"I'm really sorry, i... I never thought things would be like this!"

In the room of the summer twilight courtyard, the ashamed and embarrassed little priest Weber sat uneasily in front of Ayn Rand, with a trace of worry in his eyes: "how's seram kovo now, is he getting better?"

"No." the little wizard shook his head, and his expression was also not good-looking... In addition to seram kovo, there was the other party's priest's robe.

"His current situation is very bad and his extreme spirit is very serious; if he goes on like this... Maybe one day his spiritual palace will collapse completely."

"In that case, seram kovo... He will never be a wizard."

Although she knew that the other party was Loren's friend, and she didn't have too many bad impressions of the priests before... It's hard for Ayn to have much favor with the little priest now.

Weber lowered his head in grief and put his hands firmly on his knees.

"Lusack kovo, a father who can make his son proud, is also the leading pharmacist in the Empire."

With all his restraint, the little priest didn't kneel down directly on the floor: "no... this is wrong... We can't let such a great man pay such a heavy price, let alone involve so many innocent wizards."

"This is definitely not the will of the Holy Cross!"

Seeing the other party's expression of grief to self reproach, the little wizard, who had originally disapproved of the priest, softened somewhat: "however... After all, he has done so much and killed hundreds of ordinary people; it seems too much if he doesn't have to bear the price at all..."

AI Yin really doesn't know what to say; At this point, it seems that either lusack will be acquitted or he will be sentenced to death as a murderer.

"Lauren... Is everything going well?" Weber suddenly asked, "I remember he has found evidence and witnesses. Should he be able to overturn the case for Lusaka kovo?"

"I don't know, maybe."

The little wizard shook his head in a daze. Although a fool always pretended to be confident, Ayn knew him too well... This guy would put on an expression of "don't worry, I can do it" only when he was not confident or sure.

And the situation has developed to this stage. Ayin doesn't think that the excited emperors can accept the result just by a medicine list and testimony... Even the emperor can't accept it immediately under the pressure of the people, can he?

"Master lusack kovo needs to pay for his actions in those years, but this price will never end with his death... There will be nothing superfluous except anger and hatred."

The little priest closed his eyes: "even if he was allowed to sacrifice his life, the innocent people who died in those years would not be resurrected; the act of controlling violence with violence is the same as that of a mob, which is completely contrary to the teachings of the Holy Cross!"

AI Yin sighed, with a trace of fatigue in her expression... Just to take care of and appease a insane wizard apprentice has exhausted all the energy of the little wizard.

But she knew that the fool was more tired and under more pressure than her; No matter what he is doing now, he must be running around, lobbying, threatening, compromising and humbly dealing with those high-ranking dignitaries in order to get rid of Lusaka kovo.

"We want to save him."

"Hmm?" the little wizard was stunned: "I, I don't understand; Loren, isn't he..."

"If you use Loren's method, the Holy Cross Church will not give up in the end - it can only stimulate more hatred and contradictions, which is of no help!"

The expression on the little priest's face was gradually dignified: "of course, I am not against him; but according to the current situation, the possibility of his success is very small... If he fails, we should at least save the life of lusak kovo and the safety of the whole imperial wizards."

Ayn hesitated.

Not just for seram kovo and the Wizards of the imperial capital, but... If Lusaka is finally sentenced to death, the fool will have no place to stand in the imperial capital.

Although it's good to venture around with him, as it was in eboden or ancient wood forest; But

"So... What do you want to do?"

"The key to the problem... Is seram kovo." the voice of little priest Weber was very low: "master lusack's house in the imperial capital has been searched, and his shop in the pharmacist guild; the only thing left is his laboratory in the wizard college."

"The key is in seram kovo's hand."

"As long as we can find the content that master lusack had something to do with that matter, even if it's just a diary, a confession written by himself... Plus if he is willing to plead guilty... Maybe the crime can be mitigated."

The little priest closed his mouth: "next, the most important part of this plan..."



With a cold face, Lauren interrupted Albert Tarot's "talking" with two short words.

"Ridiculous?" the robbed old man looked a little bad, and his good quality made him restrain: "I thought for a long time before I made such a difficult decision."

"Then please allow me to withdraw my preface, which is not ridiculous." the black haired wizard's expression did not change at all, and his voice was even more sarcastic: "this is stupidity, and stupidity is absurd and thorough enough!"

"If the Holy Cross Church really intends to reconcile, then they will at least be willing to make concessions on master Lusaka! But now the situation is that they are unwilling to let go. Where is the slightest intention of reconciliation?"

"Lord Loren Turin..."

"There are only two ends for Lusaka kovo - either being sentenced to death as a heinous sinner or being released as an innocent victim. There are only two roads, and there is no third!"

Loren got up and interrupted Albert's words. His expression was very difficult to see: "the betrayal of you and the Royal wizard college has left master Lusaka, who had a glimmer of hope, completely isolated!"

"It's so funny that you still have time to discuss with me the inexplicable problem of 'how to calm down the church and reconcile with the wizard'

"Now that we have all said this today, please allow me to say more - the church and the wizard will never reconcile, not in the past, not now, and even more impossible in the future! The final outcome can only be that one side is trampled on by the other side in the cemetery and stamped a hundred times, never turning over!"

Looking at the angry black haired wizard in front of him, elbird still had no expression and sighed gently: "sure enough... You are still too young and abrupt; such thoughtless words can be said..."

"Why, is there a third person here?"

Lauren sneered, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help pumping; The other party's self-restraint is really unexpectedly strong, which makes him a little helpless.

Well... We have to change our tactics.

"If I were you, I wouldn't gain the upper hand by deliberately provoking each other." alberd Tarot looked through the shadow and ice fog at the black haired wizard's eyes:

"In your current situation, quarrels and nonsense are of no help at all."

"If you really care about me so much, you shouldn't betray me when I need support most." Loren put his hands behind his back, and his calm expression on his face was just different from his rage:

"The final answer... What conditions did the Holy Cross make you betray your original intention?"

"Not the Holy Cross, but... The man."

The old man's expression was suddenly in a trance, and the corners of his mouth murmured with a strange emotion in his voice:

"Among the people I've met, only a handful can really change the direction of the world... He, he has this potential, beyond the potential of common sense."

The dark haired wizard narrowed his eyes and frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry, Lord Loren Turin."

Elbert got up slowly, and the shadow covered his expression: "but... I promised him I wouldn't let you interfere with his next plan."

"So... I can only trouble you to stay here."