Time goes back to about two quarters of an hour ago

"Boat! Look, there's a boat coming over there --!"

The watchman on the mast suddenly shouted excitedly. On the messy deck, ED, the captain of the black sparrow, known as the "black blind", quickly got up, jumped to the stern with his only good leg, widened his eyes and looked far away.

Sure enough... Not far behind them, a standard Saxophone paddle boat is slowly approaching.

"The dovetail flag on that ship... Looks like an iron crown?" a sailor suddenly shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, the sailors around turned pale one after another!

The black sparrow is not a serious merchant ship. Once it is found, the consequences are... Unimaginable!

"You fool, which is the iron crown?!" an experienced old sailor nearby immediately noticed the difference and yelled at the rookie who had just scared everyone to death:

"You can see clearly with wide eyes that under the crown of the flag is a lion, and under the real desalian iron crown is three dragons! It is not the symbol of the imperial royal family at all, but the flag of the governor of the imperial Bain!"

But these words did not make the sailors around look better. They were still trembling. Even the "black blind" Ed's own face was uncertain.

Imperial paddle boats were usually equipped with at least one crossbow, forty heavily armed sailors with crossbows, and twice the number of sailors; Moreover, because it is a warship, its speed is much faster than that of an ordinary merchant ship. When necessary, it can use human paddles to improve the ship's speed.

In other words, whether the ship belongs to the imperial corps or the governor of Byrne in the South... It is definitely not the object that the black sparrow can provoke!

It's too late to even want to run - when they can see each other, the other party must have found their "black ship" without any flag; Once you speed up your escape, you won't have any good results except exposing yourself.

So Captain ed immediately rejected the idea of escape - this is an inland river, not a sea. Can a broken merchant ship run past a warship?!

"Black sparrow" is not "Black Pearl" after all

"They are speeding up and approaching!" the watchman suddenly exclaimed at the top of the mast, and the trembling dog legs immediately panicked.

"Boss, what should I do?!"

"What's the panic?!" Captain ed stared at the disgraced dog legs beside him, pondered for a moment, and shouted to the watchman at the top of the mast:

"Look again and see if there are any other signs on that ship!"

The watchman who got the order quickly widened his eyes; Almost all the sailors on the deck could not help raising their heads and waiting for the news from above.

A few minutes later, the lookout finally sent the answer: "yes, there is also a swallow tail flag on the ship with the logo of yode chamber of Commerce!"

The sailors who got the news had little change in expression and still looked pale - as the richest and most powerful chamber of Commerce in the south, the relationship between Yoder chamber of Commerce and governor Bain was almost well known; Similarly, it seems no surprise that the Yod chamber of Commerce was able to borrow a warship from governor Bain.

But Captain Ed's expression was overjoyed and stared at the warship as if he wanted to write down the shape of the ship; It was a long time before he made up his mind and ordered the sailors:

"Listen, everyone, let's stop the ship!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was stunned, and even the lookout on the top of the mast almost fell from it.

There was a dead silence on the deck.

"That... Boss." an old sailor swallowed his saliva, summoned up his courage and said, "should you explain to us what you did?"

The other sailors instinctively gathered behind him and looked at captain ed with more and more strange eyes. They almost pointed out "are you crazy"... Of course, they dare not say such words.

A group of cowards... Looking at his timid dog legs, Captain ed hated his teeth, although he would never admit that his little heart was beating.

But the question is, can they run even if they want to run... That's a warship. Once found, even if they can run away, they can't run out of the range of the crossbow - Military crossbow, which can feed the fish with their small sampan!

But this kind of words can't be said, otherwise it will be really finished by these timid dog legs... What's more, Captain ed doesn't want to escape. He wants to do a big job.

That's right... The moment he knew that the ship belonged to the yode chamber of Commerce, Captain ed knew that his only good luck in his life had finally come!

This is the warship of the Empire. Even the Yod chamber of commerce can't borrow it if you want to - what does it mean that governor Bain can free a ship for the Yod chamber of Commerce?

It means that the ship must be escorting something valuable, or there are some big people on the ship!

"Be quiet, you fools!" ed turned and climbed up the side of the boat with one leg, holding the reins and yelling at the dog legs:

"Think about it. Why should we run?"

A group of sailors instantly calmed down and looked at their captain like a fool... Even the young sailor who liked to shout looked contemptuous.

Isn't that bullshit... You're dead if you don't run.

A bunch of fools, running is really dead... Captain ed hates his teeth, but now he still needs these dog legs. When he gets the ransom... Hum!

"Yes, if they find out we're not a merchant ship, we're dead." the captain waved his knife. "But now they don't know... We're not a real merchant ship!"

"We'll know when they get close!"

"Yes, which merchant ship doesn't even have a box of goods?!"

"It is estimated that they have long found out... The real merchant ships are hung with the swallow tail flag of the chamber of Commerce. We don't have this one!"

"Nonsense, if you have money to hang a flag, do you still need to rob?!"

... there was an uproar on the deck. Captain ed, who couldn't bear it, raised his knife and nailed it directly under the feet of the sailor who was the most popular!

"Shut up, you cowards!" Captain ed scolded, "can you use your brain? We have hostages in our hands. Why should we run away?"

"Since the ship is flying the banner of the Yod chamber of Commerce, it means that there are big figures of the Yod chamber of Commerce on board! As long as we try to let them know about the hostages, we don't have to worry about not getting rich!"

But this answer could not satisfy all the dog legs. Immediately, an old sailor stood up and said, "what if we don't plan to give money, we're not serious merchant ships."

"You're still not a thief and can't even tear up tickets!" Captain ed yelled, "besides, who's so stupid as to tell others that he's not a serious merchant ship? We saved their family. They have to thank us!"

"Listen clearly, you fools, this is a good chance we'll never have in our life!" Captain ed glared:

"Are you going to be poor all your life or make a big profit?"

"Yoder chamber of Commerce has plenty of money, not as rich as you poor people can imagine. A million silver coins are not even a hair for them; now we have their family in our hands. As long as we use him as a hostage and try to deal with him for a while, we can make a big profit from Yoder chamber of Commerce!"

"Now you have the choice - those who don't want to work with me can abandon the ship and run for their lives now, and then wait to be sent to the bottom of the gem River by bows and arrows and crossbows to feed fish; or they can follow me to finish this big job, get the ransom and let's break up on the spot!"

All the lackeys have no objection to this proposal... If they can get a million, they don't have to continue to be thieves; And even if the Yod chamber of commerce is willing to give money, it will not let them go. It is necessary to run away at that time.

With that, Captain ed stood on the side of the ship with open arms, his only eye staring scarlet: "divide a million equally, do you dare to come with me

"Roar --!!"

The deck was boiling!

"Boss, what are we doing now?"

"Of course, let's go and see how our meat tickets are..." said Ed, jumping down from the side of the ship with a ferocious look on his face:

"Listen to me. Tell him it's a merchant ship of the yode chamber of Commerce. No one is allowed to tell me more!"

"Understand --!" the dog legs are also smiling grimly.