The dead Castle hall, the flaming brazier, the closed door, and the sheepskin books piled as high as a hill.

The stunned evil god apostle faoda looked around at all this, and his yellow eyes stared at a young man in a red and black dress and white and blond hair in front of him.

Old man... Where is this?!

The last memory in my impression is the wizard. Is this his spiritual palace? No... this level is no longer the "spiritual Palace", but has reached the level of the dream world!

"Does it mean that... He is a wizard who has opened the 'valve' level?!"

The old man's trembling voice was filled with uncontrollable excitement, showing his dark white teeth smile, extremely twisted and ferocious, and even completely ignored the bedbug like eyes of the young man in front of him.

"Priests, knights, nobles, royalty, old people, saints... Yasur elves who think they are holy, dwarfs who think they are indomitable, but a wizard who opens the 'valve' really... Makes the old man ecstatic!!"

"OK, OK, we all know. Are you happy?" Asriel, with his hands behind his back, had a boring flat mouth and scarlet eyes. He didn't even want to see the wrinkled face:

"Er... The old man talking to himself, I don't know if I can trouble you for half a favor?"

"What's up?"

"I have a rope here and tied it on the beam. Can you put your head in it?" the boy smiled very falsely:

"Of course, if you don't want to, I don't mind killing you myself - although it will dirty my hands, but... After all, this is Lauren's request. As his best friend, of course, I have to meet his little 'request'."

"Oh... You think you can kill the old man, the great 'dead man' and the humble apostle..." faoda's expression became more and more ferocious, hobbled towards the teenager, and the skeleton on his right wrist gushed out a black line again:

"Arrogant creature, although I don't know who you are, you have made a very serious mistake!"

The old and haggard right hand slowly stretched out and "gently" stroked Asriel's pale cheek. His thumb pressed on the orbit of the boy's right eye. The old man sighed softly:

"What a delicate and lovely child

I can't help but want to see your cheeks and your body dissolve bit by bit, scream and struggle, beg for death, and then turn into dead bones --! "

The old fingers made a slight effort, and at that moment, faoda's expression twisted to the point of convulsion!

The next second... Nothing happened.

What, what's going on

Why, why is there nothing about him?!

"Although I feel disgusting, I'd like to introduce myself." the icy young man raised his left hand and pinched faoda's wrist:

"My name is Asriel and I am Loren Turin's closest friend.

Originally, Asriel didn't intend to intervene; but because Loren promised to 'owe me a favor', um... It's really difficult to refuse such a request, in all kinds of senses.

So... You're the apostle of lemantes, the perverted madman, right?

Although I don't like any of almost all evil gods, it will make me sick and disgusted to such an extent. Lemantes is also a special case.

Obviously, he has the power to destroy the world, but he is intoxicated in this disgusting, crazy and foolish interest. It's really difficult for Asriel to have even a trace of favor for this madman. "

"You, you... What are you and who are you?"

Aware of the gap between the two and that his strength had no effect on the youth, faoda finally felt a little flustered.

Even his right wrist was fastened by the seemingly weak hand. How to break free was motionless!

"Oh... Are you scared, feeling scared, overwhelmed... By the way, when lemantes found that his power was ineffective against Asriel, the madman's performance was just as bad as yours."

"In order to give back your disgust, Asriel let you know a little bit."

"You think you have mastered the situation, have an army of tens of thousands of rotten corpse demons and the absolutely strong card of 'can't be killed', but in fact, when you show your cards arrogantly for the first time, you will be defeated."

"Because 'immortality' and 'demon army' are all based on your absolute consciousness;"

Asriel's fingers clenched slightly. Faoda was frightened to find that his body was getting dim bit by bit, his face twitched, and his original clear consciousness gradually became extremely blurred

"Fall into a boundless dream and wake up at the end of the world - Oh, by the way, remember to say hello to Asriel and that sick madman.

Just say... Asriel misses him again! "

Pale fingers exert slight force, and faoda's "consciousness" in the dream world disappears in the blink of an eye


The irresistible fa'oda began to fall at the moment of Loren's touch, like a sculpture made of ice crystals, gradually fragmented from head to trunk and then to feet.

In the blink of an eye, this creepy evil god apostle has become a broken ice crystal, scattered in the snow under his feet, and can no longer be seen.

The rotten corpse demons not far away wandered around like walking corpses; The demons at the foot of the snow mountain also scattered, and many fell directly from the mountains into the bottomless glacier cracks.

Loren gasped and looked at the shadow of the Dragon King City in the distance with tired eyes - after a snowstorm all night, it finally began to clear up.

The battle is finally over... Although it's only temporary, and I have to owe that guy a "favor".

But this is also a choice without choice. I have limited cards. Without opening the "valve", this may be the only safe choice - of course, it may be more dangerous to owe Asriel a favor, but at least it is safe for now.

After all, compared with the mortal battle, a favor like usury is cost-effective enough. You can't ask too much

The black haired wizard slowly turned around, and the broken armed guard Knight held a sword in his left hand and looked at him with complex eyes:

"The evil apostle was defeated by you?"

"How could it be?" sighed Loren shook his head and spread his hands very tired. "I just used a little hand to keep him from waking up for the time being, that's all."

"In that case..." the guard Knight slowly said, "why didn't you do it at the beginning?"

"Because this small means, like your 'sword of oath', has to pay a certain price - if there is even the slightest possibility, I don't intend to do so."

The dark haired wizard deliberately turned his head and didn't look at him; The guard Knight nodded silently. He knew it was what the other party didn't want to tell him.

After all, the relationship between the two sides is far from being a "friend". It is almost the same as an enemy of life and death.

Slowly calming his heart, Lauren looked back at the broken arm of the guard Knight - perhaps because of the weather, the wound was no longer bleeding, but he could still see the obvious dark red exudation:

"Can your right arm... Recover?"

The guard Knight's face moved slightly and shook his head calmly: "it should not be; it has been completely 'dead' because it has been wiped out by the power of lemantes - even the power of the Holy Cross can't bring the dead to life."

"Just like the demons' resurrected 'by lemantes, their so-called life is a false existence, just a living dead man with an empty body."

"... I'm sorry, really."

Turning around, Loren solemnly looked at each other and looked very seriously: "although you have tried to kill me countless times, it is undeniable... You are a person worthy of admiration. What you said in the cliff mountain before is my true words."

The guard Knight's expression was slightly loose, and a faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"I'd like to ask you something while we're not going to kill each other." the black haired wizard suddenly said, "although I know it's offensive to do so, did you find something... Wrong with Lord Francis before and after he left eboden?"

In a moment, the guard Knight's face regained its original Indifference:
