After the explanation, master elbird took Loren to another palace to accept formal appointment - although he was only a royal entourage, it could not be so hasty and had a complete set of rules and ceremonies.

When all the processes were completed, it was early the next morning when Loren returned to the summer twilight courtyard; The little wizard has been dragged together by Isaac, who is in high spirits, and went to the Royal wizard College as a temporary tutor;

Although Isaac's character has been changing imperceptibly since he left vimpal college, the Dragon King tower may really change him the most.

If he had been asked to teach a group of "potatoes" in the past, the arrogant would definitely scoff at him, then satirize the other party in a tone that can drive crazy honest people, and then tell them with great regret that with their understanding ability and intelligence level, they can't understand what they are talking about.

Although Isaac seems to be still like this now, and it has intensified

As for the little wizard who was not interested in becoming a temporary tutor, the only reason she was willing to agree to each other was the advanced alchemy level of the Royal College of wizards; Cutting edge research, state-of-the-art equipment, almost wasteful resources... What can excite an alchemist more than these?

Of course, according to Loren's understanding, Ayn's visit may have another more important purpose, that is to watch Isaac's arrogant every move and prevent him from making trouble.

Black haired wizards are pessimistic about this

"So, from the beginning, Connor's' recommendation 'was just a cover. In fact, the person who arranged the whole plan from the beginning and even asked me to go to duanjie mountain to die was actually my forever bright, great and correct' father Emperor '?"

Brandon, holding his head in his hands, tilted his mouth. His bright smile looked inexplicably ironic. His eyes stared out the window at the sky Palace on the Golovin Hill:

"Woo... It's really surprising that you can't wait to kill your own son!"

"Maybe." the tired black haired wizard leaned back in his chair and lazily picked up the mint tea in his hand: "in the final analysis, this is only one side of the words of the master elbird. It's really difficult to judge whether it's true..."

"And thanks to your recommendation, I deeply realized what kind of people these 'cabinet ministers' are!"

Recalling the scene of that moment, whether it is elbird's kindness or siscott's disdain... It's really hard to believe that they are looking at a person, a living person.

"How do you feel? You know, you may often deal with these people in the future." turning sideways, Brandon picked up a peach crisp cookie from the plate and hung it in his mouth:

"It's not a powerful family that has been entrenched in the imperial capital for hundreds of years and has many contacts; it's a powerful and crafty fox... Dealing with them may be more wonderful than your adventure in niederhogg!"

"That's not necessarily true," said Lauren with a sly smile on her lips

"For example, what if we are not in the imperial capital?"


Brandon was stunned for a while, and then sighed helplessly: "I see... It seems that you already know."

"Half the nobles of Golovin should have known it." the black haired wizard couldn't help rolling his eyes and pulling the corners of his mouth:

"Almost... Should you tell me who the lady was that day?"

"My wizard adviser, you are really anxious!"

Somehow, Brandon's childlike smile became more and more guilty in Lauren's eyes, and his eyes kept turning: "Oh, by the way... She's still your relative!"

My relatives?

This time, the stunned person was replaced by a black haired wizard. After thinking for a second, he reacted: "Turin family

"Lord Byrne, the current head of the Turin family, the Countess of red blood castle, Charlotte Turin." the prince smiled very happily:

"If you are really Leonardo's grandson, according to the generation, she should be your cousin or cousin... What, is it exciting to suddenly have a cousin?"

Even if it is, what's your ecstatic expression?

Lauren, who couldn't understand Brandon's strange brain circuit, shrugged and resisted the impulse to roll his eyes again: "so, she is your marriage object, the future Princess?"

"Well... Not necessarily."

Brandon shook his head and looked a little pondering: "indeed... Because the 'black Duke' a hundred years ago, not only the Duchy of Byrne, but also the Turin family was at a low point, leaving only a fief in the red blood castle."

"Today's principality of Byrne is completely under the joint management of the governor appointed by the Empire and a 'noble Parliament'... Despite this, although the Turin family has declined, it still has some supporters and prestige. There are many voices in the principality supporting the Turin family to regain power."

"Isn't that just right?" Loren cupped his chin and frowned slightly. "As long as you marry the countess and rebuild Byrne with these forces, you can use the countess's title and your successor's identity to govern a principality!"

"It's not that easy..."

Brandon breathed a sigh of relief: "you should still remember how his majesty Eckhardt I's' great conquest 'made the Principality of Byrne bow down and become a minister?"

Lauren frowned: "it seems that he helped the Principality of Boye resist the Centaur invasion and let the Principality of Byrne join the Empire?"

"That's right!" Brandon raised his head and his eyes twinkled. "Strictly speaking, apart from the giant dragon, the Empire did not make Byrne willing to bow down, and the powerful principality of Byrne was also one of the best in the Empire."

"Now it's declining just because the 'black Duke' was greatly weakened and then brutally dismembered... Such a proud and powerful principality, even if Charlotte has this intention for the unification of the principality, the other earls of the principality will never let an 'outsider' rule them!"

"Not to mention the descendants of the 'crazy girl Dragon Emperor' who personally banned the Duchy title and brought Byrne down... From this point of view, they almost have a deep blood feud with us De sallion."

"Coupled with the power of brother Connor in God, if they know this, they will try their best to obstruct... The probability of success is very small, and there is the risk of capsizing!"

The black haired wizard nodded slightly and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

"But it's still necessary to try," shrugged Brandon with an indifferent expression. "The last time you met, we were trying to discuss it... Although she despised me very much, as if it was a great sacrifice to marry me!"

"In summer evening courtyard?" Loren picked up eyebrows: "everywhere is the emperor's nobility's eyeliner, two times happened to be able to make a pass... Will another trip be recognized?"

"Yes, so next we'll meet Countess Charlotte openly!"


Brandon's face suddenly showed a sly smile: "ten days later, the Royal wizard college will hold a banquet to attract all guilds and aristocrats in all imperial capitals; after all, tuition fees and royalty alone are not enough to maintain the research and normal expenses of the college!"

"There are definitely not a few nobles present at that time. I think there are still many guys who want to make friends with wizards; what's more, if they want to be nice to us now, it shouldn't be difficult to get a few invitations!"

"With the help of banquets and colleges, it's not difficult to negotiate with the countess in private." Loren nodded slightly and felt that the plan was still a little feasible:

"So... I'll cover for you then. You go and discuss the next plan with the countess Charlotte?"

"No, just the opposite."


"Dear wizard consultant, I have failed once, and I don't intend to be humiliated by her twice." Brandon sighed, but with a completely "schadenfreude" expression, patted the black haired wizard on the shoulder:

"So this time I'll cover for you, and then you can discuss the next plan with your 'dear' cousin. How about it?"
