a trembling way. It had completely evaporated and disappeared in the air before it approached his body.

Like dew and mist in the morning, the dying struggle can not stop the final fate.

What shocked him was far more than that.

On the wall, on the floor, stone tables, stone tablets... All the blood in the whole room flows like "alive" and emits gray blue light.

Finally... These flowing plasma covered the whole room with strange patterns.

The stunned "fascists" turned their eyes hard to the black haired wizard's hand - the tattered nine pointed star Holy Grail is the source of all patterns.

"This is... The power of the nine pointed star Holy Grail?" his face was hard to see, and he stared at the cup in Loren's hand: "no, no, the power of the Holy Grail can never do this, it is used to..."

"Used to blur the gap between the two worlds... Yes, I knew you would say that."

Wheezing, Loren still collapsed in the pool of blood in front of the door, and a smile was aroused from the corners of his bloodless mouth: "typical... The idea of empty life."

The nine pointed star Holy Grail was always held in his trembling right hand:

"But the fact is that it can really do it - as long as you have a little confidence and break common sense thinking, you can use the characteristics of the nine pointed star holy grail to completely drive the power of emptiness out of the material world."

"Anyone, even if not a wizard, even if... A madman with two diseases can do it!"

Serliol stared at him, his face ferocious and twisted to the extreme.

At the moment of their conversation, the magic array on the ground has gradually completed its final form.

High level magic spell, silent dream.

From the beginning, this spell was not for wizards, but to fight against evil gods... Distort a space, isolate all void forces, and shape it according to your own ideas.

That's right... As long as you use the power of the nine pointed star holy grail to open and blur the boundary between void and matter, you can use this high-level magic spell to expel fascism, an evil god who has not completely "fallen" from the material world.

It would be difficult for the former "fascist" to do this, because he did not know about it - on the contrary, serliol knew too much about the power and use of the nine pointed star Holy Grail.

The more you understand, the easier it is to be overconfident in yourself and produce a "blind spot".

A good swimmer... Drowns.


Snap your fingers gently.

The floor under your feet and even the whole room collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye and fell into the abyss.

The whole room is like a black pool and a spiritual Palace - or the spiritual palace, which is originally "shaped" by wizards and a haven in the void world.

Now... They are standing in the "right center" of the gate of the void and material world.

A trace of panic finally appeared on serlio's extremely cold face: "Loren Turin, do you want to..."

"It seems that what I just said is not clear enough, noble Lord Black Cross." Loren smiled weakly and clenched his lower lip:

"I said... It's time to unplug the network cable!"

At that moment, a thick black fog stretched out from the abyss, held down the right hand of "fascist" and pulled him down.

Without hesitation, "fascist" immediately tore off his right arm; But more and more "hands" stretched out from his feet and climbed up to his body.

Breathing heavily, Loren rarely showed a proud smile.

But the next moment, the situation suddenly changed!

In an instant, it was like something exploded in his mind, which shocked the black haired wizard and left his mind blank.

"Ah, ah, ah --!!!"

The dark haired wizard's face was twisted to the extreme, and the violent tinnitus seemed to poke directly from his ear into his brain - it was a heart rending pain.

"This is the power of the void... Reptile." Francis, who was grabbed by countless "hands", sneered, and his expression became more and more ferocious:

"It takes a price to enter the material world from the void. Don't you think you don't need it in turn, mole ants?!"

"Even if you are a stranger from another world, even if your spirit and material are not separated - you still have to pay the price if you want to open the door of emptiness!"

Lauren clenched her teeth and trembled from head to foot.

Just then... The pain suddenly disappeared.

No, it doesn't disappear, it's blocked, like... It's like wearing headphones and can't hear the sound outside.


The black haired wizard suddenly lowered his head and looked at his chest - under his clothes, a long vertical shape was shining with stars.

Is this... The feather of the female warrior God?

Seryol was surprised at first, and then he noticed the strange roar of his anger:

"Brenhild -!!!"

The dark haired wizard in a trance gasped, took out the feather from his clothes with his left hand, trembled and held it straight up to the roaring "Francis".

At this moment, he didn't know why the two extreme "spells" seemed to go directly into his mind, so he did this:

"The king comes to the earth, and the power in the name of rule will engrave eternal runes on the rock at the end of the world..."

It turned out that more and more "tentacles" extended to the "fascist" body, and the pale face had been distorted to the extreme: "no! No! You can't do it! Brenhild, you actually use the power I attach to you? Who gives you the courage to make you a bitch really dare..."

Before he finished, a tentacle directly pierced the "fascist" chin and grabbed his tongue;

The dislocated jaw was dragged by a small half of the fast muscles, and his throat was completely exposed... Half of his face was forcibly torn, and his expression became more and more terrible.

"Defend this living creature in the abyss of the vast sea and sky, and its pure faith will eventually dissipate and turn into mud like darkness..."

The black haired wizard with trembling legs held the door wall and stood up slowly.

The pain and powerlessness of the body are gradually weakening. Even the wounds and mental injuries on the body are recovering rapidly, and it's faster than charging.

What is the principle?

Similarly stunned, Loren couldn't help recalling what nvwushen had said to herself before she disappeared.

... to become stronger, stronger than we used to be, and then to break the original destiny

Whose fate is it, or an established matter?

... I hope it will be a little different from ours

Brenhild, she and "black Duke" Roland, have experienced similar situations?

Loren was full of doubts, but there was no doubt... If there were no feathers left by brenhild, his seemingly "perfect" plan would lead to the death of serliol.

"The city is dotted with stars and guards all over the world. The sound of the exchange of spears and sharp blades is heard everywhere. The illuminated land is covered with bright red plasma, and the mountains, rivers and lakes are full of smoke..."

The more determined dark haired wizard raised his head and stared at the figure of "fascist", and his singing voice became more and more firm:

"Those who break the shackles of fate are doomed to life's ups and downs and thorns; those who defend freedom vow to fight against tyranny and dictatorship..."

"No! Delusional mole ants, reptiles! Don't be too proud!"

Even if half of his face was torn, "fascist" could still make the same sound as the original, and his unwilling roar was just more dull and terrible:

"Just because you villains, puppets, cheap species and reptiles want to defeat me? Delusion! I want you to pay the price, and I want to erase all you have left from the world!"

The next second, the Madness on his face suddenly disappeared, replaced by ruthless coldness,


A great sense of oppression suddenly struck. Loren's body was shocked, directly pressed and knelt to the ground.

He smashed the nine awn star Holy Grail of his right hand to the ground and barely let himself collapse to the ground, but that's all... The painful sense of oppression almost stopped his heart. Loren's expression with cold sweat twisted to the extreme and wanted to bite his teeth.

"Ah... Sorry, I know how excessive it is to give hope to the mole ants, but... Ha ha..."

With a creepy laugh, "fascist" showed a cynical smile on the only half of his face: "real despair is never darkness all night."

"The real despair is the obliterated dawn!"

As the voice fell, he raised his remaining arm and pressed it down.

Pa -!

Without half an omen, the dark haired wizard lay directly in a pool of blood; It was like the spine and ribs directly hit by a heavy hammer, sending out bursts of mourning.

The torn and dilapidated "fascist" enjoyed the scene in front of him.

Firm faith is shattered, the last hope is extinguished, and those who die generously have to live with humiliation

Look at his face... What if he succeeds? It's just for a while - the death knell has sounded and the Holy Cross will be replaced by itself.

Black Duke? He has no chance to stop himself!

Even if they get a stranger and want to bury variables with this reptile, but... I've won.

With his shabby body, he looked down on the black haired wizard lying on the ground, gracefully opened his remaining arms and smiled strangely:

"Come on, reptile, don't you swear to defeat me... I'm here and won't go anywhere."

"I... Kind and generous serliol, give you this opportunity, a chance to kill God!"

Lauren raised his head reluctantly, struggled to prop up his body with his knees and right hand, and gasped quickly:

"Those who pursue their ideals can never be accompanied by happiness and ease..."


Out of balance, Loren fell to the ground again.

Ten steps

The grimly smiling serlio shook his head "helplessly", as if he saw a naughty boy staggering and climbing.

As a high-level magic spell, the silent dream also has a time limit... If it can't end before the shrinking "abyss" completely disappears, everything that we strive for

Will be worthless!

"Defiled glory, despised dignity..."

Bang -!

A deep groan came from the deep throat of the black haired wizard who was hit hard.

Five steps

It's already... Close at hand.

"In the name of sorrow, uphold its justice and glory..."

Three steps

The heart has stopped beating, and the chest and throat are tightly contained.

Under the pain and sadness of tearing muscles and muscles, I couldn't get closer at all.

In a trance, the black haired wizard lying on the ground didn't even have the power to lift his feathers.

Looking down at his trembling to despair expression, "Francis" smiled more and more crazy.

"Poof --!"

It was the sound of a sharp blade piercing the head and sticking out of the throat.

Seryol dropped his eyes in disbelief and stared at the sharp blade sticking out of his mouth.

"Thank you for your reminder, Lord Francis..."

Gasping for breath, the grey pupil boy clenched the handle of the sword in his hand:

"This time, it's the head!"

When the voice fell, Loren felt that some "existence" in his chest began to beat again. He could almost crush the oppression of his body and disappeared in an instant.

Lauren took a deep breath as if he had just come alive. Then he stood up, raised the feather of his right hand, and roared out with all his strength:

"... lingering... Raise the flag of the last resistance!!!!"

Countless tentacles stretched out and instantly wrapped the remaining body of "fascist", and dragged it into the abyss together with his scattered flesh and blood and the sword blade penetrating the skull cavity.

Serlior, who was still struggling "dying", was constantly torn, but the harder he struggled, the stronger his tentacles around him;

Fingers, ribs, thighs, cerebrum, spine, shoulder armor, spleen... After countless pairs of "tentacles" were pulled, bitten, broken off, they became countless pieces of blood and flesh.

Finally, all without exception, fell into the black abyss, and there was not even a drop of blood left.

The calm "water surface" immediately set off large waves. The waves fluctuated, and more black fog continued to stretch out under the concussion waves, jumping on the black haired wizard and the equally dying Lucian.

But all the "tentacles" were blocked outside by the "starlight" of the female warrior feather.

The nightmare subsided and the darkness dissipated... Within a few seconds, blood stains, void power, magic array, abyss... All dissipated together with "fascism", leaving nothing left.

The feather of the female warrior God tightly held by Loren also gradually withered, like a burnt out ember, turned into fly ash and flew all over the sky.

In the empty room, only Lauren and Lucian were left, powerlessly collapsed to the ground, in a trance, looking at the ceiling for no reason.

The rest... Nothing left.