All stories have a beginning, but only real participants understand that everything has been quietly foreshadowed long before the curtain begins.

The surprise of Miss Ariel corona's "unexpected visit" is only the beginning; But for the guests that night, the "surprise" is far from over

"Thanks to the generous invitation of the Turin family, the chamber of Commerce of the corona family will officially settle in the red blood castle and form a joint chamber of Commerce belonging to the two families together with local businessmen; before the official person in charge arrives, Ariel will also be a temporary guest in the red blood Castle Palace for a period of time to maintain the deep friendship between the two ancient families..."

Just such a short paragraph contains enough information to shock the four!

For a long time, eboden's chamber of Commerce and trade routes have basically only been maintained in the north and west of the Empire. All overseas luxury goods and local specialties need to be transported from Golovin in West Saxony, and in recent years, the trade routes have gradually been completely monopolized by yode chamber of Commerce;

For the little nobles, the monopolized market means that there are no black haired wizards with their fingertips under their jaws, except for the yode chamber of Commerce, looking at the young man in front of them with great interest. The latter is holding his eyebrows and full of resentment, as if he had been wronged.

"Dear Asriel, don't pretend to be stupid... You know it's a cover."

"That fake lady doesn't think so." there is a trace of schadenfreude in the young man's sarcastic tone: "for such an 'important' task, she must feel that she is your person."

"Well... I don't like that, but it seems right to say so." Lauren smiled cunningly. "After all, you are both Asriel... Strictly speaking, you two are no different from me."

"Dear Loren, do you know..."

"What are you worried about?" the black haired wizard's lazy voice interrupted him, and his bright eyes stunned the boy.

"Our two spiritual halls are completely connected. To some extent... It can be said that life and death depend on each other." at that moment, Loren's eyes were so deep that he could even pierce Asriel's eyes:

"In that case, why do you always worry that you will be replaced by Ariel... This inexplicable sense of crisis really makes me curious."

"Does she really have some power in her hand that can completely replace you?"

For a moment, there was a flash of fear in the boy's eyes... But it was only a moment. The expression naturally restored the original polite smile:

"So, is it really just a cover?"

"Otherwise?" the abrupt turn made Loren roll his eyes.

If you want to completely destroy governor Gaspar's power in Byrne, the Joad chamber of Commerce will bear the brunt - and in order to break the monopoly of the Joad chamber of Commerce, you must rely on the power of eboden.

Loren has been planning this matter from the beginning, and the transaction with little Yod is also for the same purpose... I believe master corona and the free nobles of eboden should be able to see the opportunity behind this matter and take advantage of Yod's chamber of Commerce before it reacts!

Of course, the best way to do this is to form an alliance in private, but this is also the most unfavorable way for Loren - because if you do so, I'm afraid the corona family and the Turin family will form an alliance and leave themselves aside.

This is absolutely not impossible... Master corona is half of his mentor and once expressed his willingness to support himself very openly; But he is also the consul of eboden and the leader of the corona family. For him, the interests of eboden and the corona family come first!

No matter what the final result is, the initiative and interests of the whole plan must be firmly held in their own hands!

Therefore, Loren must take a step in advance to expose the whole plan and be noticed by the enemy, so that the hesitant corona family and eboden have to passively accept the result and follow their own predetermined steps.

Only by doing so can Loren himself save the greatest interests in this struggle, become the person who really holds real power in the United Chamber of Commerce, and finally replace the position of Yoder chamber of Commerce, and become the interest spokesman of the corona family and Brandon in Byrne... No matter what kind, he will no longer be a "mere" caster.

But this is also not his real purpose

"That monster..." the black haired wizard slowly opened his mouth and his eyes twinkled: "in addition to restoring speed and vitality, almost all aspects surpass vampires, and even have simple intelligence... It is definitely not a beast distorted and mutated just because of the erosion of void power."

In fact, what Loren really wants to say is that except for size, monsters so powerful are no different from the evil god body that once ravaged eboden.


Asriel raised his head, his scarlet pupils glowed strangely: "do you suspect that there is an evil god behind him?"

"Is it really possible?" asked the dark haired wizard.

"It's hard to be sure before you really feel each other's breath." the teenager shook his head, but a funny smile came up at the corners of his mouth: "but one thing is sure, that is, he will not give up!"

"Although everything in the material world doesn't mean anything to evil gods, not every annoying ghost loves peace like Asriel... There are also some guys who are keen on very terrible games, such as a fake lady who loves blood donation..."

"In order to maintain their own existence, in order not to return to the void, they are torn to pieces by the increasingly powerful Holy Cross... It is not surprising that these guys do anything beyond imagination; but one thing is certain that the more active guys are, the weaker they must be!"

"In a word, this is a threat. The evil god lurking in the red blood Castle must be completely eradicated or returned to the void anyway..." Loren, who frowned slightly, paused and turned his eyes to Asriel's eyes:

"I need you to find this guy and we'll kill him together!"