In the roar of the trembling heart, the earth began to vibrate.

On the battlefield where the yellow sand is flying and the smoke is everywhere, countless iron horses trample over the grass quickly; The dull and violent noise and loud and powerful roar drowned all the voices.

As agreed, the Byrne knights, flag by flag, lined up on the two wings of the infantry phalanx, silently raising their right-hand guns,

Yellow sand billowed on all sides, and bleak roars filled my ears. The front of the whole queue seemed to have been surrounded by the enemy. At a glance, there were all the figures of the enemy.

On the battlefield, accompanied by thick smoke, there are countless enemy figures.

Far away, the knights could hear their bloodthirsty and savage roars; In the blink of an eye, they had rushed to the Knights.

Three hundred steps.

A centaur clenched the long handle axe in his hand, shouted hoarsely, and accelerated his speed rhythmically, rushing in front of all the Centaurs.

He heard the story of the "Golden Lion Flag with black background" from his ancestors. A long time ago, a "bipedal" leader holding this flag drove them to the desolate land in the east of the big green sea.

Now, he has the chance to kill a big leader of "two legged man" himself!

The flag of the golden lion was in front of him. He could see the silent figures standing under the flag and the trembling expressions of those "two legged people".

But... Why?

Why did these "bipedal people" not show their trembling expression of panic, why were they still motionless, and why did the people under the flag... Turn their heads and look at themselves.

The next second, he will know why.

Two hundred steps... Lauren grasped the handle of the "dawn" sword, and the bright silver moon like sword body reflected a dazzling light in the clear sky and stabbed into the sky:

"Attack --!"

The sound of horses' hoofs on the trembling earth sounded, and the Byrne Knights wielding long guns were no longer silent and charged at the oncoming enemy.

The earth trembled and the iron horse roared -!

Without the slightest warning, the Byrne knights had rushed into the rolling yellow sand; The long gun held high in the hand was quickly clamped under the armpit, and only the colorful swallow tail flag danced in mid air.

Facing the sudden attack of the enemy, the Centaur in front was obviously a little flustered, but he still didn't stop and continued to roar forward.

Because he saw... Saw the figure standing under the Golden Lion Flag and holding high the big sword running towards his side!

He grinded his teeth in ecstasy and rushed to the figure without hesitation.

The heavy long handled axe was raised high, and the bright battle axe was still stained with blood... This battle axe was the booty he took from a "bipedal man". In that battle, he cut off the heads of more than a dozen "bipedal men".

As long as you touch it gently, the fragile neck of the "two legged man" in front of you will break off, and his head will fall to the ground like a Nang, and he will be trampled into a pile of mud with no shape.

He thought so... Raised his long handled axe, and the blade of the axe was aimed at the neck of the "two legged man", looking forward to seeing his head fly into the sky.

But what he saw was not a head rising in the air, but himself without a head. He collapsed to the ground with blood gushing.

"Dang --!"

At the moment when the sword flashed, Loren suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the monster whose head was cut off by himself. A slight difference flashed from the corners of his eyes.

Is this the Centaur?

Tall and strong body, the volume of the upper body is almost twice and a half that of human beings; The lower body is completely like a horse, and it is really strong.

Dressed in animal skins mixed with coarse hemp - if that thing can really be called "clothes" - below is a body covered with manes, and the skin color is red, like a burning fire.

And each other's heads; The head that fell from the air, with dark pupils and trembling cheeks... Broad forehead, long chin, high bridge of nose, round eyes and full of fangs.

This is the Centaur... This is the monster that has crossed the green sea and made the Boyi people and the Empire vigilant for hundreds of years.

After the sword was swept, the Centaur without a scream fell in front of him, and plasma gushed out of the broken cross section of his neck like human beings.

The next second, his body and head turned into a bloody puddle of mud under the hoof of the horse.

The salty blood spilled on Lauren's face.

Yes, they are monsters, fierce beasts, and completely different from humans;

But they will also feel pain, scream, bleed and be killed. They are no different from humans.

Raising the "dawn" of his right hand, Loren, galloping with his horse, continued to rush towards the thick smoke ahead; In an instant, the figure of the dark haired wizard had burst into the forefront of the enemy and became the cone of the whole "charge" queue.

The cavalry at the forefront of the whole queue were like open "wings", lined up in a neat row along his left and right, and charged towards the Centaur ready to pack them.

Yes, it's a charge... Not an "anti bag clip", nor an "anti raid". For the proud Bain knights, it's a "etiquette on the battlefield" to let the enemy go within 200 steps.

In addition to completely annihilating the enemy and not letting the routed troops go, it is to completely smash the enemy's dignity and confidence!

The yellow sand was flying, and the five centaurs also waved their weapons and attacked Loren from the front and both wings.

Not only the speed, their agility is simply outrageous - it is impossible for human cavalry to stop and turn. This kind of difficult riding skill is just like eating and drinking water for centaurs.

In the blink of an eye, they had jumped in front of the black haired wizard from the scattered position. The one on the far right even raised the shotgun and held it high.

"Poof --!"

The next moment, without waiting to shoot, an arrow had pierced his eye socket; The wailing Centaur collapsed powerlessly and rolled to the ground.

McAfee and Lucian, who were close to Lauren's side, suddenly turned their heads and glanced behind them; Under the flag two hundred steps away, the pale Ayn held the war bow in his left hand, and the second arrow in his right hand had roared.

The stunned two people stared wide at the same time... This is two hundred steps, and the bow and arrow can only shoot one hundred steps?!

The next second, the black swept over, leaving only three of the four centaurs on the front.

The expressionless Loren pressed the handle of the sword and put the huge blade against his shoulder. His dark eyes calmly calculated the distance between himself and the enemy and the length of each other's weapons.

5、 Four, three... Cut!

"Poof --!"

The bloody arc passed through the air, and three roaring figures rose up at the same time, rolled in the air and fell to the ground.

Screams came and went.

With the black haired wizard's figure, the Byrne knights on iron cavalry have poured into the array of centaurs from both wings - this time, they are no longer torn, but crushed and trampled.

The heavy horse's hooves constantly trample on the fallen bones, trample on the confidence of the Centaurs who are still ready to counterattack, and trample on the pride of all the Centaurs who are still struggling.

When pride was completely crushed, the Centaurs finally began to collapse.

But they're too late.

At this time, they are too close to the array of Byrne legion, and have been pasted within 200 steps. They want to rely on speed and agility to avoid the reunion of heavy Knights

That's pure wishful thinking.

Taking a deep breath, Lauren, who gradually stopped, looked at the chaotic battlefield in front of him. The Byrne Knights waving long guns were still hanging the Centaurs who still didn't give up resistance, and the scattered deserters were handed over to the Rangers of qiaowang peak.

At this time, a knight waving a war flag suddenly appeared in his vision from outside the battlefield. With it, more and more cavalry poured out from behind him.

The next second, the knight suddenly raised the flag, and Loren finally saw the sign on it.

With two machetes staggered, it is a red horse with leaping front hoofs.

"In the name of Varna

Kill all the four hoofed people -!!! "