
Loren Leng for a moment, then shook his head: "I'm just giving my advice; whether to do it or not, the decision is still in your hands... You can still hand me over to the Holy Cross or the chann family."

Decision power?

Little Joad glanced at the melted shackles on the ground, and a trace of sarcastic radian appeared in the corners of his mouth - all said this step. If he disagreed again, he didn't believe that the black haired wizard would be arrested and tied up again.

If he dared to shake his head, he would kill himself; As for whether the officers on board could let Lauren bury themselves... Little Yod made no comment on the waste snacks of governor Byrne.

"If you want another proposal, I can only say..."

"No, no, it's not that; you... You want me to betray the chamber of Commerce and the family?!" little Yod still looked incredulous.

Lauren frowned slightly: "... What's the problem?"

"That, that's my family. They are all my relatives! Let me help outsiders fight against the family..."

"I'm sorry, but it's your family who wants to kill you now." Loren interrupted him. "And the only one who can save you is me and eboden - if you want to live and keep your status and wealth."

Little Joad was stunned, his body trembled slightly, and sank into a chair.

Yeah... Do you still have a choice now?

But he wanted to fight against the chamber of Commerce and the family... Little Joad stared, his forehead was full of cold sweat, and his clenched fist was shaking violently.

He is hesitating and struggling - constantly struggling between the bottom line as a person, wealth and life.

Lauren stopped talking and waited quietly for his reply.

Little Joad... He has no second way to go, or go back to red blood castle and die; Or become the running dog of himself and eboden and use all means to defeat his family and chamber of Commerce!

With the efforts of generations, the industry that our ancestors earned after exhausting their efforts, he wanted to bury it himself... This kind of thing made him feel creepy just thinking about it, and he wanted to stab himself to death.

Even if you can't succeed in the end, you will break with your family forever and can't go back to the past... As long as you take the first step, this kind of thing has been engraved on the pillar of shame and is destined to be reviled forever!

"Haven't you made up your mind yet... I'm sorry, because I really can't offer better conditions; and I also promise that neither the chann family nor the church can offer better conditions..."

"Shut up! Give it to me! Shut up --!"

Little Joad stared at Lauren with scarlet eyes and tore his heart and lungs. There was only fear and trembling in his eyes:

"Tell me, how sure are you?"

Lauren, who nodded slightly, did not let him see the corners of his mouth.


In the face of the bottom line as a person, he is still reluctant to give up his life and power and wealth in his hands - of course, Loren can find a way to let him live in anonymity and become an ordinary small businessman or tenant farmer in the remote countryside.

But for a conceited and arrogant guy like little Joad... The feeling of losing everything may really be worse than death.

A drowning man will never let go as long as he seizes the opportunity; The rest is how to deceive him to die for himself

Oh... No, how to unite sincerely and cooperate closely with yourself.

This is not Loren's premeditation, but suddenly thought of it at the moment when he just played with little Yod.

Only eboden, who is in power in corona, can compete with Yoder chamber of Commerce in financial and material resources... And eboden's victory can expand the influence of the wizard class in a sense.

As a wizard, Loren is very happy to see its success and is very willing to help in this matter - at the same time, the Yod chamber of Commerce has a very close relationship with governor Bain. Attacking the Yod chamber of commerce can also attack governor Bain without directly stimulating the face of the Empire.

However, since he wants to participate, Lauren will certainly not continue to be a supporting role willingly as before... He should ensure that his side can win and not let the fruits of victory fall into the hands of others!

Little Joad, a traitor, will be a fatal blow to the whole southern rule of the Joad chamber of Commerce, and it is also the most important chess piece in the whole plan. I must firmly control him in my heart!

"It's not up to me how sure I can be about it."

Loren slowly opened his mouth, crossed his fingers and put them on his chest. He seemed to be the real owner of the ship: "how much determination can you make, and whether you are willing to cooperate with my plan... If everything is the same as expected, I am absolutely sure!"

Determination... Little Joad's teeth trembled and he just stared at Lauren.


That's so kind... In fact, I just want to know if I can tear my face and fight against the family by any means!

"Don't worry, even if I don't do it, my brothers won't let me go easily!" little Joad snorted coldly and mocked himself: "in order to inherit the family's industry, on the premise that there is no legitimate heir... They are the one who will do anything!"

"Good." the dark haired wizard jumped over this awkward topic without changing his face:

"Secondly, I need you to give me an absolute proof."


"That's right! In short, you won't betray me... And eboden's proof." Loren deliberately accentuated "I":

"This matter is very important, even more important than the one just now."

"Loren Turin, what the hell do you mean?" little Joad's expression became a little ugly.

"To be clear is to vote for your name - even if it is against you, once the chamber of commerce is hit hard, the Yod family will still try to win over you and even promise to return your successor's status!"

Without any mercy, Lauren's tone was extremely cold: "defeat the yode chamber of Commerce, let them see their strength, regain their original position, and then lead the family to fight back? Sorry, but I'm not stupid enough to work hard and make wedding clothes for others!"

"You don't believe me?!"

"It has nothing to do with whether you believe it or not, just the last insurance." the black haired wizard replied calmly:

"I am willing to make this deal with you only if you completely cut off the possibility of making up with the yodes."

Staring at the calm face, little Joad wanted to eat him alive now!

Clearly, life and death are in their hands. Clearly, they occupy the absolute initiative

But why is the person who gives in step by step and does not dare to compromise but himself?!

Loren Turin... This guy is really crazy... Crazy, crazy!


His teeth trembled, and little Joad almost yelled at Lauren before he said the word.

"Ordinary threats and interest driven can't make you break up with Yoder chamber of Commerce - after all, what can't be compromised when it comes to life and death?" ignoring the other party's desire to tear his eyes, Loren calmly analyzed:

"So... It must be an external force, a more powerful force that forced the yode chamber of Commerce to make up with you again, and even dare not get involved with you."

"Say --!"

"It's very simple. You just tell all the crew on this ship tonight that there is no need for a vigil." Lauren shrugged.

When the voice fell, little Joad was stunned: "it's so simple?"

"It's that simple." Lauren smiled.

"But, but..." little Joad wanted to ask something, but at the moment he saw the smile on the dark haired wizard's face, he suddenly understood: "you?! are you going to..."

"Yes?" Lauren still smiled at him. "Or... No?"

The other side's tone is not a bit nervous... Yes, because he has no way out.

Little Joad closed his eyes and took a deep breath:


As soon as the voice rang out, a servant of the Joad chamber of Commerce hurried in, bowed down and listened and said, "sir?"

"Tell the captain of this ship..." looking at the smile on the black haired wizard's face, little Yod couldn't help but smoke his throat:

"Tonight... Don't leave anyone vigil!"