Black wings block out the sun and thunder!

This is the expression of the three stunned people when they saw the huge dark shadow of the Imperial City dome.

Broad wings that block out the sky and the sun, an unimaginable body, a high and ferocious head, sharp claws and fangs like swords and spears

The bad smell of scorched earth spread in the air, which made Lauren frown, stare at the shadow still hovering above unbelievably, and his right hand clutching the handle of the sword couldn't help sweating.

In eboden and saklan, he has seen Brandon's milaxis countless times. If it were only a dragon, it would not be enough to frighten him to this extent.

This is the Dragon King City Nidhogg, the legendary country of dragon hunters and dragon riders. Even if there are one or two dragons in the lost King City, it is not an "unexpected" situation

But it was a "dragon" with only bones and gray blue flame in its eyes

Is this a normal phenomenon?!

For a moment, Loren, who frowned, stared at the terrible shadow, and a drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead.

This monster, like those who died, became a King City guard to prevent itself from moving forward;

Or... Is it called by some "being"?!

The broken spiral tower almost in ruins is still falling, and the soaring "skeleton dragon" is still making a thunderous roar, roaring, spreading its wings and diving down from the high altitude again.


The moment the voice of the black haired wizard fell, the three had immediately turned their heads and ran!

"Boom --!!"

Roars and collapses came from behind, and smoke filled the air, and the terrible shadow had fallen on their heads.

Thunder blows -!


The strong wind roared, and the solemn looking fascists were isolated from a high tower in front of the King City. The dark and thin figure in the cold wind seemed fragile and small; The cold eyes stared at the end of the line of sight, which was already close to the Dragon King tower.

Here is the huge white stone tower in front of the gate. It is one of the only two roads in the Dragon King City that can directly lead to the Dragon King tower. In front of it is the direct long bridge and stairs. Everything is close in front of you.

Yes, everything is near!

For Francis, there is no time to make him more excited, hesitant, unbelievable, or even feel a little more "panic" than this moment.

He is about to arrive at the place where the Holy Cross came to the world for the first time and conveyed his proverbs to the world!

Even within the Holy Cross Church, only a few bishops and archbishops really understand these mysteries - yes, the first Archbishop of the Holy Cross Church, the saint who conveyed the will of the Holy Cross to the world, is actually a remnant of the Dragon kingdom.

Proud, proud saxorians are not the favorite people of the Holy Cross, nor are they the chosen country in myths and legends. Everything is just a misunderstanding, just because the saint's first country to visit is Saxony... These are the "truth" that the church can't speak and try its best to hide.

But it's all over. It has nothing to do with yourself.

I, Francis, a faithful believer full of faith, have been able to set foot on the land of the holy cross again, which is... Like a dream!

Slowly open his arms, fascist's expression was unprecedented fanatical and excited. Even if his expression was completely distorted by the sharp pain from his head, he could not restrain the excitement from the bottom of his heart.

At the other end of the long bridge, hundreds or even thousands of guards are rushing towards him; The roar of arrows and guns cut through the sky. The roaring ice werewolves left shadows on the long bridge. I heard the sound of neat and roaring steps from the orderly guards

The fascist, who was alone, had no role. His cold eyes looked at the guards fiercely and did not move.

Dense arrows and shotguns fell from the sky like a rainstorm. In an instant, even the sky was covered by shadows -!

The corners of fascist's mouth evoked a touch of sarcasm.

A strange scene happened - at the moment when the arrow landed and was about to pierce the heart of fascism, all the arrows and projectiles seemed to touch a transparent "wall", turned into fly ash and disappeared without a trace!

But this is not over... The roaring ice werewolf jumped up from the long bridge, opened his bloody mouth and jumped at the thin figure of Francis.

"Bang --!"

The violent noise came, and the ferocious werewolf seemed to be "hit" by something. In an instant, it burst, and the messy bones scattered on the long bridge from mid air.

Silent guards lined up in a neat queue to launch an assault, one, two, three... Groups of them launched an assault with shield walls, spears, tomahawks and swords.

But in the end, they all stopped outside the three steps of fascism, either by inexplicably bouncing off, or by organic skeletons that were smashed to the ground.

None survived.

The sneering fascist also stood on the white stone pagoda from beginning to end and never stepped into the long bridge.

"Ha ha... That's right... What an irony..."

A deep murmur came from the ear, which made the expression of Francis cold in an instant.

"The 'barrier' against intruders has become a prop to destroy the guards... These humble guys... I'm sure I never thought I would have this day..."

The silent fascist clenched his fist tightly, and the convulsions of his body became more and more obvious; Tortured by severe pain, he read almost word by word:

"What do you want, serlio..."

"What do I want... This question is really interesting..." the deep voice sounded again, with a hint of ridicule and irony:

"Didn't I fulfill my wish for you from beginning to end... The dog of the Holy Cross..."

"Think about it... When you were about to die... Who revived you..."

"Who told you... The burial ground of the Dragon o'vernier... And gave you the power to use it..."

"Whose power... Let you pass through the glacier wasteland... Reach niederhogg under the threat of countless deaths..."

"Who... Let you find the right way to the Dragon King tower..."

"Is it... The Holy Cross?"

The ironic ending made Francis fall into a moment of silence, and his body trembled even more.

He could even feel that something in his consciousness was gradually eroding and dissipating; And some more powerful pus tumor is gradually occupying those places.

"Less nonsense!"

Forcefully gritting his teeth to resist the pain, Francis said coldly, "what do I want you to do?"

"The spiral tower in the South has been destroyed... As for those people..." the voice also sneered: "even if it has not been turned into ashes by the flame... It is impossible to reach the Dragon King tower..."

"What's left is to destroy the barrier... Do you need to borrow my strength again... The dog of the Holy Cross..."

"I'm happy to do this... And I don't need any return..."

"Shut up!" he suddenly interrupted the voice, and the expression of Francis was hard to see.

Yes, all this is only necessary - whether using the people of Loren Turin or the power of evil gods, it is only a compromise that has to be made to achieve the ultimate goal.

Even when the Holy Cross preaches the gospel, does it not rely on the power of mortals?

I have done nothing wrong. All I have done is just for the final outcome, all for the gospel of the Holy Cross; I didn't bow to the despicable evil god, my faith is still very firm!

I didn't

"Ah, ah, ah --!!!"

The shrill and hysterical scream, and the painful fascist finally couldn't bear it. He knelt down on the cold slate, closed his eyes tightly and didn't dare to look at his body.

From the black cross Rune on the right arm to the whole half of the body has been covered with black lines, and there are signs of continued erosion; The tortured fascists struggled and resisted only with a clear will.

The roaring laughter of the trembling soul came from my ears again -!

"Finally feel it... The dog of the Holy Cross... You will no longer be a 'human'..."

"But don't worry... I won't devour you so soon..."

"I'll wait until you witness the truth... The moment..."