Flying sand and rocks, snow and ice!

On the overturned high wall, Lucian and the black haired wizard with Isaac on their backs looked pale, stared in shock and stared at the direction of the roar.


Although I expected that the skeleton dragon would not be so easy to kill, if I could... If I could

I really don't want to fight this monster in this situation!

Holding liangyin's left hand, sweat was constantly seeping out. Loren's heart string was tight and the pressure became heavier and heavier.

"Lord Lorraine..." his throat twitched hard. The grey pupil crossed the broken sword in front of him: "you should leave here with Isaac."

"Although I'm not qualified to say so, I should be the most suitable person to contain the monster. Moreover, I'm very small. If I escape..."

"Wait, don't say that first." the black haired wizard shook his head to wake himself up.

Something's wrong... If the skeleton dragon just fell in the Dragon King tower, how could it fly from the south of the city wall?

At this time, thunders came from the dome covered by wind and snow again, and the roaring sound echoed in the sky, mixed with fierce wind rushing towards the high wall!

On the snowstorm roaring high wall, Lucian and Loren even had to squat on their swords to stand firm. Their arms covered their faces and narrowed their eyes. In the vast white wind and snow, the faint shadow was close at hand.

Half squatting on the ground, the grey pupil placed Isaac aside and held the broken sword in front of him;

He picked his eyebrows and raised his left hand. The black haired wizard quietly snapped his fingers. The golden red fire jumped on his fingertips, emitting a hot temperature.


"Boom --!!"

The deafening noise shook the whole high wall!

Loren felt that his feet were unstable and he almost fell off the high wall; Before he could stand still, another gust of wind came, whistling past his side.

Gripping the handle of the sword, the grey pupil fixed himself on the wall, holding Isaac in one hand to resist the oncoming wind.

The wind swept by and the ice fog dispersed. Finally, the black haired wizard who could raise his head opened his eyes and looked at the huge shadow.

Then he was stunned.

Slender wings, huge and narrow head, streamlined body, sharp blade and spear like claws and teeth... And the iconic and frightening threat.

No mistake, this is a dragon... But it's not the one you imagined - at that moment, Loren's expression was so surprised.

"Mira... Sith?"

At the moment when Loren said the name, the Dragon issued a series of low roars and leaned forward gracefully... Of course, this is relative.

From the perspective of the grey pupil boy, it was like a dragon preparing to eat Loren!

The amber pupils reflected the surprised expression of the black haired wizard.

[can you... Understand the Dragon language?]

The sudden voice came to mind, and Loren trembled!

[don't be afraid... It's not a rare ability. I remember that a wizard named Logan had no teachers... Alas, so you're also a wizard who has been inherited by niederhogg?]

Lauren nodded numbly. He didn't know what expression to use now!

[forget it, we are all busy today... We have plenty of time. Let's find another opportunity...]

Another chance? What do you mean... Wait, if mirasis is here, it means

"My respected wizard consultant, Lord Loren Turin, are you surprised to see me?!"

With children's laughter, the red haired boy jumped down from the dragon's back, held his hands in front of his chest and raised his mouth high:

"I didn't expect that I could follow the place you walked all the way - of course, thanks to our beloved miss mirasis, if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be so smooth."

"You just got along well with her. I'm a little jealous of you for being so popular with girls!"

The black haired wizard shrugged his shoulders and his face was helpless... After all, he really couldn't think of any expression to face his highness Brandon de sallion.

"It seems that the legendary city is about to collapse... It's a pity that my dear Royal brother and sister-in-law phillanai will be surprised if they can see this scene - you must tell me all the things you have experienced after you go back!"

With a snap of his fingers and a smile on his face, Brandon suddenly became serious: "but now, we must hurry back to the fortress of duanjie mountain immediately!"

"The emperor's brother and his legion are blocked in the blood skeleton Valley by avalanches and demons. Tens of thousands of corpse corrupting demons have arrived at the city - I don't care if you are dying or if you have only half a breath left, your Excellency the wizard adviser."

"Now, I need you to help me save the world!"


Outside the Dragon King tower, there is a corridor column palace.

The expressionless fascist stood outside the palace that had been turned into ruins, all the black lines on his body disappeared, his cold eyes looked at the pool of blood in the ruins, and his eyes narrowed into a gap:

"As a slave of the Holy Cross, dying in such a place is really very suitable for you, wild dog."

The bloodless lips wriggled slightly, the expression of fascist was still very ferocious, and the whole body was covered with thick and fishy plasma.

In order to avoid the death blow of the guard knight, he "died" almost four times in a row before climbing out of the pile of ruins, and even turned into a pool of mud twice.

"You don't understand the truth until you die, let me tell you... The more God's servant, the less you can be pious." Francis muttered to himself:

"If you stick to the oath, you can only be a wanted defector and a sad traitor... Even because you can't leave your name on the oath, you can only be called a 'defector'."

"And I... I will destroy those hypocritical churches, ravage the whole world, destroy all things that represent faith, and rebuild my 'religion' on it... After a thousand years, I will live forever, and countless priests and nuns will shout my name and call me the saint of the 'reconstituted Holy Cross'."

"This is the gap between you and me. This is the reason why you will be abandoned by me - I suddenly see the light in front of the truth, and you can only indulge in the lies woven by blasphemers."

"Hehe... Hehe..."

The cold sneer came from his mind, and the cold faced fascist frowned: "what's ridiculous?"

"Nothing... It's just really interesting..." the deep voice echoed in my ears like a magic sound: "although my mouth is full of impersonal irony... My heart is still quite honest..."

"Even... Don't forget to save his life..."

"I don't know what you're talking about," said the cold fascist

"Broken arm, pierced throat, cut waist... Also buried alive by rubble, in this collapsing Dragon King City - you tell me, how can his little oath Knight survive and escape from here?"

"That's right... You're right... The dog of the Holy Cross... It's just a joke..." serliol "teased", with a deep chill in his tone:

"If you want such a person to come back from the dead... It must be a 'miracle' personally lowered by the Holy Cross..."

With a cold hum, fascist ignored the "provocation" of the other party and said calmly:

"We should start."

"Oh... Aren't you going to look for 'valve'..."

"No, it's not necessary." Francis shook his head. "If Rogan, the God worshiper, can't find it... Maybe the real valve is not in niederhogg from the beginning, but somewhere else; and now the only person who may know the specific location..."

"Loren Turin..."

"The answer lies in this blasphemer. He will look for the valve again... We just need to wait patiently."

"Before that, we should destroy the foundation of the Holy Cross Church as much as possible!"

As soon as the voice fell, with a long roar from the trembling sky, the roaring skeleton dragon opened its wings and leaped up from the abyss!