While chakar was still trying tirelessly to capture Qianzhang City, Loren was also completing the final deployment.

In the crowded camp, knights and lords with different expressions but concentrated attention stared at the map table. The silence made the atmosphere a little depressed.

No matter how much they despised the Centaurs before, they couldn't help being nervous when they really wanted to fight them head-on on the battlefield, even facing twice or even three times the enemy.

The expressionless Lauren looked calmly at the location of Qianzhang city on the map, and tried to "pretend" a calm look... Even if he was so nervous that his palms were sweating.

After the battle of duanjieshan fortress and the previous raid with ChiYan flag centaurs, Loren finally mastered part of the basic rules of this game called "real war".

The most basic one is the width of the array - the two armies array. The wider the array, the more one can master the first hand and put more soldiers into battle faster; The narrow side of the array will face the risk of being surrounded by two or even three sides.

Unfortunately, in the first World War to rescue Qianzhang City, I was the one with a narrow array - not to mention that the Centaur, as a cavalry, was born with a large body, and the number of centaurs more than twice was doomed to be unable to reverse this disadvantage.

Secondly, a huge army with more than 10000 people can't move as flexibly and advance and retreat as the team of elves and dancers;

As the commander of the army, Loren can only lay out a general plan before the war to let them know the tasks they should roughly complete and who to fight with, and the rest will be completely entrusted to the following commanders;

Once you enter a given battlefield, you can only list the formation and fight the enemy to the death according to the pre war plan; The remaining details are only the command level and judgment ability of the generals of each department and even the centurions of each team;

If you change your orders day and night on the battlefield, issue contradictory orders before the war, and even let the soldiers complete the "micro operation" or large-scale mobility that they can't imagine and can only be understood from the perspective of radar map and God, then the disaster to meet this army will be the destruction of the top!

Loren was lucky to command his first battle in a real sense; His army can be called the top elite division of the whole empire. The earls and knights under his command are qualified commanders who have experienced war or at least understand war;

With the assistance of Eckert and count angert, he can make up for it in time even if he makes a mistake.

But it is also very unfortunate, because their enemies are also the strongest in the world - not some savage tribe in the mountains and forests, but an amazing number of Centaur tribes that can compete with the Empire;

In front of the enemy who has been entangled with the two principalities of Byrne and Boye for hundreds of years, even Roland, the "black Duke" of that year, just defeated and expelled and failed to completely eliminate, what a brilliant victory Loren can win will determine how stable his Duke status can be.

He not only has to win, but also has to win beautiful enough - in this war, "rescue Boye" is not the key. How to become the leader of this war and earn enough reputation is the problem he has to face.

"... with regard to the rescue of Qianzhang City, we will gradually promote the plan of waiting for the convergence of reinforcements with square infantry as the core..."

Loren raised his head and looked around the map table calmly: "do you have anything to add?"

"Even if our enemies are really as you expected, we are still inferior in number." count Eckert frowned and calmly analyzed:

"To ensure the safety of the phalanx infantry, our cavalry must cover them - when they lose mobility, they are likely to fight twice or even three times the enemy; the Centaur will not be stupid enough to hit the phalanx head-on, and the victory or defeat of the two wings is the key."

The dark haired wizard nodded slightly.

"If we can successfully withstand the enemy's first offensive, the two sides will enter the confrontation stage - what awaits us will be the enemy's continuous night attacks and wheel battles." aitek raised his head and looked seriously at everyone:

"I don't want to show any distrust of boy's brothers, but that's the case... If the reinforcements can't arrive in five days, Byrne will lose more than half of his casualties; in seven days, we'll have to consider a desperate fight!"

"Grandpa Eckert, you think too much!"

Sarika with a knife on her waist wiped her nose and grinned out three slender fingers: "three days! Within three days, Jonah's 50000 Hussars will go to Qianzhang city and attack the Centaur barbarians with your two wings!"

"But I have to say first, it's not for you and your Duke, it's all for my little ain ~"

As she spoke, Sally Ka, with her eyes shining, suddenly turned her head and made the little wizard standing beside Lauren tremble. She turned her head in fear, and then was caught by the wolf like girl:

"Don't worry. Even if I cut off all my uncles for you, I will bring 50000 cavalry to save you in three days!"

The voice fell, and the red faced Ayn was like a frightened rabbit. She curled up quickly behind the black haired wizard. She trembled and didn't even dare to show her head, which made Sarika laugh again.

Feeling the cloak held by the little wizard behind him, Loren looked back slowly with a stiff expression and showed a very formulaic smile to Sarika:

"No matter why, as long as you can fulfill your mission as promised, everyone in Qianzhang city will be grateful to you!"

"Thank me? Hum..." Sally Ka didn't turn her head angrily, and was still very dissatisfied with her loss to the Duke of Byrne: "I think I thank you... The Savior of Qianzhang City, the forever good friend of the Boyi people, the generous and kind Duke Loren?"

The undeniable Loren just glanced at her and didn't answer the question.

Isn't that nonsense?

"That, that... Although it's a little offensive, I still hope you can put the rescue of Archduke Varna first."

The pale count of Seth braha hesitated and said, "there are still enough food and thousands of troops in Qianzhang City, which is very stable. Now Archduke Varna is the one who is really in danger."

"The old thing who lost the war but still wanted face and dragged the whole Boyi down for his grandson, it's better to let him die early!"

The indifferent salika said coldly, "why is he more important than Qianzhang City alone? Isn't it enough to lose so many lives..."

"We will rescue Archduke Varna, but not now... Count Seth braha."

She abruptly interrupted Sarika, and Loren, with a steady voice, directly ignored her: "thousand tent city is the core and key of Boyi. We can't afford to risk Boyi's fall... Archduke Laszlo Varna, you can wait!"

After a moment of silence, Seth braha slowly lowered his head and sighed helplessly: "I understand - I will assemble xiaoboy's army as much as possible and come back in three days."

Sarika turned her head with her shoulders in her arms and looked disdainful.

As Boye's two lords declared their positions, the atmosphere eased. At the same time, Loren also began to give orders to the knight lords one by one, ordering their respective duties.

According to the plan, 10000 square infantry will be divided into six parts and gradually approach the besieged enemy in the form of chain fortresses; The cavalry is under unified command and is a mobile force interspersed between various camps.

In a more intuitive way, the infantry are nails, while the cavalry are chains - while avoiding full-scale war with the enemy, advance to Qianzhang City, reduce the enemy's range of activities and battlefield depth, and make the Centaur lose the advantage of mobility and agility.

But this tactic actually has a very fatal problem

"On the prairie where there is a lack of rocks and wood, our camp can only be built in simple ways."

Count Eckert said in a deep voice, "the camp line composed of baggage carts, fences and pits is like paper in front of the Centaur army."

There was a dead silence in front of the map table. Obviously, more than one person thought of this problem.

Just when everyone was silent, master asamai, who always kept silent, suddenly stood up:

"I have an emergency method for you to build a camp..."