In the middle of the night, Loren and the grey pupil boy, who were half squatting on the eaves, looked up and saw a very shabby noble house. In addition to the faint fire, they were no different from the abandoned houses in the lower urban area.

Dirty walls, rotten gates, dilapidated eaves, crumbling beams, and even the "creak" of the house can be heard when the cold wind blows - I'm afraid even beggars sleeping in the street are safer than people living in this "residence".

The nobles who lost their fiefdoms and industries for various reasons, so that their families declined and their houses could not be maintained... This is not uncommon in Bain. Many nobles would rather let the houses be dilapidated bit by bit and maintain their final "face" with permeable walls and rotten gates.

They hope that one day there will be an outstanding successor in the family and revive their glory with merit and reputation... Unfortunately, the end is that future generations are often overwhelmed by the heavy maintenance costs of the residence, and finally have to sell their real estate and foundation at a low price and embark on the road of wandering Knights.

This mansion looks no different from those, of course... It just "looks" like that.

Behind the dirty looking wall, it is reinforced with green bricks, and the top of the wall is even covered with wooden nails; Behind the rotten gate was a carriage, behind which a stone wall could be seen faintly; The dilapidated eaves are heavily guarded, and sentries are ambushed in all the potholes

At first glance, there is no special dilapidated house, but it is actually a very perfect small fortress in disguise; In the faint light of the fire, the black haired wizard could even see the guards on three floors outside the house. The degree of security was no less strict than that of governor Byrne's house!

"Is this... The headquarters of the blood order?"

Lucian frowned, as if looking at the heavily guarded guards in the distance, and his right hand instinctively pressed the hilt of the sword around his waist.

"Probably." Lauren chuckled and shrugged indifferently; At least the scene is enough to prove that Roger Yoder didn't lie to himself, but if he did

There is no need to do it yourself. Little Joad will be eager to kill him, leaving Joad's chamber of Commerce headless, or seizing power to inherit the chamber of Commerce.

As for this unfamiliar "dog"... That's the problem in the future. At present, he doesn't have the courage to rebel.

"Let's discuss the next plan first... Although Roger Yoder is unlikely to lie, we still have to guard against it; I'll try to sneak in first, Lucian. You're ready to meet outside; if you notice anything, return immediately and let Charles send someone to surround them."

"Nevertheless, though it should be said, it should not be so smooth. The key is still on the side of Byrne's governor's house. Even if the army in the city can guard against the suspicious characters coming and going, but it can't resist Gaspar's eyeliner, then you may have to..."

The words stopped at his mouth, and Lauren glanced at the gray pupil boy who tightly closed the corner of his mouth.

"Lucian, are you... Nervous?"

"Hmm? No!" the whole body was shocked, and a pair of silver gray pupils under the boy's dark blue hair suddenly widened: "I just..."


"No, absolutely not!" Lucian retorted, but his eyes subconsciously avoided the sight of the black haired Wizard: "I'm not nervous, I just... Just..."

The grey pupil boy no longer opened his mouth and turned his head awkwardly to bite his lower lip.

Loren patted him on the shoulder, and the boy's tight body trembled slightly all the time.

In other words, only by tightening his body in this way could he not even lose his sword.

He was not afraid... He could become the youngest flag leader of the Empire. Lucian, who returned from the Dragon King City, would no longer hold his sword because of fear... He ran wildly in the vast snow mountains and fought with the legendary dragon hunter. He didn't flinch even once.

But this time it's different.

Although Loren never told him, Lucian could still detect the tension hidden under the eyes of the black haired wizard... The vigilance revealed from the first encounter with the blood cult, or even earlier, as if he had been on guard against a more terrible existence.

He is not an ordinary wandering knight, a devout believer of the Holy Cross... He is the illegitimate son of the former Archduke of ellemans and now the brother of the Duke of veltz. He knows a lot of things that fools don't know, and has personally seen those unimaginable horrors in the glacier wasteland and the Dragon King city.

Lucian is not afraid of death, but if what happened in duanjieshan fortress made him lose all his brothers and be stigmatized as a deserter again... He would rather have been hanged on the execution platform by connord.

"Lord Loren!"

The grey pupil boy suddenly turned back with a hint of supplication in his eyes:

"Please tell me, is it true that our enemy has only one heresy?"

"Well, what I just said is not detailed? The plan is..."

Looking at the eyes that seemed to be burning, Loren sighed.

Forget it, Lucian is not an outsider, let alone... He has seen those "things" with his own eyes.

"Remember faoda and Francis?"

"The evil god lemantes... The apostle of the 'dead'?" the sharp Lucian immediately reacted, and a trace of tension appeared in the corners of his eyes: "and the bishop who betrayed the Holy Cross?"

"Yes, it seems you remember." the black haired wizard stared at him more and more seriously: "if you remember correctly, you seemed to doubt fascism at that time, didn't you?"

Lucian frowned deeply, and his hand squeezed the hilt harder.

"When I was in the Dragon King City, I didn't answer your doubts because I was just skeptical at the beginning; as for why I didn't tell you afterwards... It's because I'm also not sure."

Loren hesitated a little and said slowly, "Francis... He is an apostle of another evil god, and he is probably in the red blood castle now."


Even if he had noticed it, Lucian, who learned the truth from Loren, was still shocked.

"If it were just him, I would have a solution." although it was the most undesirable way, the black haired wizard certainly wouldn't say: "but at the time of eboden, Francis got an unfinished alchemy potion."

"If it is really completed, it will become an unprecedented panacea, but unfortunately, at present, only one drop of this medicine can turn a living person into a mutant monster... And I suspect that this medicine has fallen into the hands of the blood church."

The grey pupil boy was silent, lowered his head and didn't speak.

For Lucian, Loren has never been regarded as his own guard, but as friends like Isaac and Ayn - there is nothing more important in the world than friends for himself who came to the world alone.

In other words, only with their existence, Loren can clearly feel that he is alive, not in a very advanced somatosensory game. The passers-by around him is not an NPC that can be ignored, and all what happens is not a new copy of online games or a stand-alone DLC expansion.

Because of them, everything is closely related to themselves, so that they have the motivation to live desperately in this unreal world, rather than trying to "cross" back by committing suicide.

"Really... I see."

After a moment of silence, the grey pupil boy suddenly showed a relieved expression: "so if your guess is true..."

"Then we will meet the 'Bishop' soon, and then..."

"Then you just need to tell me who to fight with!" Lucian suddenly interrupted him. "Lord Loren, I know you've been hiding to protect others, including me - but I must tell you, it's not necessary!"

"Maybe the count of Charlotte doesn't know, but since even I'm aware, Lord ain must have found out... If you're offensive, you may only be counterproductive."

"I'm your escort, Lord Loren." the young man looked up gently, and the cold moonlight passed through the tip of his dark blue hair and shone on his more determined and tender face:

"You don't need to say too much, just tell me where the enemy is!"