"We found... Grandma of the Holy Cross, we really found it?!"

Under the snow mountain shrouded by the night, a huge entrance with obvious artificial chiseling marks stands tall in the snowstorm and is completely covered by the surrounding ice and mountains. Even if you are nearby, it is difficult to find the exact location here.

More importantly, on one side of the rock, there is also a long blurred Saxophone cross, and a small inscription from the "old scripture" of the Holy Cross.

"May the light of the Holy Cross penetrate the darkness and redeem the sinners on the way to hell..."

The expression was stunned. Isaac, who was muddy, slowly turned his head and looked at the gray pupil boy who was ten times worse than him. He squatted and gasped: "what do you think this is?"

"Traces left by the first wizard." Lucian tried to breathe and frowned. "And... The ancient Saxophone cross?"

"Yes, thank you so much for telling me this." the flat mouthed Isaac rolled his eyes and pointed directly behind him:

"Please, do you want me to speak more clearly - tell me, what do you see?"

This time, Lucian changed his eyes and helplessly spread his hands:

"We have found the entrance to Nidhogg, the Dragon King City."

"Niederhogg --!"

The excited Isaac clenched his hands and raised them above his head. His cheeks were full of mud, blood and frostbite. He smiled like a child: "for hundreds of years, the legendary Dragon King City has been seen again in the 13th generation of the saklan Empire, and the genius Isaac Grantham is her discoverer -!"

"And..." seeing ruthen, who was not happy on one side, Isaac, who was "flattering", dragged a long ending: "and his two friends who happened to be accompanying him - younger students from the same college with less intelligence; and a precocious kid who can beat forty-eight of his ellemans!"

Hearing this, the tired Lucian snorted and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Enjoy this moment. We'll try to celebrate the rest when we get to the niederhogg gate - I really hope there are two bottles of eboden wine in Loren's package. Although I don't drink, it seems good to watch the sunset on the wall of the Dragon King City and have another drink."

"Wine? Even if you do bring it, it can't still be there."

"Ah, that would be a pity."

Some disappointed Isaac shrugged his shoulders, and then he was excited again. He danced to the entrance and affectionately stroked the cold door stone:

"Yes, it's right behind here - this must be where Logan entered niederhogg, but time has changed and the stones on it have fallen;

Lucian, come and have a look. I found that here is the cross section of the stone fracture. It looks quite new... Probably in recent decades? Because the glacier changes, the beam above has lost its bearing point and so on;

Can you come and help me move this big fun away? It's not humility. I don't think I'm really suitable for this kind of manual work; it's better to give it to you who can beat 48 me. What do you think, Lucian smelly kid?

Lucian, alas? Lucian, what are you... Sitting there for? "

Isaac, who had been talking to himself for a long time and didn't respond, realized that when he looked back, the gray pupil boy still sat in place. He just looked at his feet silently, and his blurred eyes lost their original color in fatigue.

"Are you too tired? Eh... It's not incomprehensible. After all, you've run so far." Isaac, frowning and still talking to himself, sat beside him:

"Why don't we take a break? Of course, it's not because of your understanding or anything. I'm tired, really; and it's just an entrance. It's no big deal. Don't be so excited..."

"... I should have been the bait."

The gray pupil boy with depressed expression said silently.


"Faoda... The evil god apostle of the 'dead man', it is really too powerful - if his majesty Eckhart II failed to destroy it in those years, it would be impossible to rely on Lord Loren alone."

"So... He just didn't want me to die in vain, so he took the initiative to become a bait and said deceptive words such as' plan '."

The more he went on, the more depressed Lucian's expression became, and his biting lower lip was dripping blood.

"HMM... I see." with a wink, Isaac straightened up and said, "you think you're too weak, so Loren doesn't want you to be a bait, so that you won't be caught too soon and we won't have time to escape?"

Lucian opened his mouth and his trembling body choked his voice:

"Isn't... Isn't it?"

"Of course, otherwise?" Isaac looked at him naturally.

A bitter and self mocking smile appeared on the corner of the gray pupil boy's mouth:

"Yes, otherwise..."

"But... Aren't we all like this?" Isaac continued, "demons, ghosts, apostles, avalanches, evil gods... Not just you. In front of these terrible ghosts, we humans are small, weak and very worthless."

"But it is we weak, worthless and incompetent creatures who rule most of the known world and drive these damn gods and monsters into this ice and snow; do you think we can do this because we are harder than their fist heads?"

Lucian was stunned and bowed his head thoughtfully.

"No doubt it's because we're harder than their fists, otherwise?" Isaac pouted and shrugged. "I can't think of anything else anyway."

A staggering, gray pupil boy almost fell to the ground; Look at Isaac with a broken face:

"What the hell are you trying to say?!"

"I want to say, 'power' is a very vague concept, and your understanding of it is too narrow." Isaac continued, "what is power - is it power to move something to the other side?"

"Is it power to know more knowledge and be smarter?"

"Can I command an army or defeat forty-eight?"

"... this is absolutely power," interrupted Luzon.

"Well, is it power to make others laugh like a fool?"

"Er... Shouldn't this count? Wait! Should it? I don't know..."

"In a word - to calculate your so-called 'power' is meaningless, because there is no so-called 'absolute' thing in this world, even the 'truth' is a constantly changing existence, and there is nothing invariable."

Isaac waved his hand: "of course, except for the knight novels that some stupid alchemist likes to read - the protagonist in it will certainly win all duels, sleep through the roles of 'women' of all genders in the book, and then marry the second beautiful but first rich princess... Balabalabalabala... Some don't, anyway, this is the only absolute."


"So instead of moaning and complaining about ourselves, we'd better continue to follow Lauren's plan - anyway, we don't have any better plans at the moment."

After a moment of silence, the gray pupil boy slowly raised his head and looked at him calmly:

"... you said this just to let me help you remove the stones blocking the entrance, didn't you?"

"What else can it be?" Isaac suddenly laughed and held his shoulder in an indifferent attitude. "Or are you still ready to continue complaining about yourself? It doesn't matter. As long as you don't get bored, I can continue talking until some precocious and old kid is willing to start working!"

"Really... There's no way to take you!"

Lucian chuckled, and the originally dull silver gray pupils gave off a strange luster again, looking at the direction of the entrance as if they were reborn:

"Then let's go and see what niederhogg really looks like according to Lord Loren's plan!"

The cold wind was getting colder, and the exhausted two people stood full in front of the entrance.

Until... A "strange" voice interrupted them.

"It's here. It's really

Thank you so much! "