"We're in trouble."

This is the first sentence Edward said when Loren entered the room. He clenched his teeth and said the second sentence very hard:

"Big trouble."

The dark haired wizard frowned slightly, and the night watchman in front of him was in a very bad state - he could see no less than three injuries, and almost none of them was intact from head to foot;

But... Compared with these skin and flesh wounds that can be healed, the mental trauma is obviously more serious... Although he has been deliberately covering up, Loren can still detect some trance and uncertain eyes of the night watchman.

This has always been extremely calm, and even once made Lauren wonder if he was a night watchman Edward with facial paralysis. Unexpectedly... Would he be afraid?

"Have you met Francis?" although it was a tentative inquiry, the black haired wizard's tone was very firm.

The silent Edward had no words, just nodded solemnly.

"So... How did you survive?"

This sentence is very direct and offensive, and will even confuse people who don't know the inside story - but Edward, who has "personal experience", knows very well that Loren's question is not unreasonable.

In the face of an evil god Apostle who almost has an immortal body, even if he runs for his life, his chances of winning are still slim.

"I'm lucky," Edward, lying on the bed, licked his cracked lips and gasped softly.

Loren can understand... There may be no more good reason to escape from today's fascists except "good luck".

The two men were silent for a long time, and the silent night watchman just stared at Lauren coldly.

Just as the atmosphere became more dignified, Edward sighed:

"This is my fault... If I hadn't been so stubborn in eboden, maybe I wouldn't..."

"Self-examination is not now. You have plenty of time to regret in the future." Lauren raised his hand and interrupted him. "At present, we have a more serious problem - as you said, a lot of trouble!"


A painful tangle flashed in Edward's indifferent eyes.

The more serious problem is... This is almost entirely the result of the "mistake" of eboden's night watchman - not to mention whether LUT infinite will believe this statement, but what will happen if he believes it?

The scandal of the church, the humiliation of the Empire, and the dereliction of duty of the night watchman... If the fascist affair is completely exposed, it will be an unacceptable blow to the saxophone Empire, and the night watchman, as a derelict, is to blame.

At this point, Edward doesn't care about his life or death, but the result will inevitably involve Peter FASA and them... According to the way LUT infinite handled it, the end is self-evident.

But if you hide... Such an evil god Apostle who almost exists like a time bomb and has an immortal body, once he decides to release his power recklessly

It will be a natural disaster... Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of lives will die in vain; What happened in eboden will be staged in every corner of the Empire in a more violent, cruel and terrible way!

If you don't get ready as soon as possible, who can have the ability to stop the madness of this natural disaster?

On the one hand, there are thousands of innocent people and a lunatic who knows the root of the Empire and does everything by any means;

On the one hand, it is the life of a friend, at the price that he will bear;

The black haired wizard knows exactly how painful Edward is now. What he hides under his stiff expression is not the fear of life, but the consequences of his "little negligence".

"This matter... Must not be known by LUT infinite, absolutely not." after thinking for a moment, Loren whispered, "not only you and Peter, but also for the Empire."

Seeing a flash of confusion in Edward's eyes, the black haired wizard sighed, "think about it. What would happen if we told Ruth infinite about it?"

"Holy Blood potion, remember?"

The night watchman's heart sank and his expression froze.

Yes, according to the way of thinking of the night watchman leader, he will certainly solve this problem in the same way as seizing the Holy Blood potion - because LUT infinite also knows what the consequences will be once the fascist identity is exposed, and what terrible turmoil will be caused to the Empire!

Church and faith are the only link between the Empire and the principalities. The stability of faith is the stability of the Empire, and the collapse of faith... Is the beginning of the division of the Empire.

Loren still remembers some residual impressions of his previous life, the disputes between different faiths and even between different sects in those historical books; All begin with war and insurrection and end with slaughter and blood sacrifice.

LUT infinite must know this, so he will try to solve fascism by very covert means... But it will never succeed, not even the slightest possibility!

"Black cross" seryol is not an ordinary, brainless evil god like mezka; Even Asriel was afraid of it, and even planned the natural disaster of the destruction of the Dragon kingdom!

Long silence and silence, they looked at each other.

"Who should we tell, who will believe us, and have the power to fight against an evil god apostle?" the indifferent Edward whispered, like talking to himself or asking for the answer.

"Will the Archbishop of the Holy Cross believe us?"

"The nine pointed star wizard tower in eboden, will the twelve wizard elders lend a helping hand?"

"Or should we just tell his highness connord or his brother Brandon?"

"Or... Your majesty Eckhart II?"

The night watchman nodded slightly. His face hidden in the shadow could not see his expression, but he could hear his gnashing of teeth.

His eyes narrowed into a gap, and the black haired wizard shook his head slightly.

"There is only one person we can absolutely believe in and have the ability to solve this problem." Loren said calmly: "in addition, all the consequences are not acceptable to us."


"You." Lauren tilted her mouth slightly.

The indifferent Edward slowly turned his head and looked at the black haired Wizard:

"I remember someone just said that we had no time to delay... Is it time to joke?"

"And I'm not joking with you." of course, Loren shook his head. "Think about it, you're the only night watchman who has confronted Francis head-on. You know how dangerous he is."

"Who is the best person to do this besides you?"

In a slow tone, Lauren said faintly: "do you remember the 'hypothesis' we talked about in eboden... I said that when the time is ripe, we will discuss whether this idea is feasible."

"Don't you think... Now is the most appropriate time?"

Edward closed his mouth, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his hands were trembling slightly.

"I... I..."

Just as the night watchman was struggling to get up, Loren raised his hand again and interrupted him. He said calmly, "don't answer immediately, and I don't intend to threaten you with this matter; this is just my idea. Peter FASA is also my friend. If I can, I don't want you to have an accident."

"Similarly, whatever Francis intends to do... I don't want to see him succeed."

With a deep look at Edward, Loren patted him on the shoulder, got up and walked to the door.

Now Edward is on the verge of collapse. There will be no good results if he continues to press on; Wait until he completely calms down, and then discuss the next thing.

Get rid of LUT infinite... This is one of the goals Lauren has never given up since he went to eboden.

"Wait a minute!"

The night watchman behind him suddenly opened his mouth and stopped the black haired wizard who was about to go out.

"The man who saved me... Is the guard Knight of fascism. He left a message for me to tell you before he left." Edward stared at Loren who didn't turn around. His deep eyes seemed to penetrate his back and see his soul:

"Whatever you want to do, whatever you're looking for

Never... Don't become a fascist! "