
The heavily armed Ernst dreisis looked at a glacier wasteland in the dark, his eyes narrowed into a gap.

The icy snowstorm was like a blade, which made the middle-aged Knight wake up a lot. His tight heart chord made him seem to return to his half-life child and follow his majesty Eckhart II when he resisted the invasion of demons.

It was in the same place, on this north city wall, as if it had happened yesterday.

The cold wind roared, the night and the snowstorm made everything in the distance extremely blurred.

"What's the matter, Lord dreisis?" the young attendant behind him quickly asked, nervously looking over his head: "what can I tell you?"

"Nothing." the middle-aged Knight replied coldly. With a seemingly calm expression, his left hand holding the handle of the sword was shaking all the time.

The atmosphere is not right... Quiet, it's too quiet.

So far, Ernst still clearly remembers the last demon invasion, thousands of monsters poured from the wasteland like a tide, and the vast snow-white earth and sky were swallowed by them; What roars in my ears is not the snowstorm, but the bloody howls of monsters as sharp as ice cracks!

On that day, the soldiers of the fortress were not even ready as they are today. They had to stick to the north wall in front of thousands of monsters.

One hundred troops after another were defeated, one church knight after another and His Majesty's guard knights were swallowed by countless monsters. The seemingly solid defense line was torn apart like fragile pieces of paper, and the scream became the only sound he could hear from the human mouth.

He was standing here, and the young king Eckhardt II was standing here - His Majesty was the same age as his highness connord, and he... Himself was just like the attendant behind him. He was just a half child full of glory, family and the glory of the Holy Cross.

The front line was torn again and again. His majesty, who was bleeding all over and almost surrounded, stood in place with a crown, calmly commanded the reserve legions to fill vacancies and defeat the demons who rushed to the wall.

There were even several times when the situation was critical. The monsters who broke through the defense line rushed directly to the front of the imperial court. They were silly and stunned. They were directly lifted by their majesty and thrown behind them, waving their swords and fighting with the demons themselves.

The figure wearing a blood red cloak, wearing a crown and waving a long silver sword... Ernst gently closed his eyes and reopened them a moment later.

Although we don't know the number of enemies, these demons won't easily give themselves a chance to buy time.

Is it a trap? The middle-aged knight could not help but speculate... Deliberately used a small number of demons to attract his own attention, stuck to the fortress and dared not act rashly; The main force led by the evil god apostles went to wipe out the Northern Expedition corps of his highness connord.

But if you guessed wrong... The fall of duanjieshan fortress was also a devastating blow to the Empire... Ernst, who was in a dilemma, frowned and clenched his right hand on the hilt of the sword.

If, if his highness connord or his majesty is here

The middle-aged Knight sighed... He was not de sallion. He didn't have the talent of his highness connord. What he could do was just to maintain with his past experience.

But how much meaning can "experience" have in the face of enemies such as evil gods?

"What about the alchemist?"

"Ah!" the attendant suddenly raised his head and hurriedly said, "Wizard ain Rand has been arranged in the tower near the south wall, and two Legion soldiers are watching outside. It's absolutely safe."

Ernst nodded slightly: "make sure your excellency Ayn Rand is safe - this is the promise made by his highness connord to his brother. We can't let his highness break his promise! Go down."

"Yes!" the upright young man beat his chest with his right hand and gave an impeccable military salute before turning away.

Staring at the disappearing figure of the attendant silently, Ernst, who has never opened his mouth to explain, has become more and more dignified... Retaining the Alchemist is not just because of a promise of his highness connord.

For his highness connord, an AIN Rand is worth even half a Legion!

Extraordinary talent, terrible efficiency, and unprecedented creativity... The alchemist can defeat all the Wizards in the whole fortress of duanjie mountain alone;

Ernst knows connord very well. If the other party has no such value, his highness will never visit specially and use all possible resources to protect a little wizard.

This is his highness Connor de sallion... Even if his highness Brandon's entourage can become the help of the Empire, he will help each other as much as possible.

This is what Ernst values and what his highness Brandon does not have.

An emperor should have the mind


"That's it, Lord ain Rand."

The Legion soldiers outside the door looked at the little wizard in the room without expression and said coldly, "please stay here and don't leave. This is the order of Lord Ernst dreisis. We are responsible for your safety!"

"Wait, I still have..."

Without waiting for the little wizard to speak, he closed the door without warning, and locked the door from the outside.

The pale ayin stood still, sighed softly, squatted down in the corner, hugged her legs and bit her lower lip.

The demons outside will attack at any time, and he can only wait here and can't do anything - the little wizard knows very well that Mr. dreisis will never let himself leave.

Wait... If the demons invading the Empire have reached the fortress of duanjie mountain, then Prince saklan who went to the north, and Loren and Isaac who left earlier

The little wizard was unconsciously nervous, and his pupils were trembling.

No, absolutely not... Lauren, they'll be fine, they'll be fine... That was just wishful thinking.

"Meow ~"

AI Yin, who was stunned, raised her head and looked into the corner. She was also looking at her own moon shadow cat. The expression on her face eased a lot, and a slight arc appeared in the corner of her mouth:

"Don't be afraid, Merlin (Ariel). With the fortress of duanjie mountain and so many elite soldiers, the demons outside can't hurt us."

"If it is really broken... Meilin (Ariel) must protect ayin, and ayin will protect Meilin!"

The cat's expression didn't change, but blinked and flickered with big ruby eyes, silently watching the little wizard trying to calm himself down.

That's your plan, asrell with a bad heart

That's right... The fortress of duanjieshan may really be the most vulnerable time in hundreds of years; Once occupied, Ayn Rand alone will never survive.

If something happens to Erin... Lauren will be so angry that she will completely erase Ariel at all costs, won't she?

What a bad guy.

But if it's for dear Loren... Ariel can do anything.

Where there is a breath, it will not stop; Because of the blindness of love, we are blind and persistent... Because there is no reason in itself.

You don't know what "love" is, but you are keen to play with people's hearts. Of course, you can't understand why Ariel can do this step and will never be trusted by Loren.

For Loren Turin and for her who loves this man as much as Ariel... The moon shadow cat walked slowly and curled up in the arms of the little wizard.

"Boom --!!"

The whole tower trembled with the loud noise; The little wizard who hugged Merlin (Ariel) suddenly got up, lay down by the door and peeped out from the only gap.

Just after the roar was a series of rapid horns, and then a roar and explosion came from a distance.

Ayn's heart strings tightened at once, and her whole body trembled slightly from head to foot... The voice she couldn't be more familiar with.

It's the sound of cantilevered catapult projection and detonator explosion, that is to say

The war has begun!