Outside the house is the cold and bitter rain, surrounded by the hot and dry fire.

The two of them looked at each other with four eyes and were speechless.

After a long time, the dark haired wizard slowly looked up and whispered:


"To be exact... Now is the best time to kill you." the indifferent night watchman opened his eyes and looked like frost: "maybe someone will... No, it should be said that half of the imperial capital are crazy and want you to die!"

"Loren, you won this royal trial so beautifully and thoroughly that his majesty Eckhardt needs to intervene personally to maintain the balance between the church and the wizard College - the balance is broken, which is a very dangerous sign!"

Edward's tone was dignified to the extreme: "Weber is not the only one who suffered a terrible defeat in your hands, but also the 'moderates' of the church headed by Archbishop innocent behind him; once the Archbishop loses power, the radical group headed by the church judge will control the whole Holy Cross Church!"

"As for the chann family... I heard that the new Earl of chann didn't seem to mean to be against you; but next, he had to find a way to control the whole family and had no time to take into account the private retaliation of the other conservative aristocrats;"

"The Yoder chamber of Commerce, which lost to you in the big gamble, won 300 million in one breath in order to defeat them; it really deterred the chambers of Commerce and guilds in the imperial capital, and made them willingly become a member of Brandon's command;"

"Have you ever thought... Even if they are really afraid of you, it doesn't mean they don't hate you - on the contrary, they hate you so much!"

The night watchman's face was tense: "you almost won the game. Your majesty had to intervene in order not to lead to the disintegration of the balance of several major forces; you established a reputation in the imperial capital, established prestige and reputation in the wizard class, won invincible wealth, and defeated the enemy who threatened the Wizards the most..."

"But! You also bear the most hatred, wealth or fame... There are people everywhere in the imperial capital who want you to die!"

The expression of the silent black haired wizard gradually became much heavier.

"From what I know about you... I thought you should choose the way of 'reconciliation', so I didn't make more preparations; now it seems that there may be an accident, or you think a hearty victory is better for you and your highness Brandon."

Edward sighed and his eyes were very complex: "I don't want to... And I don't need to know the reason. I just want to remind you... Now you are very dangerous, very dangerous!"

"Once the night watchman really decides to do it, you won't be the only one; ain, Isaac, Lucian... And even every guy around you who has too much contact is in danger of life; you should not be unfamiliar with the means of LUT infinite."

Loren's pupils shrank slightly, and the corners of his eyes showed a killing intention.

"Of course... It's not that there's no good news." the night watchman said, "ain and Lucien broke through the night watchman's ambush, and Lina desallion's backwater... These must not be expected by crown prince connord."

"Even the forces behind Connor are not united... They even distrust each other, or even hostility - in other words, whatever Connor's plan is, it has been completely disrupted now."

"In the fortress of duanjie mountain, he can't deal with you in the imperial capital thousands of miles away."

"In a short time, you are still safe."

Lauren tugged at the corners of his mouth. He could hear the comfort in Edward's words.

It's safe in a short time... The implication is that it won't be long before someone will fight them.

"How much time do you have?"

"A week, half a month, a month... Is possible. The exact time is not clear, and they have begun to doubt me." Edward shrugged helplessly, but his expression was still indifferent:

"This tower is the best proof... Almost half a month ago, the night watchman of the imperial capital replaced the new headquarters and downgraded it to an ordinary stronghold, but I still know nothing about the location of the new headquarters, even the general area."

The dark haired wizard frowned slightly.

This is troublesome... Edward is the only night watchman he can trust. If he starts to be doubted, his eye liner inside the night watchman is no more.

At the moment, it's just doubt... For LUT infinit, even doubt is enough to make him no longer trust Edward and even the whole eboden night watchman.

The problems involved are not only their own safety and the safety of the little wizard, but also their revenge plan for LUT infinite, which is the most critical!

A mad dog like night watchman organization is definitely not what they want, and their revenge on rut infinite can never evolve into a positive confrontation with the night watchman, but only their internal contradictions.

Edward must be trusted by the night watchman. At least he can't be excluded or even suspected, otherwise

It fell short!

"What do you need me to do?"

Edward was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Loren to be so decisive.

But... Isn't that the purpose of my trip?

"It's very simple. You should keep a high profile as much as possible during this period... It's best to often go in and out of crowded places. Don't be too deliberate, but it's best to attract enough attention." the night watchman nodded:

"Then... We'll choose a time when we can let you leave Golovin in a more 'high-profile' way before the night watchman in the capital... Especially LUT infinite really decides to start."

"That's why I want to discuss with you in this way... Except you and me, there can't be another person who knows the cause and process of the matter. It's best to let them all think you're dead or even missing, so as to temporarily avoid the possibility of being detected by the night watchman."

"Loren, I need you to pretend to be dead once... Preferably, I'll kill you in public!"

The moment he said this, Edward's expression was extremely complex and stared at his dark eyes.

He knew how unreasonable and unreasonable his demands were.

But... You must consider the worst possible.

Not only for Loren, but also for eboden's friends, as well as all the people involved with him... LUT infinite definitely doesn't know how to be soft hearted.

Facing such an opponent.

No matter how careful, cruel and cold-blooded

Never go too far!

"I see... Have you made up your mind?"

Bit by bit, Loren raised the corners of his mouth with a meaningful expression: "Edward, can I think you are willing to accept my offer?"

The indifferent night watchman flashed a trace of amazement and tension in his eyes.

But in just a second, he recovered and sighed: "... Even so."

"Things have turned into this. Do I still have a way back?"

The smiling black haired wizard nodded, with a little more determination in his eyes:

"Very good."

"Then I'll trust you... I'll give you an answer in three days, and then you'll find a way to tell me the exact time."

"Yes." the night watchman nodded slightly:

"Seram kovo was arranged by me to rest in a chapel, which was originally a stronghold of the night watchman... Although it may not make him a wizard again, at least he can recover slowly first."

"What's more... I have a chip in my hand that can threaten you a little. It can also appease those more and more eager night watchmen and spies so that they won't act without authorization."

"I believe you." the smiling Lauren got up and walked towards the door of the living room.

Just as he pressed the door handle, the night watchman's voice suddenly came from behind him:

"Be careful... Your majesty Eckhart II."

At that moment, Loren froze.

"This is the information I got from the sky palace... On the night of siscott chann's death, his Majesty the emperor has selected the candidate for the next former chancellor of the exchequer, which will be officially announced in about a month."

"So, this is just my guess... The retreat of the Holy Cross Church, the compromise of the conservative aristocracy, the rise of the wizard college, and the struggle between the two princes... Maybe, all of them were expected by him."

"Maybe... He always sits in the sky palace, just like enjoying the opera, overlooking the ugly us;"

"Perhaps, his majesty, the supreme emperor who was once strong and dictatorial and in power..."

"Still holding his Scepter!"