Soon Loren realized that master lusack's case was far from over

On the third day of the pharmacist guild case, a tutor of the Royal wizard college was knocked on the door by his neighbor. Before he knew what he had sent, he was hacked to death by the mob who poured into the house. By the time the soldiers of the garrison arrived, it was full of fragmented meat and mud.

When the soldiers arrived, these "thugs" not only did not escape, but even gathered to resist the arrest, shouting "long live the Holy Cross" and "Wizards should go to hell".

Just after the garrison escorted these people, the priests of the Holy Cross Church rushed to the black prison first... No one knew what had happened, but after the priests left, all the "thugs" got out of prison unharmed.

The answer given by the Empire was that there was insufficient evidence to determine who was the murderer; In private, all kinds of gossip and unimaginable speculation spread throughout Golovin like a plague.

The subjects of the Empire were more willing to rejoice over the unspeakable scandal than the obvious truth.

Compared with the traditional civilian class, the rich are compared with the perfect pyramid structure of the small aristocracy, the powerful class and the top royal family; Without power and power, but with special power and large wealth, the wizard class, coupled with the tireless suppression of the church, is naturally the most vulnerable to jealousy and suspicion.

Even after a day, the scandal about the pharmacist guild has spread in the imperial capital, and the more it is said, the more outrageous it is - from the original whole street to hundreds of thousands of civilian areas in the imperial capital!

Some people even "speculate" that the so-called "sacrifice" has never stopped. The Wizards in the imperial capital have been unscrupulously arresting civilians and even nobles to hold sacrifice ceremonies to their "evil gods".

The voice of doubt soon disappeared, and all kinds of terrible legends and rumors were popular in the imperial capital!

what? You wonder if it's too fake to ask me?

How is that possible? Who are they? They are the running dogs of evil gods and the slaves of the devil!

What can't they do?!

You, you! And you!

You dare to speak for the running dogs of evil gods. Are you going to work for evil gods?!

Originally just a handful of thugs, they soon turned into a large-scale riot.

The Holy Cross Church, which has always maintained a wait-and-see attitude, finally completely stood up and thoroughly "revealed the truth" of the "ugly acts" of the pharmacist guild, so that the "simple and kind" Holy Cross believers of the empire can see the faces of wizards and how they are careless about human life.

No matter how preached by the church priests, the senior members of the pharmacist guild who have ascended to heaven in the ruins will never be able to defend themselves.

The Royal wizard academy, which originally thought it could stay away from the matter, was also in danger after the tragic death of the mentor... The apprentices either hid home or lived in the academy and dared not leave; The garrison corps also sent enough troops to protect the Royal College.

The tragic death of siscott chann has completely evolved into the counter attack of the Holy Cross Church... The church that tried to stop the motion has completely become the "embodiment of justice" on this day, advocating and encouraging, and building momentum for the execution of Lusaka kovo.

All this... Is just the beginning, ten days before the Royal trial.

No one can guess what his majesty Eckhardt II's final judgment... Will be.


"Lord Loren Turin, I'm really sorry to have to come to you at this time."

Sitting behind the table, gray Sal, the college tutor who "visited" at the door, was apologetic, but his tone was very insistent: "but now you must know the situation outside. If I didn't have to, I would never do that!"

"I secretly met with you this time... In fact, there is no other reason, but only one purpose..."

"You want to know how many chances I have to win, and whether I'm sure to get rid of master lusack."

Lauren, who was leaning back in the chair, said slowly with an expressionless face, "and... You didn't come alone, did you?"

"That's right."

The middle-aged wizard with no smile on his face nodded slightly: "the whole Royal wizard college is in danger. We are willing to continue to stand behind you and even testify for master lusack in court..."

"But... You must give us an answer now! Lord Lorraine... How sure are you?"

The black haired wizard was silent, and some tired eyes looked at the wall behind the middle-aged wizard.

Although I guessed that this would happen, but... It has only been five days. I didn't expect that the Royal wizard college will be unable to support it.

They... Have begun to plan to seek reconciliation with the Holy Cross!

Of course, the relationship between the Royal wizard academy and the royal family is inseparable. Even if this matter turns into what kind of situation in the end, the Holy Cross Church can't ban them completely.

But if everything goes as expected... The power and status accumulated by the Wizards in the imperial capital over the past hundred years will disappear.

It is precisely because of this that they did not surrender directly, but chose to come and discuss with themselves... What's more, even if the church can't take the college, it can fight against them wizards.

The tragic death of the pharmacist guild and the mentor... Has become an alarm in everyone's heart.

At this stage, the intention of the church has become so obvious that it can't be more obvious... They want to defeat the wizard class of the whole imperial capital at one time with the help of the pre imperial trial!

If Victor hadn't awakened himself at last, Loren might still have not found out who was the real murderer behind the scenes. He was complacent about the human and material evidence in his hand and thought he had a chance to win.

The people of the Holy Cross Church have begun to take drastic measures!

Victor Seuss, Holy Cross Church... When everyone in the whole imperial capital decided that Lusaka was a heinous devil.

It won't help even if you move out the hard evidence yourself!

Seeing the black haired wizard's expression, gray Sal's face was also very ugly: "Lord Loren, is there really... No chance?"

Loren raised his eyebrows and looked back: "can I ask a question first?"

"What's the problem?"

"It may be strange to say so, but..." Lauren forced out a smile on his face and said in a deep voice: "a tutor of your college has just died miserably, and the garrison Corps has blocked the college. How did you... Think of reconciliation?"

"This suggestion must have been put forward by a tutor or someone with high power in the college."

Gray Sal frowned slightly: "Lord Loren Turin, this is all of us..."

"The former wizard adviser, master Elbert Tarot... Right?" Loren interrupted with a burning eye.

The frozen gray Sal frowned and remained silent.

A moment later, he nodded hard and sighed long.

"So, you came here to question me, not to know if I'm sure." Loren looked up: "it's master elbird who asked you to 'inform' me..."

"The Royal wizard academy is ready to reconcile with the Holy Cross!"

"Exonerating master Lusaka... At first it was you who asked me." the expressionless Loren seemed to be talking to himself: "up to now, you are ready to give up and sell master Lusaka and me."

"You... Did a good job --!"

The black haired wizard, gnashing his teeth, roared out in a low voice word by word.

"I'm terribly sorry!" gray Sal lowered his head heavily.

The dark haired wizard's eyes were silent, as if he were thinking about something.

The drooping middle-aged wizard lowered his eyebrows and eyes and said nothing humbly.

The Royal wizard Academy must not quit... At present, there are not many people willing to stand on master Lusaka's side. If they fight alone at the time of the imperial trial, they will be defeated!

Since the person who wants to reconcile is master Albert Tarot, he must find out what forced him to make concessions, even to the point of groveling to the Holy Cross as a former minister!

"Please... Convey to master Albert Tarot that I am willing to accept the result."

"But he must tell me why!"