Three days later, the gradually recovering black haired wizard finally got rid of the shackles of the "crutch" and wandered around the red blood Castle palace with the company of Lucian.

The quarrel in the palace hall continued. The Byrne knights and nobles who came from all directions expressed their anger at the Empire to Charlotte. Every knight who stood up to resist the Empire could get thunderous applause and applause, as if only this could prove that they were worthy of the descendants of ancient knights.

After that night's conversation, the countess, who had been unable to do anything but stand back in front of the nobility, began to become more and more comfortable;

How to deal with this group of people, how to intimidate and entice, tell the truth about the interests, attack or threaten her head-on are the "games" she has learned and even mastered since she was a child. There is no need for a third rate layman like a black haired wizard to teach her what to do sentence by sentence.

The only thing she needs is someone to wake her up and let her really put her eyes and position on the level of "Duke of Byrne" rather than "count of red blood Castle"; Tell her what to do is to deal with vassals rather than equal allies, that's all.

And Loren himself... Let alone whether he is qualified to participate in this meeting, in this situation, a wizard consultant of a royal family can only add unnecessary trouble to Charlotte and even an excuse to be attacked by the enemy.

What's more, Loren didn't want to participate more - the hall was Charlotte's "amusement park", and it was her own game to compromise with Byrne nobles; All he can do is to prepare for her triumphant return with a triumphant smile.

As for the wizard Association, it has also been on the right track, especially after the blood cult incident, in order to avoid being held accountable by the Church... This kind of "black pot" is not new to the Wizards... Almost everyone has taken the initiative to join the wizard Association, which has greatly expanded the strength of the association itself, At the same time, it also attracted many foreign wizards to join.

At the same time, because he fell into a coma, the affairs of the association were handled by the little wizard for a whole month; Ayin has "complained" about this more than once, and little Yod directly ridiculed himself, saying that the little wizard is more like the real president of the association than himself.

In a sense, there seems to be nothing wrong with the current situation, and Ayn seems to be very concerned about this kind of thing, and the association is indeed running normally... Er, maybe they are right.

Speaking of the blood order incident, Loren was really surprised by the character of the bain people, or the people of red blood castle.

At the beginning, Loren actually disapproved of Charlotte's treatment of the cleansing of the rebel aristocracy. What happened in shenlinbao impressed him deeply... Unless the privileges of the aristocracy were completely deprived, it was impossible to curb the rebellion.

But the Baines were different... The "proven" aristocratic rebellion was regarded by all as a treacherous act. No civilian or aristocrat stood up to intercede for them, as if his honor would be tarnished once he had a relationship with them.

Also advocating fighting, lottel and Byrne are two extremes.

The long history, fire like enthusiasm and some extreme sense of honor have shaped the whole character of Bain people.

Walking in the corridor outside the hall, huge portraits on the walls seem to explain this very well; Byrne people who value glory and history seem to want all guests to read all their genealogies as soon as they enter the door.

Of course, this strong to extreme "historical pride" is not completely incomprehensible to Loren as a "piercer"

"Lord Loren, are you all right?" the gray pupil boy behind him suddenly looked over his head, and his expression seemed worried.

"What's the matter?"

"Charles told me yesterday that the people in the carriage that day..." Lucian said haltingly, with some apology on his face: "I'm sorry, I should have noticed when I saw those Knights dressed up, otherwise I wouldn't let him so easily..."

The suddenly stopped grey pupil boy was stunned and looked at Loren's hand on his shoulder in surprise.

"You don't need to apologize to me, because you didn't do anything wrong." Lauren slowly let go and looked at him. "No one can think that he really has the courage."

The puzzled Lucian was slightly stunned, and the next second he found out what Lauren meant - don't mention the name of Yuli weiltz here.

It's a top secret for Elman to visit the red blood castle. Once Byrne nobles know what agreement they have made with the sky palace, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"I see..." Lucian breathed out and nodded slightly: "you can rest assured that there will be no more. At the moment of seeing each other, the black haired wizard frowned slightly.

It is reasonable to say that at present, all Byrne nobles and knights should be in the hall to discuss with Charlotte how to meet the upcoming Imperial Regiment... If this man is really Byrne nobles, why is he here?

"Excuse me, are you..."

"Ah... I'm very sorry, very sorry." the young aristocrat immediately showed an apologetic smile on his face, as if he noticed what Lauren was thinking, and resolutely came forward:

"You probably guessed, right... Yes, I was kicked out."


As soon as the voice fell, the dark haired wizard and Lucian looked at each other, their eyes full of confusion.

"Yes, out... The distinguished Countess of red blood castle was completely tired of me, so she kicked me out of the hall - if I dare to stay any longer, I'm afraid I'll be on her blacklist and become one of the most unpopular guests of red blood castle."

"Too many interruptions and self righteous talks have disturbed the countess's interest in fighting with the knights in words; looking at her eyes, she is almost ready to stab me with a sword."

The young nobleman reluctantly spread out his hands, his expression was like saying something new that had nothing to do with him, and there was no shame on his face: "in order not to let the count say vulgar words inconsistent with her beauty, I think it's better to take the initiative."

"If you were in such an embarrassing situation, you would do the same, right - the Royal adviser of de sallion, the Viscount of the Empire and the caster, Lord Loren Turin?" the young nobleman looked at the dark haired wizard's face with a smile.

Lauren narrowed his eyes slightly: "do you know me?"

"It should be said that who doesn't know you - saved the hero of the red blood castle, saved the last face of the Turin family, and avenged bishop Bain. Your name has already spread all over Bain." the young aristocrat interrupted him with a smile, but his gentle expression hardly made people feel "angry", and took the initiative to stretch out his right hand:

"I even heard rumors that you were able to defeat the heretical groups and crush the tyranny of Gaspar Wayne because you were blessed by the female warrior God Brunhild."

Cough... Forget it.

"It's just a rumor. It's too much praise." restraining the extremely complex mood, Loren smiled and held his palm: "excuse me, are you..."

"The Earl of tempest castle, or according to the old saying of Byrne... Is one of the thirteen Knight Lords." the young nobleman reported to himself:

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Aton glenwell."