"Mr. Eden Ellen, you are a loyal clerk of the pharmacist guild. Because you despise the use of new drugs to patients by lusack kovo without authorization and think that this move betrays the reputation of the pharmacist guild, you will take the initiative to testify. Am I right?"

"Not only is it disrespectful, he is simply insane!" the excited young man directly scolded: "it is because he was sentenced to the pharmacist guild... No, it is a crazy act of betraying the whole pharmacist and even the wizard class that I stand up and uphold justice!"

"I see. You are really a noble wizard!" the black haired wizard suddenly realized, "but maybe master Lusaka did it only for the sake of experiment?"

"It has nothing to do with experiments and even all research. It's a question of loyalty!" the young man waved his impassioned hand: "loyalty is priceless. Any violation of this point is a shame cloth!"

"Really? Some people may think you're making a mountain out of a molehill," continued Lauren, who didn't change his face.

"Then they should ask themselves whether they can stand the torture of morality!" the young man snorted coldly: "I'm sorry... I admit that lusack kovo is a master of pharmacy, but this time it's a matter of principle and absolutely can't be compromised!"

"Even for wizards, we are first and foremost the subjects of the Empire; and for the subjects of the Empire, loyalty... Always comes first!"

After saying this, applause thundered in the parliament hall!

The young man on the witness stage flushed with excitement; Weber, the little priest on one side, stared at Lauren with a smile and felt something bad.

Victor Hughes looked on coldly without changing his face; Mettner, the seal minister who seemed to have noticed, showed a flash of smile on the corners of his mouth.

The other three cabinet ministers also looked different.

The applause subsided, and all eyes focused on Loren Turin.

"Mr. Eden Ellen, look what this is?"

A playful smile rippled on Lauren's face. His left hand took out a broken wand from his pocket: "do you think... It looks familiar?"

In an instant, the little priest and the young man took a breath of air conditioning at the same time!

"I specially confirmed to wizard gray Sal that this is your own wand; dare you ask..."

The dark pupil stared at the panicked face of the young man, and the smile on Lauren's face became colder and colder: "why did it break in two, and I found it in the corner of the local wall on the day when the pharmacist guild was slaughtered?"

"This, this, this is because, for..."

"Because you saw the mob that day, you didn't inform the guild leaders in the headquarters in time; after the incident, you were worried that you would be held accountable, so you broke your wand and threw it there, pretending to have an accident... I heard that you pretended to be seriously injured and lay down for a few days."

Lauren snorted and threw the wand at the young man: "the victim didn't survive that day. As the only survivor, you are lucky to stand here intact. Mr. Eden Ellen, who is loyal!"


The little priest was obviously anxious, gasped and looked at the former Chief Justice: "what Lord Loren said has nothing to do with the case itself!"


The black haired wizard calmly interrupted him, turned to Victor Seuss with his hands behind his back: "this matter is related to whether the witness himself is qualified as a witness, and his personal speech and testimony are seriously lack of credibility!"

"Not only that..."

With cold eyes, Loren looked fearlessly at the church judge sitting at the end of the steps. The other party's expression was the same as killing.

"Including the witnesses provided by the previous nine Holy Cross churches, I request the court to closely investigate the background and details of these people; the testimony they provide... Is likely to be forged, or obviously biased and suggestive."

"This kind of groundless, partial and collusive testimony... Should not be enough as the basis for the trial of this case!"

As he spoke, Lauren did not forget to glance at the stunned little priest beside him.

There was silence in the parliament hall, and a pair of shocked or angry eyes shot at the black haired wizard's back.

Victor Hughes frowned, the church judge with angry eyes and alberd with indifferent expression were silent;

The seal minister closed his eyes and rested, but the military minister Severin de sallion, who had never paid any attention, suddenly became interested and looked curiously at the black haired wizard with cumin.

After a long silence, the former chief justice regained his original calm expression and calmly said:

"Call... The next witness."

The little clergyman who heard this reply was relieved, and the panicked young man had long been taken down by the royal bodyguard.

The dark haired wizard smiled and sat back in his seat.

From the little priest's expression, we can see that the plan of the Holy Cross Church has been completely disrupted by themselves... I'm afraid they originally wanted to use a large number of witnesses to deepen people's doubts about Lusaka kovo himself, and then put pressure on Lusaka himself during the formal trial of prisoners.

Take advantage of his guilt for the tragedy decades ago, or the oppression of others... As long as Lusaka himself can't withstand the pressure and chooses to plead guilty... That's tantamount to falling into the mouth of others, and he doesn't need any evidence anymore!

But now... No one will believe all their testimony, whether true or false; Under such circumstances, no matter what tricks the church can use to force Lusaka kovo, as long as he persists in negation, it will be of no use.

Looking at the embarrassed little priest Weber on the stage... It's really hard to imagine why the church tries to let a nameless man who disagrees with the Archbishop of innoson act as a defender?

Lauren crossed his fingers and glanced suspiciously at the church judge on the stage... The other party's expression was still cold and terrible, staring at himself angrily.

Inexplicable uneasiness spread in Loren's heart, and there was a bad feeling.

I only saw the stubborn little priest standing in the center of the hall, took a deep breath and turned his eyes to the door.

At that moment, the nobles of the whole Parliament hall looked at it, and everyone turned to the last witness of the Holy Cross Church.

At that moment, the pupil of the black haired wizard suddenly shrank and almost got up directly!

It's actually

Seram kovo?!

The young wizard apprentice walked into the Council hall with his head down and his trembling hands covering his face; Every step under his feet is extremely heavy. The staggering figure makes no doubt that he will fall to the ground in the next second.

God knows how seram, who is about to collapse, stepped into the sky palace step by step?!

Loren, who was sitting on the seat, did not change his face. His knuckles had begun to turn white. His fingers clasped the back of his hand, and his eyes did not leave the figure of the wizard apprentice for a moment.

Time, as if still at this moment.

There was no more tension and impatience on the little priest's face, seram kovo's twisted struggle to the extreme pain, and the indifference of 300 nobles

The atmosphere in the parliament hall is getting heavier and heavier.

A short distance from the gate to the witness stand, but it seems that a whole hour has passed; When seram kovo stopped, the dark haired wizard could even hear everyone holding their breath in the hall.

"I, my name... Seram kovo..."

"I am... The eldest son and... The only heir of... Lusaka kovo..."

Like an unconscious crooning, the voice of the wizard apprentice was trembling slightly; The hands holding on the stage twitched slightly... The expression of suffering seemed to tear all the wounds on his body and expose them in the full view of the public in the hall.

Bruised and bloody.

Victor Hughes frowned, and the suppressed anger intensified in his indifferent eyes. There was no superfluous emotion on the dark haired wizard's calm face.

The frontal confrontation and struggle are over.

The next step is to abandon all ethics, morality and bottom line, completely tear up hypocrisy and fight by all means;

Sacrifice blood for blood!