"Miss Ayn Rand, what can I do for you?"

In the silent midnight, sitting in front of the bed, Ariel held a wine glass and looked up at the little wizard who came into her room. There was another full wine glass on the table. It's like you've been waiting for a long time.

"Loren... Loren, where has he been?"

The little wizard didn't care about each other's address and the proud smile around her mouth. At a loss, she flashed a trace of worry in her eyes and subconsciously clenched her hands into fists.

After learning from Lucian that Loren and the boy named Asriel were missing at the same time, she had a bad hunch, and instinctively felt that the girl in front of her must know the answer, so she ran over without saying a word and didn't even call.

"Are you asking me, or do you already know the answer?"

Ariel smiled and opened her mouth with an undisguised cunning and playful crooked head.

"So... He really attacked the caravan..."

Thinking of the words that the other party deliberately avoided when he asked Charles, the little wizard looked a little pale, frowned and speechless: "he, Loren... How can he..."

"Well, what's wrong?" Ariel asked with a smile, "do you have anything to blame for such a man who is worthy of trust, protecting the safety and power of the Turin family at the cost of life and personal honor and disgrace?"

"But Charlotte, she..."

"Charlotte Turin needs to understand that her will can never be above Loren."

Smiling, she went to the shocked little wizard. The petite Ariel, with her bare feet, gently lay on ayin's shoulder, and the quiet voice touched the pink earlobe:

"Dear Ayn, don't you understand... This woman, she is your real threat and enemy!"


"Boom --!!"

When the golden red fire and loud noise came from the forest from afar, the whole camp looked frightened.

The caravan servants who woke up from their dreams covered their mouths one by one with panic. The bright camp was full of noise, panic, running and collision, and bustling voices.

"Quiet --!"

The roar of the female Knight suddenly rang out and echoed over the camp!

With a sudden change of complexion, shirrell leitlanch pulled out his hands behind his back, raised his sword above his head, and burst out again:

"Silver blood! Array, guard --!"

The moment is a dead silence.

The next second, the wandering Knights of silver blood got up one after another, pulled out their weapons and were on full alert. They tacitly surrounded the camp according to their respective configurations and filled the crossbows and arrows with bonfire.

Just two orders that were too simple to be simpler. In just two or three minutes, the whole camp was ready and the atmosphere was solemn. Even the flustered servants of the chamber of commerce took out their weapons and organized behind the wandering knights.

Although these people are only servants of the chamber of Commerce, the caravans running around are more or less equipped with weapons for self-defense, especially bows, arrows and crossbows. Close combat may not be realistic, but it can turn any gangster and beast who dare to approach into a hedgehog.

Looking at the gradually dispersed fire in the forest in the distance, the female Knight's face was as heavy as water.

How could Robin of ellemans, the knight who never smiles but has a delicate mind and superior strength, be in such a place

"Hey... It's really a group of excellent wandering knights."

The boy beside the campfire looked exaggerated and "exclaimed", but he sighed again: "but look at the location of the fire, I'm afraid the bones of the big brother Robin have been blown up? It's a pity. He's still a good man..."

"Dang --!"

A man's high sword fell face to face and fell into the soil less than ten centimeters in front of Asriel; The cut ends of his hair drifted away in the wind, and the corners of his mouth still hung a naive smile.

"How much do you know?"

Shirrell looked ferocious and gnashing her teeth made her beautiful face slightly distorted.

"Is the big sister asking me?" Asriel tilted his head and blinked innocent eyes: "it's strange... Why ask Asriel about what he knew tomorrow?"

A dull, endless sentence, but let the female Knight's eyes flash a trace of amazement.

He found out... No, did he know from the beginning?!

"I ran into a lost boy in the deserted forest. All the coincidences in the world are just caused by my ignorance. Of course, the eldest sister is not such an ignorant person... Yes, you know all this from the moment you 'saved' Asriel, but you still have a plan in your heart."

Asriel said, looking leisurely at the female Knight:

"What you can't guess is that I will take the initiative to confess everything to you... Right, sister shirrell leitlanch?"

Hilrell was speechless for a moment.

She knew that the young man in front of her was very smart, but she never thought he could be so smart... I didn't think he could say such words. It's like

"It's not like what a 'child' can say... Really, it's good to guess what you 'adults' think."

Asriel shook his head and tilted his mouth playfully: "but... It's actually an accident..."


"Asriel really didn't intend to expose the target. After all, people were not interested in it from the beginning. They were forced to run out... It's always difficult to refuse the requirements of good friends, right?"

"But obviously, 'he' has become impatient with Asriel's slackness... He specially uses such a gorgeous way to expose his identity... There's no way."

Looking at whispering to herself, like a complaining teenager, the female Knight suddenly began to become at a loss.

Intermittent fighting sounds have been heard outside the camp, indicating that the tragic fighting has begun... I'm afraid a flood of enemies will launch a surprise attack on the camp in a short time?

The clash of swords, the song of fighting... Brothers of silver blood are struggling to resist the enemy's attack.

All this is because of their own mistakes. They are self righteous and want to use the bait laid by the other party to lure the other party, let them relax their vigilance and hit their heads and blood in front of the iron wall of silver blood.

Shirrell letlanche clenched his teeth and dared not even look directly at the young man's scornful and ironic eyes.

"She is really a beautiful and smart big sister. If possible, Asriel really doesn't want to hurt you." the teenager shook his head regretfully:

"Unfortunately, you are not smart enough... No, your vision is too narrow to limit your thinking."


At the moment when the female Knight pulled out her sword, the boy's right hand held the sword body; Under his "weak" palm, the thick sword ridge was as fragile as white paper, "pa!" broke from the center!

The moment when the frightened sherrell saw the boy's Scarlet pupils, his cold body seemed to freeze completely!

"I said, I don't want to hurt you, big sister." the young man's pale cheek and mouth bent into a crescent curve. The blade cut his delicate palm, and he didn't feel the blood flowing out:

"Tomorrow, the people of red blood castle and even Bain will only know that on this moonless night, a terrible vampire attacked the camp; and the heroic silver blood knights sacrificed their lives to fight to the last minute in order to complete their mission, and all died."

"You are just a worthless pawn in the struggle between the Turin family and governor Bain, but you are also an obstacle that dear Loren must eradicate... What Asriel can do is to let you die like a hero, let the reputation of silver blood pass on forever, and let your beauty still not wither after death."

"Then, beautiful big sister..."

Asriel smiled. His bloody right hand picked up the hilt of the sword and slowly, bit by bit, forcibly pointed the tip of the broken sword in sherrell's hand at her own throat. He didn't notice that he "accidentally" broke the female Knight's wrist and finger:
