When the corona family united with the free nobles of eboden to completely disintegrate the rule of yode chamber of Commerce, and even his eldest son betrayed him, Roger yode, who was far away in red blood castle in the south, was still completely ignorant of these.

Of course, he must have noticed some signs and omens; However, the current situation did not allow him to think about these problems, because the more urgent situation had come directly in front of him.

Reconcile with the Turin family, win over Loren Turin and Brandon de saleon behind him, and use the "road repair" plan to completely control the real power of Byrne... When these grand blueprints and plans just started, a dark haired wizard directly tore all this to pieces, making him lose his face and lose his color!

The corona family, are going to join hands with the Turin family?!

This event completely exceeded old Roger's expectation and even put him in a dilemma for a time - because he proposed the plan of reconciliation with the Turin family from the beginning.

Originally everything was so perfect... He put forward the intention of reconciliation, and the little girl count accepted it happily. Finally, the two sides sat together and shook hands and drank happily at the party

Then the little girl from corona walked into the banquet hall. The dark haired wizard and the countess completely tore their gentle faces. All the fighting was just a disguise to lure him to the bait... And she was so fooled that she behaved like a fool fooled from beginning to end!

It's unbearable, who... Unbearable!

We must give them a color to see. We must let them understand that yode business association is not the object they can provoke!

But before that, there is more trouble


"Old Roger, don't you have anything to say?"

Governor Gaspar was sitting in front of Roger Yod. There was no anger in his eyes, only a strong sense of killing and Indifference:

"You said you wanted me to reconcile with the little girl, and then I did it; you asked me to hand over Nilton, and I did it... Dare you ask, what did I get after paying so much?"

"Humiliation, it's naked humiliation!" Gaspar shouted in a low voice, "as if they had already arrived, we would bow our heads and let them humiliate!"

"All Byrne's roads were blocked, and the earrings of the count of the chef blood fort were surrounded by the eye of the governor's house." how did the little Corona girl get along smoothly? "

The governor's roar echoed in the empty conference room for a long time, and even the wine glasses on the table showed signs of being broken.

Roger Yoder sighed... At this moment, he felt very tired and tired.

"Since they came in private, it shows that they have a way to bypass towns and roads and sneak into the red blood Castle - the Turin family has ruled this land for thousands of years, and it's not surprising that there are secret roads." old Roger said calmly, with a bitter voice:

"Speaking, did not that Loren Turin bypass our Eyeliner? If you didn't mean to send it to the door, do you think that he could find him?"

Gaspar lost his voice. His complexion was livid.

"It's meaningless to discuss these now. The top priority is how to deal with the Turin family jointly with corona."

Speaking of this, old Roger also frowned: "I have thought about many possibilities about the Joint Chamber of Commerce mentioned by the little girl in corona - obviously, once they join hands, the Turin family will have stable financial resources and material support. Of course, this support will not be free. They will certainly use the right to sell wine and salt in red blood castle as collateral..."

"The real problem lies in what kind of interest alliance has been reached between the two families in private; it would be easier if the corona family only supports Turin's rule in red blood castle, but I'm afraid the problem may not be so simple..."

The silent Gaspar's eyes became more and more ferocious and terrible, staring at the president of yode chamber of commerce walking around in front of him; Unconsciously, old Roger bowed his head and continued to talk while meditating:

"At present, we should also pay attention to miss Ariel corona. She is alone and may have some important missions... Maybe assassinating her is also a good choice, and then find a way to blame the Turin family, or simply put the blame on that Loren Turin!"

"Of course, the most important thing is the next trend of the corona family... It may be easy for them to do, but I'm worried about the whole free nobles of eboden - if their real purpose is to use the red blood castle as a springboard to extend their tentacles to the whole principality of Byrne, it will be a disaster for us. At that time..."

"Enough --!!!"

The roar echoed for a long time, and the conference room was instantly quiet. The stunned old Roger turned his head in confusion and saw the face of Gaspar distorted by tyranny and anger.

"Gaspar, you... Huh?!"

Before old Roger finished, governor Gaspar grabbed his collar with one hand and roughly dragged him to his face.

Full of murderous eyes, looking directly at each other.

"I said... Enough!"

The voice is low, but the gloomy expression is enough to make people heartbroken.

"Roger Yoder... I've had enough of your arrogance and arrogance in front of me; don't think you can control me with money; don't forget... I gave you everything. People like you are not qualified to gossip in front of me!"

Gaspar said coldly as like as two peas, and I could not bring you two identical dogs on the street. Don't think you have the right to command me, and don't think you can hide me!

"Roger Joad, do you really think I know nothing about your plans and your ambitions... Even the dog of the governor's house and even the Neil ton betrayed by you are a hundred times, ten thousand times more loyal than you!"

The terrified old Luojie gasped, gnashing his teeth and staring at Gaspar who pulled his collar.

"Look, this is where I trust you - it seems that I really indulge and trust you so much that you really think you can make a decision for governor Byrne; Roger... I really want to know how long you are going to hide the road repair plan from me!"

Silence makes the atmosphere between two people more and more cold and depressed. You can hear each other's panting voice and see each other's increasingly terrible eyes.

"Use me, use the Turin family... Turn our fools around, and then you can get Byrne, right?"

Gaspar clenched his teeth and looked more and more crazy: "I promise you will pay the price sooner or later, one day..."

"Pa --!"

Suddenly, with a flick of his hand, the panting old Roger broke away from Gaspar's right hand holding his collar.

"Before threatening me with these, Lord Gaspar..." old Roger looked calm and looked at him coldly: "you'd better take care of yourself first!"

Gaspar was stunned and his face was even worse.

"Who else is there with you now?" Roger Yoder said calmly and slowly. "After betraying Nilton, do you have any running dogs other than me?"


"Gaspar, now you have no one to rely on - if you don't want to be elevated, I'm your last dependence as governor Byrne!" he approached Gaspar and stared at his angry eyes:

"So don't tell me such boring nonsense as' I'm something '... Because without me, without the tens of millions of silver coins thrown on you by the yode chamber of Commerce and us, Gaspar... You're a fart!"

Gaspar stared at him and met this "old friend" who had known him for the first time for decades. He never said a cruel word and was always flattering and flattering like a dog.

"And... Am I really the only one hiding something?"

Gaspar's face was startled. He was held down by the other party before the attack. He couldn't move!

"Don't try to betray me, or make any small moves in the dark... Gaspar Wayne." old Roger stood in front of him and said coldly, "otherwise the rumor that governor Byrne is suspected of colluding with evil apostles will spread all over the Empire in one day!"

"I made you... Naturally I can destroy you!"