Tianqiong palace, the side hall of the parliament hall.

There are only five people who are qualified to enter here... Seal minister metterne, Military Secretary Severin, former justice Victor, church judge terrus, and former royal wizard consultant elbird.

Because it was their emperor who called them in.

"... I don't think I need to tell you why it's here?"

Ikhat II's face sank like water, and his cold and dignified eyes swept over the faces of every former royal Minister: "the significance of the former royal trial... You should know better than me."


The seal minister put his hands in front of him and gave a low sigh; The silent sigh made Victor's forehead wrinkled a little more, and his tight hands had already shown their green tendons.

The frowning church judge's expression was a little distorted, and he snorted angrily to express his dissatisfaction, as if he was still indignant at the information he had just obtained.

Albert Tarot closed his eyes slightly and shook his head; The expression of grief has been dignified to the extreme.

"It is not the fault of the former chief justice, your majesty."

Sighed, the last person to speak was still the Military Secretary Severin de sallion, who couldn't help but rush: "the scope of regular activities every day, two interrogations, all-weather monitoring, three meals a day, there is a special person in charge of inspection, and half of the garrison corps of the hundred people team is outside..."

"What's more, it's a black prison... There's no safer and tighter place in the whole empire except duanjieshan fortress and Tianqiong palace! Who can guess that he can find a chance..."

"Severin de sallion!"

Eckhardt gently interrupted his military minister. Although it was just an understatement, the former ministers had felt the anger of the emperor's majesty.

Without a moment's hesitation, Severin bowed decisively.

In the dead side hall, the atmosphere has been suppressed to the extreme.

"At this point, blame and punishment are meaningless. What I want is the answer!" His Majesty's tone became colder and colder, and every word contained infinite anger:

"I don't want to hear... My ministers, my loyal former cabinet has done its best... This meaningless nonsense, metterne!"

"Your Majesty?"

"Come up with a plan to solve the current problem first, and rumors will be everywhere in the imperial capital tonight." Eckhardt's mouth flashed an ironic arc:

"I know our loyal subjects too well... How much they love, how much resentment they have in their hearts; rumors, rumors and whispers... Are the plague and poison spreading in the imperial capital. They must not be given a chance!"

"Yes, your majesty."

The seal minister bowed slightly, but the expression on his face was very subtle: "but what I think now is another thing."

"Loren Turin." Eckhardt raised his eyebrows.

"It's the wizard adviser of his highness Brandon... I've sent someone to deliver the message. Now I'm afraid he has arrived in the black prison." mettner sighed gently:

"I have heard many stories of Lord Laurent. He does everything he can to achieve his goal... Although he is a principled person in most cases, he often makes unreasonable actions."

"What will he do this time?"


Royal wizard academy, Lusaka kovo laboratory.

In the dimly lit laboratory, the petite figure of the little wizard was still lying on the ground, desperately searching through the mountains of materials and various records. There were traces of her exploration on every cabinet and every parchment, and even the page code of each line of words.

Lucian, holding the sword with both hands, stood silently in the corner. He didn't remember how many candlesticks he had changed. He just looked at the tired but never stopped petite figure without saying a word and kept busy for a moment.

The eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and the hand holding the sword tightened slowly.

This is the only thing you can do.

The same is true in the ice and snow wasteland and the Dragon King City - Loren Turin, Isaac Grantham, ain Rand... They are unimaginable and gifted people, and only they can find the essence or key of the problem in the chaos.

All I can do is try my best to protect them and complete the mission they gave me.

This is himself and the excellent quality of every Welz for thousands of years... Silent soldier.

Under the dark blue hair tip, the still slightly tender face makes the young silver gray pupils as bright as the cold moon.

Unlike them, he has such a gifted mind, knows nothing about magic and evil gods, and has never had any faith.

He is a sword. He is good for nothing except killing.

But if Lord Loren Turin and his friends need their own strength, then

"Found it, that's it, that's it --!!!"

The excited little wizard suddenly got up, and her fatigue could not hide the surprise in her expression. Her trembling hands held a whole roll of parchment tightly in her arms.

Seeing her expression, the grey pupil boy couldn't help but show a relaxed smile and slightly loosen his hands holding the handle of the sword.

At this moment

"Dang --!"

The harsh notes suddenly sounded in the dead corridor outside the door.

Their expressions changed at the same time. The pale little wizard quickly got up and handed the scroll in his arms to Lucian: "come on, take these and leave. It's too late!"

"Absolutely not! I promised Lord Loren that nothing would happen to you!" the grey pupil looked tight and his hand holding the sword tightened again: "you can't stay here any longer. Come with me!"

"But..." the little wizard bit his lips.

"There's nothing but, don't you want to hand it over to Loren?" in a hurry, she grabbed the screaming Ayn and carried her on her back.

"Lord ayin, please hold on to me, clench your teeth and don't bite your tongue, because there may be a little bumpy next."


"Bang --!"

At the moment when the voice fell, the thin figure who knocked open the door had pulled out his sword, and only a residual shadow rushed out of the corridor like a strong wind.

In the dead room, there was only a small and lovely moon shadow cat lying on the chair, staring at the knocked open door and the empty corridor with scarlet eyes.

Five minutes later

"They have gone far."

The man in black, who didn't know when to appear, glanced at the broken door lock and turned to several subordinates in the same dress behind him: "unexpectedly... Ordinary alchemists are so vigilant."

"This is not an ordinary alchemist... Otherwise Lord Ruth infinite would not have told him himself." another voice came, bland as if talking about the weather:

"There is no need to issue such absurd orders to nine night watchmen at the same time, 'if necessary, kill without amnesty'."

"They can't go far." the man in black pulled out his short knife at his waist and deliberately opened his mouth slowly: "from the college to the heavenly palace... If even two ordinary people can't stop... The night watchman of Golovin will lose face."

"I really want to do it, but Lord LUT infinite..."

"Now is not the time to stick to orders. There will be variables in the imperial trial at any time, and our duty is to minimize the possibility of variables!"


"Nothing, but are you willing to be a spy all your life?" the man in black snorted coldly: "remember the guy transferred back from eboden... Just a new man, who has climbed over our heads because he has watched his highness Brandon!"

Several night watchmen looked at each other and nodded; The man in black snorted coldly and turned away.

"Alas... Are you leaving so soon?"

The delicate and gentle sound made the night watchman change color and freeze in place.

The girl in a black and red dress sat on the originally empty chair, her bare little feet tilted in the air, and her pale and delicate doll like face was a pair of scarlet eyes.

"When we first met, my name was Ariel... Of course, you can also call me Asriel, if you like."

"You just seemed to be discussing something terrible..."

"Bad children who do this must be punished a little..."

"What do you think? You won't refuse?"

"Because Ariel has never tasted... Fresh plasma... What's the taste..."