Loren and his party went deep behind the silver helmet mountain fortress.

With the dawn rising, the continuous horn sounded through the wilderness outside the silver helmet mountain; On the siege positions with vertical and horizontal gullies, one swallow tail flag after another sounded in the cold wind.

On the open field, countless figures appeared suddenly, and the queue walked out of the trench neatly; Fully armed and ready.

A full six infantry square, with more than 5000 people lined up on the two wings of the "eight" shape outside the siege position, and long guns held high; Behind them, there were countless bowmen with bows and crossbows on the strings, and the infantry knights with big swords in both hands were on standby;

Thousands of Hussars and Rangers galloped outside the Great Wall, shouting provocatively at the fortress, and the rolling smoke almost covered the whole siege position;

Behind the cavalry, the engineers who were already ready built projection positions at the forefront of the trench. Hundreds of boxes filled with stone guns, igniting agents and fire oil were stacked in the trench;

The heavy knights had already taken off their armor and were allocated equally to each infantry team of 100 according to the order to assist officers and veterans in carrying out battle orders;

In the roar of countless officers and knights, and under countless swallowtail flags with hunting sound, the whole siege position is moving in an orderly manner according to the plan arranged between them;

Of course, such a huge movement could not be concealed from the garrison of the fortress, or the original purpose was to let them see it; The alarm bell of silver helmet mountain fortress sounded, and you can see those "five heads" moving rapidly between the towers through the high wall.

The narrow eyed Sarika Jonah, surrounded by a group of knights, looked coldly at the dwarfs on the city wall.

"According to the plan, the feint will begin at noon."

Eckert's voice came from behind her, still serious and calm: "do you want me to repeat it again, miss Sarika Jonah?"

"HMM." the girl snorted, fooled casually, stared at the figure on the city wall like a wolf, and kept touching the handle of the knife around her waist.

"The first round of attack starts with the square infantry... But it's just a deterrent. As long as the enemy's projection weapons are hooked, they will begin to retreat and let the enemy start the first round of long-range projection first;

Then comes the time for us to "counter attack". Although 500 steps is not far enough, it is enough to frighten the dwarves. In order not to be hit by the stone catapult, they will certainly use longer projection weapons to suppress us, but the price is that the preparation time is longer, and the number of projections will be reduced;

Then came the time for the Rangers and Hussars to play; the rangers with fire tanks and kindling agents were under the command of count lanmalos and charged under the city gate - the purpose was not to open the city gate, but to force the enemy to give up passive defense and go out to fight us;

The dwarves are strong in long-range defense and square array propulsion, but their firepower will be much weakened due to our projection suppression, but they still can't be underestimated;

Therefore, the task of besieging the enemy array is left to the Hussars; there will be some casualties, but as long as they can bite the enemy and force them to return to defense, the feint tactics on the first day will be successfully completed;

Then there is the next arrangement. I have a general plan. If the enemy is ready to start a counterattack, we... "

Sally card suddenly reached out to stop him: "no, don't feint."

"Don't feint?" the count of fury Castle frowned slightly: "but the core of the whole plan is..."

"I said, don't feint, we'll attack the city!" the girl's eyes narrowed into a slit and focused on the wall of silver helmet mountain: "it is ordered that the whole army be ready to attack the city before noon... The Boyi people will take the lead."

"Miss Sarika Jonah, I'm not going to question your idea." acter looked at her with a complex look: "but the Duke made it clear before leaving that our task..."

"Loren Turin made it clear before he left that after he left, the command was mine and everything was up to me." suddenly turning back, Sarika drank off Eckert again:

"My decision is not to feint, rush up and fight them hard;

Let's really do it! Do you understand?! "

The girl's shrill cry echoed under countless swallow tail flags. The lords who surrounded each other looked at each other with different expressions.

Eckert looked at the fortress as if he were thinking about some possibility.

"Look at that castle, look at her. How beautiful she is, isn't it? For hundreds of years, no Byrne or Boyi can beat her and take her; even if she sits there motionless, you don't dare to touch her."

Sarika's eyes were sharp and her voice became sharper and sharper: "now the opportunity has come. The Holy Cross and the Duke of your Byrne have given you such a good opportunity. You're going to finish it with two eyes and pretend to be addicted, right?"

"Are you still a man?"

"Listen to me, you seedless smelly men; I'm not asking if you can, but if you dare?" the blushing Sally card pulled out her Sabre with a Shua:

"Dare you step on this damn silver helmet mountain under your feet and play with your life before your Duke?"

"Or are you just a bunch of Seedless people? The great beauty is in front of you. Do you just dare to look at it?!"

"You have the courage to go to the battlefield and pretend to be a knight. Bah!" Sarika spat contemptuously:

"Frightening things can never frighten people! Your Duke is in that castle now. Are you going to fool him twice and wait for him to be surrounded and annihilated by the responding dwarfs in the castle?!"

"What are you talking about?!" lanmalos rushed out first.

"I say you're just a counselor. You'd rather watch your Duke die than play with these dwarfs!" Sarika directly stabbed her neck and shouted at him:

"Want to know how to scare them? It's very simple! I took off my coat, tore off my clothes, took off my boots, pulled my hair, pressed the damn silver helmet mountain against the wall and slapped her in the face. I'm afraid of you!"

Suddenly turning back, Sarika's burning eyes swept over everyone's face, as if lighting dry firewood everywhere.

"I'll ask you one last time. Do you want to, dare you?"

For a time, all the people present were surging, like something that had been suppressed for a long time was suddenly ignited, burning their reason and calmness.

The girl looked at Eckert and waited for his choice.

Among the Lords present, only he remained rational and stared at the silver helmet mountain fortress in the distance.

"Let's start," said the count of fury castle in a deep voice. "Now that miss Sarika Jonah has made a decision, let's start."

"Go and meet them."

In an instant, the air solidified.

Sally card was stunned at first, and then recalled the corners of her mouth.

"How do you want to fight?" a POI warrior asked a question, frowned and hesitated: "rush up, whose head is harder than these dwarfs?"

"Although Byrne has never captured any fortress of Yunling Kingdom, it does not mean that we have never thought so." Eckert said in a deep voice:

"The strength of dwarf fortress is' non-contact '. Countless engineering facilities, towering walls and massive projection weapons can deter any enemy."

"So we want to suppress their long-range projection, make all engineering facilities ineffective, and make their walls meaningless?"

"That's right." Eckert nodded slightly, with a much more dignified expression than before:

"Count lanmalos, please lead the Rangers and Hussars to attack the city first to win time for the infantry;

Guy angert, the rock guards of the Rock Castle are the most proficient in field fortifications in Bain. You lead all the infantry; throw down armor and weapons, take shovels and hoes, and start pushing towards the fortress with trenches and earth bases;

Finally, inform the alchemists and engineers in the army to find a way to place the catapults and catapults in the trenches and start manufacturing the siege tower as soon as possible. "

The count of fury castle with burning eyes never left the magnificent and inviolable fortress and clenched the hilt of the sword at his waist:

"History will be written today!"