"Here are a total of 3000 gold bonds, each with a face value of 100000, a total of 300 million silver coins... You can exchange the corresponding amount at the store of DIDU and even any yode chamber of Commerce in the south."

The man who came to the door was an old man with an expressionless face and luxurious clothes; After handing the box full of bonds to the black haired wizard, he didn't forget to bow humbly: "I'm sorry, because the business in the chamber of Commerce, young master yode has left ahead of time. I can only entrust you with the things. I hope the Viscount will forgive me."

Chamber of Commerce affairs? I'm afraid I don't want to see me again

Lauren sneered in the bottom of his heart and still had a formulaic smile on his face: "where, I absolutely believe in the reputation of yode chamber of Commerce... But if I am going to convert all these bonds into cash, can your Chamber of Commerce afford it?"

"Of course, but you need to book at least one month in advance, and we will prepare full cash for you... Whether it's silver or gold, there is no doubt about the reputation of yode chamber of Commerce."

The serious old man suddenly sighed: "of course, in order to collect this huge sum of money, yode chamber of Commerce has collected all the reserves in the imperial capital, and sold several stores at a low price..."

"Whatever the reason, viscount Loren... You won this time, and the yode chamber of commerce is willing to admit defeat; we will not deliberately provoke you or do anything against you, and we also hope to get your understanding."

"After all, we are all Byrne people... In the territory of the saklan people, the Byrne people who bear the shame of subjugation should unite with each other."

"I understand."

Even if he knew that the other party was deliberately pretending to be a snake, Loren didn't intend to continue to be an enemy with yode chamber of Commerce... At least not now: "I won't move the money for the time being. Your Chamber of commerce can rest assured... In the short term, I promise that the withdrawal amount in imperial capital will not exceed 10 million silver coins."

"Thank you so much!" the old man humbly saluted the black haired wizard again: "I will convey this matter to the president immediately and make him understand your tolerance... Of course, you are welcome to visit the chamber of commerce at any time. We will give a grand reception!"

"President?" Lauren raised his eyebrows. "What about... Little Joad?"

"Young master Joad..."

The old man looked puzzled and hesitated for a moment before sighing: "maybe he will be deprived of his successor's position this time... I know what you are worried about. Please don't worry about it; young master yode should have no capital to revenge you for at least ten years!"

Lauren nodded slightly, believing what he said.

Although he doesn't know the operation structure of the chamber of Commerce, he also knows that the larger the chamber of Commerce, the more complex the structure is... No matter how unshakable the position of the yode family in the chamber of Commerce, it is absolutely unimaginable for the chamber of Commerce to lose 300 million silver coins at one time.

Even in order to ensure the status of his family, I'm afraid the old president yoad had to abandon his son and give the other members of the chamber of Commerce a minimum explanation.

What Loren doesn't know is that the young Lord Yoder is also the leader of Yoder chamber of Commerce in the North... The 300 million chips he won in the big gamble not only defeated the Yoder chamber of Commerce in the imperial capital, but also completely ruined their intention to extend their tentacles to the north.

Maybe five years, maybe ten years... The whole yode chamber of Commerce may have no spare power to erode the trade shares of many chambers of Commerce in eboden... And after five years and ten years, eboden, who has recovered, is even less likely to give up these shares.


In the quiet dawn, the mist in the early morning shrouded the whole imperial capital Golovin. On the open road, the carriage drove slowly, and only the sound of crisp horseshoes and wheels could be heard.

The sleeping Lina de sallion slowly opened her eyes and found herself lying flat in the carriage. All her clothes were intact, not even a trace of wrinkles


The girl spat.

"Miss Lina, it seems that this is not the attitude towards the life-saving benefactor." the black haired wizard's lazy tone came, "black frame glasses". Then he saw Loren sitting on her side, holding a cup of hot mint tea in his hand and a hypocritical smile on his face:

"Would you like something to refresh yourself?"

"Would you be so kind?" the girl raised her eyebrows.

"I want to drink it myself." Lauren smiled. "This is mine."

"I think so."

Sitting up unhappily, Lina found that there was a steaming cup on the tea table in front of her and the slow tone of the dark haired Wizard:

"I don't know what means you're playing, but it's really hard not to doubt the things you take the initiative to deliver to the door... Let me repeat, Miss Lina de sallion, my intention to make friends with you is absolutely sincere. Please don't pit me?"

"By the way, you... Are really not my type."

"Cut..." Lina looked away and whispered:

"If you don't dare... A man with a thief's heart but no thief's courage..."

The helpless black haired wizard simply ignored the "black frame glasses" and his eyes fell on the parchment note in his hand... From the handwriting and the "way" of the other party's letter delivery, I'm afraid the situation is so hurried that he doesn't even have time to show up.

In other words... I'm afraid those who wanted to kill themselves were waiting outside the door, but they didn't show up from beginning to end.

So the second question... Who is it?

The messenger should have never left the casino from beginning to end, that is, the person who wants to assassinate himself is also in the casino. Judging from the tone, maybe he still knows each other.

Little Joad... It's possible, but Joad's chamber of Commerce has been willing to reconcile with himself. It's impossible to kill himself suddenly at this time. He is Brandon's confidant. Anything that happens to him will be associated with the prince. Where did they get the courage?

The same can be applied to casinos - if they encounter assassins as soon as they leave, aren't they worried about trouble at all?

Either they are not, or they are really confident and willing to take such risks... A larger and more powerful force is willing to support them to make such a crazy move behind their backs!

Which is more powerful than the chamber of commerce group that supports the imperial finance?

Maybe it's the power behind the chann family?

Maybe... His royal highness crown prince Conrad, who is far away in the fortress of duanjie mountain?

Maybe... Your real enemy actually comes from the sky palace overhead?

The sudden thought made the dark haired wizard shudder... He suddenly remembered Brandon's adjective for the dead Chancellor of the exchequer, siscott chann.

There are three kinds of people in the Royal assembly, loyal people; People with superior abilities and... People who have to let him join.

Siscot chann is the one who had to be a member of the former royal cabinet in order to appease and control the aristocracy!

Is it difficult for him to die... In fact, it is the will of akhat II?!

The girl beside the black haired wizard noticed something. Lena desallion, who frowned slightly, glanced at him secretly, but said nothing more.

Right now.

"Dang --!"

The shrill scream and heavy crash came from outside the car!

The girl's complexion changed dramatically. She opened her eyes and stared at the door. As soon as she was ready to get up, she was held down by the black haired wizard.

"Don't move, haven't you found it yet?"

Loren lowered his voice and narrowed his eyes:

"The car has stopped."

Lina, with a poor complexion, looked slightly sideways and took a second to really react.

The coachman who came to pick them up from the summer twilight courtyard has long been killed... The horse driving just brought the carriage here by inertia.

No... not so.

"Coachman, we should have been switched when we left the casino." Lauren looked calm, and his left hand had pressed the bright silver around his waist: "since we left the casino, the direction of this carriage is not the summer twilight courtyard, let alone the wizard college."

"As for the crossbow just now..."

"Just to say hello to us."

They got it from the beginning... Because the coachman was from the summer twilight courtyard, the black haired wizard didn't pay much attention, so that he was transferred and didn't notice it.

"So... What should I do?"

"What's the point?" Lauren said:

"Go and say hello to them!"