The loud cry came from the Centaur and Byrne's army, charged at the same time in the roar of the trembling earth, and rushed towards each other like a tide.

"Kill them all!" basaye of the white flag raised his axe and shouted bloodthirsty:

"Kill all the people with two feet --!"

Centaur warriors roared wildly, waved their spears and axes ferociously, shook off their hooves and began to charge; The array of black smoke rolled up like a giant killer crawling on the ground.

Byrne knights, by contrast, were much quieter.

There was hardly any sound except the thunder of horses' hoofs; The knights in close three rows were like a thin wall, with a long snake "bumping" into the oncoming centaur.

Within 200 steps, maximize the charging effect of the heavy knights and attack more enemies at the same time - this is the battle mode of the bain people.

Steady as a rock, the momentum is overwhelming.

"Bang --!"

In the loud sound of explosion, two "huge waves" finally hit together at the same time, just like thunder on the ground!

"Kill them all -!!!"

Basaye roared with tears in his heart. The leader of the white wave flag who rushed in front rushed forward recklessly and smashed the lancet stabbed at him with the handle of an axe!

In that trembling roar, an axe killed the Byrne knight who was hit by him.

Mixed with roaring and wailing iron and blood, the Centaur warriors who made a terrible howl almost desperate rushed at the Byrne knights who were still charging.

The spear is broken, the shield is broken, the armor is turned into broken iron, and the flesh and blood are torn apart!

"Dang --!"

It was also a swift and screaming silver cavalry, whose right hand and spear were chopped into pieces by basaye; The wailing Bowie Knight tried to pull out his saber to parry, but the blade raised above his head was smashed by the falling axe blade.

The next second, the Tomahawk fell and "sank" into the body with his helmet!

With a bloodthirsty laugh, basaye stubbornly pulled out his axe from the armor of the boi knight, and the fragmented bones and armor were thrown out together:

"Kill all the people with two feet --!"

But the next second, he realized something was wrong.

These two legged cavalry did not stop, but continued to move forward... On the contrary, the four hoofed charge was forced to slow down because of the other party's attack.

Moreover, if you look down from the dome, it is not difficult to find that the whole Centaur army has been torn apart and chaotic by Byrne's "wall charging", as if it had been plowed from beginning to end by an iron plow.

But the Byrne Knights still didn't stop. They were still running towards the river bank.

Is it difficult that they didn't intend to fight with themselves at the beginning, but went to rescue Qianzhang city?

Just as basaye hesitated to pursue the two legged cavalry of "breakthrough", a centaur suddenly pointed behind him in horror:

"Bipedal people, those bipedal people are killing again --!"


Basaye's eyes widened and his chin fell to the ground in surprise.

Just after the cavalry charged, Byrne's and heavy infantry phalanx appeared in front of him without warning, and strode close to the Centaur warriors who stayed in place.

Holding high their swords, the heavily armed infantry Knights began to charge from fifty steps away; Heavy infantry also waved flail and chain hammer, followed by shield.

In the face of the sudden appearance of the enemy, the frightened and angry basaye completely lost his direction for a time, and could only urge the Centaur warriors around him to form an array and prepare for the battle.

But it's too late.

"Who are we?!"

The sword was held high, and the white bearded count guy angert was as angry as thunder.

"Byrne --!!"

"Who are we --?!"

"Byrne --!!"

With the front finger of the big sword, count angert roared again: "Byrne, attack!"

"Show them --!"

The next second, the heavy infantry array with big strides made a messy cry and launched a charge without warning.

The infantry Knights wielding big swords with both hands were like spear tips. The high blade of one person tore the air and sent out a cold and terrible roar.

Finally, without hesitation, basaye gathered all his Centaur warriors who could still obey orders and rushed straight from the front.

From the moment of contact, both sides killed red eyes.

The torn Centaur army was hanged with the infantry Knights almost immediately; The battle axe collides with the big sword, and the flail meets with the spear, forming this tough, face-to-face fighting field!

One man's tall two handed sword makes the Centaur's burly posture no longer have advantages, and even become a burden; Without charge, their spears could hardly tear apart the armor of the infantry knights.

Count angert, who was gnashing his teeth and exhaling, dragged the handle of his sword, stared at his ferocious eyes and stepped forward. The big sword clenched with one hand took his body as the axis, made a horizontal split forward, and drew a very "beautiful" half arc.

Blood spatter!

The oncoming Centaur screamed bitterly and was instantly cut in two; Bright blood was scattered from the air and dyed the gray beard of the count of angert red.

The old man standing on the sword gasped heavily. The burning chest made his blood boil like a gush, and the veins on his forehead and arms were exposed.

I'm old... I'm really old. I just cut a centaur. The barbarians are so excited. If they don't have to laugh at me when they're young?

With an angry hum, angert swung the armor of his right arm and stabbed his spear. The blade pen of the big sword pierced the Centaur warrior's frightened face.

"Die for me!"

The roaring old man swung the screaming Centaur into the air and smashed it at another Centaur rushing towards him.

"Bang --!"

With a dull loud noise, angert stepped on the bones of two Centaur warriors and pulled out the bloody sword with both hands.

The roar of anger sounded in my ears, but guy angert's war intention did not diminish at all; The big sword danced and opened the Centaur coming face to face; He grabbed the long handled axe and threw it away, smashing the head of another enemy.

In the scream, he suddenly stabbed the blade behind him; The Centaur warrior was about to howl, raise his spear and die with the old man; The next second, he was pinched by an iron hand and broke the neck bone.

When the blade was pulled out, the bright red plasma scattered like raindrops;

When the sword was up, there was no enemy around him.

The infantry Knights around followed, no slower than the old man; The heavy infantry had long carried their shields behind them, waving chain armour and tomahawks to fight against the approaching centaurs.

The chaotic fight has just begun!


On the Bank of the river, the Byrne knights who completed a round of charge began to gather again, but this time they did not form a close and thin three row array, but very loosely opened and deepened on the Bank of the river.

"Guy angert... This old man is really old and strong. Can he fight like this?"

Count bosiwar, surrounded by more than a dozen Rangers, raised his mouth and laughed happily with a somewhat surprised expression.

On the riverside battlefield not far away, thousands of centaurs have been bitten by infantry knights and heavy infantry - even if they want to withdraw, it's too late.

"It's worthy to be an elder left by the black Duke era who can compete with trolls!" bell lanmalos, the count of Lake City, nodded and threw away the broken lance; Cross your hands and pull out two long guns from your back:

"According to the Duke's order, we just need to cover the infantry phalanx and complete the encirclement... With count angert, we don't have to worry about anything."

"That's right... But!" the joking bosiwar turned and didn't know who he was talking to: "we are Bain people. The protagonist of Bain army can only be cavalry, not infantry

We have to kill all these four legged barbarians before the limelight is robbed by this old guy! "

In the deafening battle, bosiwar laughed, ignored lanmalos's obstruction, was excited like an actor about to perform, and waved his saber to the Knights nearby:

"Do you hear me? Boys, what are we doing?!"

"Kill --!!"