Gloven hills, black prison.

The strong stench is like the essence. The lonely candle barely lights up the mottled but extremely strong walls around, and the human face can not even be seen in the dim yellow light.

At the end of the light, there was only darkness.

The dark haired wizard sat quietly in front of the candle, waiting for the answer from the person opposite.

Sitting under the lamp, Victor Seuss, the former cabinet minister and imperial justice, stared at the confession and the potion formula as material evidence.

His cool and keen eyes scanned the evidence line by line, raised his feather notes from time to time, and played briskly on parchment with a sharp pen tip.

He gently put down his pen and looked seriously at Brandon's wizard adviser.

"I'm very sorry, Lord Loren Turin... The evidence you provided can't prove anything." Victor said faintly: "just a recipe and the testimony from Miss Lina de Salion are not enough to completely separate Lusaka kovo."

"But it is enough to prove that even if it is really related to him, master lusack is definitely not intentional."

Lauren smiled and crossed his fingers: "intentional and unintentional... These two concepts are very different in imperial law!"

"I think the former chief justice knows the difference between the two."

Hearing the black haired wizard's undisguised sarcasm and his smile, Victor just snorted coldly and showed a cold smile.


Victor's eyes swept from Loren's face and mocked: "do you really want to tell me... Such a top pharmacy master in the Empire, a doctor and alchemist who is most proficient in pathology; facing a patient who died obviously because of the side effects of Pharmacy... He!"

"... innocent?"

"Can't you?" the black haired wizard shrugged slightly without changing his face. "Can experts never make mistakes, or... When they are forced by patients?"

The Chief Justice said, "what do you really want to express?"

"What I want to say is... What you have been worried about is not who the murderer is, but what will happen after master lusack is acquitted."

Loren stared at Victor, with an indifferent smile on his mouth: "I can understand your approach very much, but please understand... In my opinion, it is not only intentional or unintentional, but also the evidence to judge master lusack's involvement in this case!"

"It's not wrong that master lusack was Lord siscott's personal physician; it's also true that Lord siscott died of drug poisoning; but if we can conclude from these two things alone that master lusack was the culprit who killed Lord siscott? Lord Victor Hughes..."

"Don't you think this judgment is as ridiculous as' it was the dagger that killed the man, not the assassin '?"

Loren raised his eyes slightly and said word by word in an almost ironic voice: "since it is such an absurd judgment, I use sufficient and powerful evidence to prove that master lusack is at most manslaughter... What's wrong?"

"And I have every reason to believe that people such as the former Lord Justice Victor Seuss can definitely see how absurd this case is!"

"Then why did he still refuse to make a judgment? Why did Lord Victor Seuss, who has always been known as the 'populist', try his best to embarrass an alchemist and pharmacist of civilian origin?"

Victor raised his eyebrows slightly, his expression unchanged.

"Is it to maintain the stability of the imperial political situation... Yes, if siscott chann's death is defined as' natural death ', the chann family will never compromise, or even fight with conservative nobles in the house; Lord Victor, who will make the judgment at that time, will take full responsibility and will be removed from office by his majesty nine times out of ten to calm the public anger."

"In order to prevent the rare stability of the empire from becoming a mess and to keep the position of his former cabinet... Guys with a little brain will feel it doesn't matter to sacrifice a 'small' alchemist, right?"

"In front of the overall situation, what is a wizard?" Lauren looked calm: "in front of his own interests, just a Dalit... Nothing!"

"Fortunately... I've seen your resume. A few years ago, you stood behind the poor wizard and tried your best to exonerate him... Until Archbishop innocent personally came forward and forcibly used the power of religious punishment to sentence Wigner to fire."

"Victor Hughes, who dares to confront the Archbishop head-on... Will never be afraid of a group of mediocre and confused curfews!"

"After all, it's only a few years. Victor Hughes, who was not afraid of power, how could he become a villain who did not hesitate to sacrifice others for the sake of the overall situation?"

The black haired wizard raised his mouth and said in a heavy voice, "so... There should be only one reason why you can persist until now, even let a poor man who may be innocent go to hell, and make his family worse than death, right?"

Victor stared at him.

"If master lusack is acquitted, it will hurt the interests of the civilian class." Loren's expression is very subtle: "I don't know why, but... This should be the only possible reason."

"So I really don't understand that a little alchemist would hurt the interests of the whole civilian class?" Loren stared at him thoughtfully, and the joints of his index finger kept beating the table: "Lord Victor, please tell me... Why?"

Victor was silent for a long time.

Until he was sure that the dark haired wizard would not look away, he slowly said, "you... Really don't know why?"

"I hope I don't know, because I don't want to believe that the answer I know... Is true." Lauren's eyes were sharp: "I don't want to believe that the former chief justice, who is consecutively called 'justice', also resisted wizards like crazy believers."

Victor supported his arms on the table and gently moved forward: "two years ago, the Royal wizard college and the pharmacist guild in the imperial capital once launched a motion in the house of Lords, hoping to provide medical assistance to the slums of gloven in the name of the pharmacist guild and the Empire."

"Of course... There are only the most basic cough drops and some common medicines that can purify the water source - I still remember clearly that they said at that time that 'take the imperial slum as an experimental field to prepare for the large-scale promotion of basic treatment in the future', and even intend to extend this practice to the whole Saxony and even the whole empire."

"I don't understand, isn't that good?" Lauren frowned slightly. "Indeed... Their actions may be to attract people or gain reputation and change people's understanding of wizards - but with all due respect, if they really do, they should."

"That's right... Because I was on their side and did not hesitate to offend the church. I fully supported the passage of this motion."

Victor stared at him with chilling eyes, and his tone became more and more heavy: "but you know... What did those poor wizards who were grateful to the wizards who treated them do?"

Loren's pupils shrank suddenly and he didn't feel very good.

"I don't know magic, and I don't know much about many subjects of your wizards." Victor's voice was very flat, but the dark haired wizard could still hear the anger in his voice:

"Lord Loren Turin, you tell me... What exactly does' large-scale living experiment 'mean?"

Looking at his icy, murderous eyes, Loren trembled slightly.

"I really know for the first time that people can be poisoned alive like mice. It can even make the deaths of thousands of people seem worthless..."

"I saw for the first time... The child with dyspnea... So small... Three or five years old... Tore her throat with her little black hands..."

"Do you know what I was doing?"

"At that time... I held her... Held her in my arms and ran to the nearest clinic... Until the blood sprayed on my face... I didn't find it coming..."

Victor cried, his eyes red with tears, but he didn't feel it.

Loren didn't speak.

From the moment Victor told the truth, he had no room to continue arguing.

"In those years, too many people were involved... Wizard class, nobles, military forces... Although the purpose was unknown, I think the research had involved the interests of many people, so it would be covered up so quickly."

The former chief justice shook his head: "you can't imagine that one day and one night, the whole street and the surrounding residents disappeared and became the new military camp of the imperial garrison... I didn't even have the opportunity to be interrogated, so I was forcibly closed!"

"But I still remember that the main person in charge of the project, the leading pharmacy master and alchemy expert in the imperial capital..."

"Lusaka kovo!"