Although Lauren pretended to be very confident, he was not very sure - rather, he hated gambling, whether in his last life or... This life.

The reason is very simple. This is an act of pure luck, and the result is completely unpredictable; Even if we can get enough intelligence and information, and after precise calculation, it is impossible to ensure 100% success.

So there is only one way to win 100% at the gambling table... Cheat.

However, it is also very difficult to do this... Chips, gambling equipment, tables and chairs and every small object are all provided here, and they are very high-grade and exquisite luxury goods: small dice are also pure silver, and the cards in the charge's hands are even edged with gold powder, which makes the imitation cost very high.

"Is there anything you want to play? After all, it's your first time here. You must be very curious?"

Walking in the bustling hall, Lina in a black dress still has no expression and is not moved by the warm atmosphere around her:

"Although it's just a casino, there are still a lot of places to play here... Anyway, your men's fun is always inseparable from money and women."

Black framed glasses shrugged: "usually in the hall are new outsiders, or guys who don't have much money in their pockets - usually, they'd better cheat."

"The real regulars are basically in the separate rooms on the upper floor; of course, even on the ground floor, there are many things to play, such as card games."

card? If there are hearthstone and Quint here, I'm more sure

Hearing the black haired wizard here, he couldn't help pulling his mouth: "sounds like you're still a regular here?"

"Of course, otherwise where do you think the $2 million debt came from?" the expressionless "black framed glasses" suddenly snorted with self mockery:

"You can't get rid of this kind of thing as long as you touch it once."

"There's still a chance," Lauren smiled. "As long as you can make up your mind."

"It's easy to say, but I just accepted a bribe from President clement." Lina was completely unmoved: "men... They are really different fools."

"You seem to have said something similar just now."

"Yes? If so, I'll say it again. You're used to it anyway."


At the end of the crowd was a huge round table surrounded by more than a dozen chairs; Although it looks lively, few people really sit down and play. They mostly talk and laugh nearby, or point out to the gamblers sitting there, and some people comment from time to time.

"It's roulette. Usually, it's played by foreign guests who come alone or just guys who are ready for entertainment, so the roulette here is also the simplest." the "black frame glasses" on one side introduced Loren.

There are forty numbers next to each seat next to the roulette, which are divided into black and white according to the single and double, and below the number is the place for betting.

As Liya said, the roulette rules here are very simple - first, put a small oak ball on the roulette, which has a total of 40 black and white holes marked with numbers; Players need to guess that the ball will fall into the small hole to guess the points, and can only bet one at a time.

According to the rules, it is also divided into two types: black and white and numbers: if no one bet on the number, the black and white bet will win, the odds will be one for one, and the other players will lose, and they need to pay one tenth of the bonus, so the real result is nine tenths of one for one;

However, if someone bet on a number, no matter how much other players press, they will all be counted as the winner, and the odds are one to ten.

"That is to say... As long as one person bets on the number, all others lose?" Lauren said with a smile: "if so, wouldn't buying black and white have a better chance of winning and won't offend others?"

"Don't be whimsical. There's no such good thing."

With a slight hum, Lina pushed her glasses: "even the player who wins the black-and-white bet, only the person closest to the number can win - how can you take advantage of a place like the casino?"

Speaking of this, Lina could not help frowning: "you don't really want to play roulette? This game of pure luck is almost the most difficult to win, and there is hardly much to deal with the ground."

"Why not? Anyway, the capital is given by others. We don't have to be distressed if we lose it all."

Lauren shrugged and gestured at the chips in the tray: "but as long as you bet once, 30000 will become 300000... You can immediately pay off the 200000 usury of the 'generous' president!"

After that, the black haired wizard ignored the "black frame glasses" who always sneered at himself, and directly pushed open a chair and sat down.

Just as he sat down, the gamble had begun - in order to ensure "fairness", the guests could change or choose to bet at will for a total of ten seconds from the beginning to the end and ten seconds before the wheel stopped rotating.

Looking at the small oak ball jumping on the fast rotating wheel, the black haired wizard slightly raised the corner of his mouth, picked up two chips and put them directly under "13" without looking.

The first game... Let's try the water first.

Although there were not many guests playing roulette, there were many onlookers... At the moment of betting, the black haired wizard heard a lot of schadenfreude laughter behind him, and many eyes were pointing at himself.

"Are you really a fool?"

"Black frame glasses" hardly missed any chance to hit Loren. A bland voice came from one side: "even if it's the first time, it's troublesome to bet on at least a number with a higher probability, okay?"

"Oh, is that so?" the disapproving black haired wizard tilted his head: "if it's you, what number do you usually bet?"

"Well... You are a fool."

Lina, with a numb expression, nodded seriously: "look at the wheel. The style is different from that outside, isn't it - although it seems that each grid is the same size, the area on the disk is different. The wider it is outward, the narrower it is in the middle."

"In words you can understand, the probability of a small ball falling into the middle is relatively low, so the probability of a number above 24 is higher - even if you guess a single or double, only those close to the number can win, fool."

The black haired wizard was slightly stunned, turned his head and looked at the "black frame glasses" beside him.

"Mr. Loren Turin, what's your expression?"

"Nothing, just suddenly understood two things." the roulette behind him was still turning wildly, and the corners of Loren's mouth raised cunningly: "first, I began to understand why you like gambling so much."

"Really?" Lina was unmoved.

"It's just a small oak ball. Every jump pushes countless money. Success can make ten times more profits at one time - without paying, the feeling of completely trusting the results to fate... Is no less than the feeling of life and death in the moment of fighting, or the feeling of being exposed to knowledge that has never been touched."

"This is the so-called 'desire but can't', right?"

"Well... That's right."

She was still expressionless, but Lina's eyes were slightly dark: "like a soldier in a fight, a scholar eager for knowledge... When she fell into it, she would never get rid of it."

"Second, I finally made clear a misunderstanding - it was my fault that I thought you were Brandon de sallion before. Your heart is far from so complicated."

Loren's expression became more and more playful, playing with a chip in his hand: "in contrast, the guy more similar to you... Should be Isaac Grantham."

"Beyond ordinary people's intelligence, unforgettable memory, regardless of other people's eyes, and extremely persistent in the things you care about... You are really not ordinary people, Miss Lina de saleon."

"Black frame glasses" always have no expression, no recognition or rejection.

"Five, four, three, two, one! Buy and leave!"

With the shouting of the charge officer, the wheel stopped rotating; The light oak ball fell steadily into the small box marked "thirteen".

"At the end of this round, your excellency Loren Turin is in the bet. One compensate ten and win all!"

Without looking back, Loren took the chips handed by the dealer and smiled at Lena:

"You see, I'm lucky."