When Loren stepped into Qianzhang City, what attracted his attention was not the magnificent city wall, nor the towering Duke castle, nor the heavily fortified and overlapping towers.

Different from Byrne, saklan and even lottel, the layout of the city is also very tight and compact. Even the most ordinary folk houses are stone walls, which is more similar to the giant fortress like duanjie mountain.

What really attracted his attention were the streets of the city and the people living in the city.

Almost all the narrow streets are covered with corpses, including centaurs and Boyi; The messy corpses overlapped again. From entering the city, there were few "opportunities" to step on the stone road steadily.

Several streets have even been blocked by bones and become "artificially formed" fortifications; The piled corpses make it impossible to tell which ones were piled up and which fell on them after their tragic death.

The thick plasma has already solidified, the color has become darker, and the strong odor makes the cold wind in the early morning blow away endlessly, and it will stick to the boots when stepping on it; Yes, it slips.

Loren and his party stepped on the bone plasma and followed count Seth braha into the thousand tent city - not only the small wizards, but also lucerne and McAfee, as well as many Bain knights. They all looked pale and resisted the vomit from their intestines, stomach and chest.

It was not until approaching the Duke's castle that Loren found that the people of Qianzhang city... Were not only thin, hurt and ragged; Only a group of white haired old people and a group of thin children can be seen.

As for where adult men and women have gone... The silent party tacitly understood that no one would stand up and ask this question.

Loren suddenly thought of the villages and towns and tent camps swept by centaurs outside the city - I'm afraid these are the only living people around Qianzhang city.

Only when we see "these", can we really understand what kind of test we have experienced in being besieged for three months, breaking the city several times, seizing the city several times, changing hands repeatedly, and finally adhering to the Qianzhang city rushed by Byrne's army.

That's... The test of blood.

From beginning to end, Seth braha, the guide, did not say a word, but walked silently ahead, even more silent than other boi Hussars.

Only when he passed the people did he pause for a moment and soon continued to move forward.

"When Qianzhang city was surrounded, count Seth's family and his four-year-old son were in the city." master Halin van achamay, walking behind Loren, suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"On the day we broke through, his wife, Mrs. bosiwar, who looked up at the peak, had also joined the city guard - there was no family in the crowd just now."

Lauren nodded and said nothing.

So... The count of Seth was so eager to know how many reinforcements he brought, and why he was so discouraged in front of bosiwar?

"Right here."

Seth braha, whose expression remained unchanged, suddenly stopped, turned slowly, bowed to Loren and said in a deep voice: "Archduke Laslo Varna is waiting for you, Archduke Loren Turin!"

Just as the entourage was ready to go in together, they were stopped by Boyi Hussars.

"What does that mean?" count Eckert frowned slightly, and his sharp eyes swept at Seth braha.

"In the hall, there is only Archduke Laslo Varna." count Seth is neither humble nor arrogant: "he wants to invite only Archduke Loren Turin, that's all."

"Other guests, please rest in the side hall for a while. We have prepared a room for you - as for you, master Halin van ashmai, the Archduke specially ordered that you be exempted from the crime of disrespect for the sake of fighting for the thousand tent city before."

"Please tell the old stubborn that I have never been disrespectful to him." master asamai smiled and stroked his chest: "but if the Archduke needs it, I am still willing to work for Boyi."

Glancing at Harlem van achamay, count Eckert came forward: "this is unconventional, let alone precedent."

"It's just an ordinary meeting and thanks." Seth braha's eyes were flat: "the formal banquet will be held tomorrow evening. There's no precedent."

"What do you say, Duke?" he turned his eyes to the dark haired wizard.

"Yes, don't worry."

Looking back with a smile, looking at the safe and sound ayin, lucerne, McAfee and Eckert behind him... Lauren shrugged calmly and raised the corners of his mouth: "just go to visit a respected old man and say hello to each other by the way. I'll probably be back."

The voice fell, and the expressionless Seth braha bowed again and made a "welcoming" gesture with the Boyi Hussars.


The towering dome and spacious hall... It looks no different from the palace hall of red blood castle, but it is more rough and simple; Bright sabers and spears were hung on the four walls, and facing the gate was a flag painted with the arms of machetes and horses.

An old man was sitting under the flag. His gray and messy hair and beard were a bit untidy. He looked similar to master corona of eboden.

It's just that it's dressed in full armor, and its burly posture really doesn't look like an old man in his 70s and 80s.

The burning fireplace in the hall lit up the old man's cheeks and the table in front of the two people.

A saber lay across the center of the long table, with two iron cups full of wine at both ends.

what do you mean?

He saw the old man's eyes opposite and stared at himself from the moment he entered the door.

It's like looking at a knife and a mirror... It's like looking at a dead object.

Lauren's face was expressionless, as if she hadn't noticed it.

This look... He's seen it too many times.

"Angert didn't lie to me."

Raslo Varna said slowly, saying something very irrelevant:

"The new Duke he is loyal to is a man who has killed... And can kill."

"It doesn't sound like a positive comment."

With a calm opening, the black haired wizard walked to the table and sat down opposite the old man: "I never think killing is something to be proud of... Especially the first one."

"Then you are very wrong." the old man said coldly, with sharp eyes like a waiting Wolf: "among people like you and me, you can't sit in this position without killing people. If you can't kill people, you can't do it for a long time!"

"You are a subsidiary of the Turin family and a wandering wizard. You collude with the heavenly palace - you will certainly kill many people in order to secure your seat in the future."

"Really?" Lauren raised his eyebrows and stared back. "I guess... This is your 'advanced experience' of being Duke Boye for so many years?"

In the dimly lit hall, the two people who talked nonsense stared at each other without blinking.


Prince Laszlo Varna took up his glass and smashed it on the table with a bang: "to our best brother Byrne, who can appear before us when the boyans need help most, just as Duke black did in those days!"

"To our best Boye friend too." Lauren took up his glass and calmly said, "at Byrne's most critical moment, a letter of help gives Byrne a chance to rise again!"


Archduke Varna pours into his mouth and his throat twitches constantly; As soon as Loren looked up, he drank the viscous mare's milk.

"Dong --!"

Two wine glasses hit the table at the same time.

"I underestimate you, Duke Loren."

After putting down the glass, the old man wiped his mouth with force: "I thought that 15000 of you Byrne people would suffer heavy casualties under the thousand tent city... I have to fight hard to get my castle back."

"No," said Loren suddenly coldly.

"What's wrong?"

"It's not... Thinking, but you hope so."

Loren stirred up his eyes, and his dark pupils twinkled with a strange luster: "you want to see me destroyed under the thousand tent city; your appearance is not an accident, but a premeditation... You have already noticed us."

"Life and death are uncertain... It's just an illusion you deliberately created - Byrne, Empire, Boyi, Qianzhang city... Even your grandson has been cheated by you!"