Ashes were scattered in the burning black sun.

Brenhild's figure gradually dissipated, along with her smile and the magic soldiers in her hands, slowly blurred, dim, transparent... Completely disappeared.

The elegant and noble knight finally stood proudly as she expected.

Only white wings flutter in the wind, the wind stops and falls, and floats all over the sky.

The dark haired wizard who slowly raised his head stared at the falling wings in a trance, subconsciously stretched out his right hand, and a white feather stopped in his palm.

Light water vapor, as if contaminated with the midnight dew.

Is this... Finally over?

In a trance, the black haired wizard looked around blankly, and the dream world was turned into ruins and irreversibly disintegrated under the power of brenhild.

He still lied to Francis... At least at present, Loren can't use the power of the nine pointed star Holy Grail at will like corona. The dream world he created alone is far from indestructible; He just took advantage of Francis's ignorance of the wizard's power to pit him again.

Of course, I'm afraid it's the last time without accident; Francis is not a fool, simply because he was just a former bishop of the church and knew nothing about wizards... Every time they fought, the price they paid to defeat him increased.

Although he is getting stronger, the dark haired wizard can't help sighing. He can't start at all because he knows nothing about the "black cross" serliol. Even Asriel and Ariel are extremely afraid of this evil god, so that they dare not face it.

Reluctantly shook his head. The black haired wizard was slightly stunned and looked behind him as if he had noticed something.

When he turned around, the bloody oath knight was standing in front of him, his pale face was obviously not fully recovered, and he was staring at him with complex eyes.

"How do you feel?" he shrugged slightly. The dark haired wizard calmed down: "you look like you didn't wake up."

"Under the guidance of the Holy Cross, my mission has not been completed, and it is not time to return to heaven."

The oath Knight snorted coldly, staring at the black haired wizard in front of him with complex eyes: "besides, compared with someone... I don't seem to be the worst one."

Shrugging his shoulders again, Lauren's face showed a bitter and embarrassing smile.

It's more than bad. It's terrible.

The dark circles are deep, the veins on the forehead and neck jump one by one, the whites of the eyes are full of blood, the pupils can not be fully focused, the right arm is completely twisted and hung on the shoulder, the only left arm is not intact, the clothes on the body are broken like garbage, and the wound on the chest can be clearly seen inside

This is only trauma, not even trauma; Under the effect of "dying at the moment", forced recovery is just a matter of blinking... The real trouble is the huge consumption of energy and the burden of forcibly opening the "valve".

According to the last "painful experience", I'm afraid I'll be in a coma for at least a month, and then a weak period of up to half a year - but at least my life is not in danger, which is thousands of times better than other wizards.

Recall that master crona, who "intimidated" himself one after another in eboden, should also be somewhat jealous. After all, even if he has reached the limit of a wizard, he still doesn't have such a strong physical capital... In various senses.

Silent oath, the knight was expressionless and took his bright star from the black haired wizard; Lauren, who was slightly hurt, looked at him and at the mottled long sword.

This is a magic weapon that even evil gods dare not fight with. The number of the whole empire can be counted with two hands

If you want to deduct it, I'm afraid there's only this chance now

"You'd better not have that idea, wizard."

Aware of the oath of the black haired wizard's eyes, the knight snorted coldly and said calmly: "don't forget, this is Brandon's sword, which is shared by the royal family and the church."

"Leaving it in your hand will only bring you endless trouble."

"Do I have less trouble?" Lauren couldn't help rolling his eyes and flat mouth, which agreed with each other's words.

As the oath Knight said, once the heavenly palace and the church know that the "bright star" is in their own hands, I'm afraid they mostly force themselves to hand it over

"What's more, don't you have better prey?" the oath Knight looked at him with a touch of intriguing irony: "dawn."

"Dawn?" Loren said.

"Lord of Byrne, the secret silver sword handed down from generation to generation by the Turin family." the oath Knight said faintly: "you seduced the countess and plotted the position of count of red blood castle and Duke of Byrne. Isn't it for that sword?"


The embarrassed black haired wizard coughed up blood again and again. When he grew up, he didn't know what to say - hook and seduce? How can he say that as a knight?! And as aboveboard as I am

"I have to go."

The oath Knight suddenly opened his mouth and slowly looked up at the black sun above his head: "Francis has left, and I have no reason to stay here."

Loren looked at the one armed and embarrassed oath knight in front of him, and the expression on his face became a little silent.

No matter how many times the other party wants to kill himself or how much he despises the wizard, his piety is undeniable... He has abandoned everything, even his name and title. It is difficult for others not to feel a trace of admiration for saints who live only for faith.

Not to mention that the other party has saved himself... More than once.

"Where are you going?"

After a long silence, Loren only came up with such a useful sentence.

"In the East, fascist should go to the East." the swore Knight said, "I won't let him escape this time... He has just had a big war, and now he should be very weak."

Maybe... But Loren was not optimistic about it, but he couldn't say: "specifically, I mean, where are your goals? The Principality of Boyi? The Centaur Khanate of the great green sea, or the mountain kingdom of the dwarves?"

"It's possible, but I'll go to Boyi first... If the fascists are ready to repeat the tragedy of red blood Castle again, the machete warriors of the Hussars country need to be warned."

The oath Knight thought a little: "as for the dwarves and centaurs... I'm afraid they won't have much trust in a human's words."

The black haired wizard nodded slightly to show his approval.

In the impression of human beings, dwarves are almost synonymous with "stubbornness" - careful eyes, revenge, glass heart, too many red tape to imagine, and never admit their mistakes... In addition to being fair in business, they also attach great importance to human feelings in addition to revenge, which should be one of their few advantages.

As for the Centaur... This race has been a stubborn enemy of the Empire until 12 generations later, so that the Principality of Boyi has to maintain 20000 Hussars on the border all the year round. Among the ten legions of the Empire, except for four elite soldiers, two rotations and one imperial capital of duanjie mountain, the remaining three are stationed in East Saxony, ready to rush to help and defend the Principality of Boyi.

Even the deep friendship between Byrne and Boye was built on the knight king who led the cavalry to aid Boye in the ancient kingdom... The nobles of both sides often married, and the surnames of both sides were inherited in both principalities.

However, it is said that the Centaurs have been deeply involved in the civil war for several years. In order to be Khan, the eight tribes have fought with each other until dark, and so far they have failed to decide the outcome... I'm afraid the idea of the upper echelons of the empire is that they would like to continue this "meaningful large-scale activity" and finally live and die like bedbugs. No one is willing to pay attention to it, let alone lend a helping hand.

"So... Goodbye, wizard."

The oath Knight said indifferently, "I hope you will not forget your oath and remember... Fascism is not only a person, but a threat to the world."

The next moment, only the lonely figure was left in Loren's sight, far away from himself.

Until he really walked away, the smile on the black haired wizard's face gradually disappeared... He could clearly feel that his figure had run out of oil.

The next second, Loren Turin, who was black in front of him, fell quietly on the stone floor of the altar, and the voices of the gray pupil boy and the small wizard echoed in his ears.