The sky is clear, the sun is shining, and the horizon where the green sea meets the sky is so clearly visible.

On the open grassland, a huge caravan of awnings walked slowly; Centaur warriors brandishing shotguns and long axes passed by the convoy, rolling up large tracts of smoke and dust;

Heavily armed dwarven infantry with only half of their faces leaking out of their leather armor bear short soldiers' halberds and iron shields, and behind them are crossbows, pressing forward and backward like small steel fortresses, shouldering the escort work of the convoy.

The sound of heavy iron boots, roaring hoofs, creaking bearings... Together constitute the "wheels" of this huge team, crawling like fat monsters on the flat grass.

Aru twitched his nose and looked at the long line behind him. He was bored.

A noble four hoofed warrior like him had never had to do the humble work of escorting supplies before. It was all the hard work of "flying the four flags"; They just need to rush forward and defend the Great Khan on the battlefield.

But now the king's tent has "changed" -- chakar of ChiYan flag, who is said to be a bitch born from the scum of ChiYan flag and his two legged female slave, has somehow become a big Khan of four hoofed people.

Aruhu used to be just a bodyguard, but he can also "feel" that chakar, a bitch, is humiliating and suppressing the warriors of their hankong flag, so that his ChiYan flag can come to power.

The Centaur warriors around him were also tired, with anxious tyranny in their eyes.

They prefer to go to the battlefield with the army to kill and tear one two legged man after another into pieces... Rather than accompany the "carrot heads" behind them to do nothing and move slowly.

In particular, aruhu was almost fed up with them - as if they were the masters of the team and the noble four hoofed men were just their thugs.

If it weren't for the alliance between the two sides, what's more, the four hoofed people still need their armor and iron tools. He would like to kill all the dwarfs when they sleep!

Of course, aruhu would not admit that he had done so long ago, but was frightened by the other party's armed and vigilance, and finally failed to succeed.

But it doesn't prevent him from spreading his anger on these carrot heads and blaming them... And the damn chakar bitch.

In particular, these carrots never let them touch those baggage carts, and they were not even allowed to get close, which made aruhu angry and suspicious.

Is there any secret in this?

How could it be... Before thinking deeply, ARU suddenly shook his head; It is clear that chakar, the cheap warrior who wants to suppress their empty flag, and feels that he will take all these armor and weapons as his own, so that the humble dwarf can monitor their noble four hoofed people!

Of course, aruhu would not admit that he had thought about it more than once, but the gang of carrot heads monitored it too closely, so that he never succeeded.

But that's not the point. The point is... Huh?

While thinking, ARU suddenly narrowed his eyes and turned his eyes to the distant horizon. He raised his axe in his right hand and waved it behind him. The continuous team gradually stopped.

"Aluhu..." a four hoofed warrior immediately followed up with a serious expression.

"Take some warriors to have a look, Kanda." Aru glanced at him suddenly. The four hoofed warrior called "Kanda" shouted, gathered more than a dozen centaurs and ran in the direction of the movement, with excited colors in the corners of his eyes.

Not only them, but almost all Centaur warriors showed the same expression, licking their chapped lips with a ferocious smile and issuing creepy laughter.

They have been suffocated during this time. If you want to be lucky to bump into a group of bipedal people who happen to pass by this time, you can

"Boom --!"

With a roar, golden red sparks suddenly rose on the horizon of the grassland!

In an instant, all the Centaurs turned their eyes in the same direction... The next second, they saw the Centaur warrior named Kanda, who rushed in the front, howling in the flames and falling into the smoke.

The scream did not stop... Almost at the same time, there was a low vibration everywhere on the grassland around the queue; If there is no sound, it comes from all directions like rolling waves.

Dull, low, scattered... But full of rhythm.

Aru suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of amazement flashed on his face... He was surrounded.

When these two legged people saw the noble four hoofed man appear, they didn't run, and dared to surround themselves?!

The next second, with aruhu's angry cry, all the Centaur warriors gathered in succession, rolled up large tracts of smoke and dust in front of the team, took off the iron hooves, and ran back and forth with big strides.

The dwarven heavy infantry who did not obey aruhu's orders began to disperse orderly from the front and rear towards the two wings of the convoy, gave up the rear carriage and concentrated their forces on the two wings to form a front.

War halberds are like forests, steel shields are like walls... Except for the size, everything is the same as the imperial legion, and even more solid - as long as there are enough cavalry to cover its side, this "moving steel fortress" is almost unshakable.

Of course, there would be no cavalry to cover their sides, because aruhu didn't care about the life and death of these dwarfs, or even whether these supplies could be sent to the front line.

He only knows one thing now... That is to take this opportunity to kill well!

While the Centaurs were still gathering, a lonely figure appeared at the end of aruhu's line of sight.

That's a little man on a horse.

Across the distance, you can only see dark blue hair and two sharp blades in hand.

He galloped and rushed to the front of more than a dozen four hoofed warriors who were shouting and fighting, almost all of whom were attached to the horse's back.

Two hundred steps... For cavalry, it is a charging distance; At the moment when both sides raise their sharp blades, the battle is over - life or death, which is the decision of the Holy Cross.

"Dang --!"

Cavalry staggered, sparks splashed!

At the moment when the two Centaur warriors raised their long guns, the small cavalry had raided behind them, and the short swords crossed in their hands and disappeared from front of them.

At the same time, their own heads disappeared.

Plasma on the floor!

At the moment of wailing, the little cavalry came from the wings behind him with a cry of hate; But he didn't even bother to look back, stopped his horse, turned his short sword between his wrists and threw a bloody flower.

At that moment, the short sword with blood light had been released, thrown to the left and right at the same time, and pulled up two meteors.

"Poof --!"

The Centaur, which was pierced through his throat, still didn't stop. Despite the gushing plasma, he waved a long axe and roared and continued to rush.

The little cavalry just didn't move and looked at them coldly.

With those silver gray eyes.

Finally... With inertia, two Centaur warriors rushed in front of him; After leaving a long trail of blood, he finally fell powerlessly, and only gave a unwilling cry before he died.

"Ah, ah, ah --!!!"

Looking at the tragic death of the noble four hoofed people under his command, ARU suddenly roared up to the sky; Ignoring the closer and denser sound of horses' hoofs around, he shouted and charged at the little cavalry with the assembled centaurs around him!

"It's really... Easier than expected."

Shaking his head, the helpless Lusen pulled the dagger out of the body, looked at the Centaur warriors who scattered the front and rushed towards him, and looked serious and raised the sharp blade of his right hand.

One shadow after another appeared on the empty horizon.

Twenty, a hundred... Three hundred cavalry men with armor, two swords on their backs like him, long guns in their right hands, and five or six ignition bottles hanging from their saddles gathered behind him.

The next second, the grey pupil raised his dagger and backhand straight forward: "in the name of Loren Turin

Duke guard, attack --! "