"My name is Logan, the humble servant of the Holy Cross;

Under the call and guidance of my Lord, I finally reached the end of hell;

From this I will embark on my own path of atonement;

If there is a latecomer, please remember that Logan is dead, and I will be reborn under the gaze of the Holy Cross;

If you are also those who seek salvation, please recite the proverbs of the Holy Cross and bear your sins;

Look for true faith on the road to hell! "

After reading the inscription on the tombstone in cadence, the black haired wizard frowned slightly, as if to express sincere condolences to the first wizard hundreds of years ago.

"And then?" said Lucian suddenly.

"What then?"

"That's what's below." the gray pupil glanced at Loren and pointed to a large string of content behind the tombstone: "although I can't understand ancient saxophone, I also know that the above must be more than what you just said!"

"Er... This..."

"Don't be hard on Loren. His ability to read ancient Saxophone proves that his history is not bad." Isaac, with a proud face, came up with his hands on his back and chin on his back:

"The following contents are all the 'original scriptures' of the Holy Cross Church, also known as the' old scriptures' - according to legend, they are the proverbs of the Holy Cross. Even hundreds of years ago, only missionaries and extremely devout crazy believers of the church understood this."

"The old scriptures?" ruthen tilted his head. "What's the difference between the old scriptures and the present scriptures?"

"Well... In short, what the Holy Cross Church teaches its believers today is their 'improved version'. Most of the content is the legendary miracles displayed by the Holy Cross, and the latter is the stories of some saints who died for the Holy Cross."

"But the 'old scriptures' are different - according to the documents kept in the wizard tower, the above contents are the' Proverbs' dropped by the Holy Cross, and each sentence contains unimaginable divine power; according to legend, the 'oath' of church knights is a fragment extracted from the 'old scriptures'."

"But in the end, no one understands this - the writing format of the old Sutra is different from any language you know; if you insist, it is a little closer to Ancient Runes."

Loren raised his eyebrows... That is to say, Logan, who was a priest at that time, also knew the value of niederhogg, so he hoped that he could only be discovered by equally devout believers.

"So if we want to understand the above content, we have to find a missionary?" Lucian frowned in frustration. "Is there no other way?"

"There should be a way!"

Isaac suddenly interrupted him, and the corners of his mouth almost reached the root of his ears: "not to mention that the 'old Scripture' of the Holy Cross has been sealed for many years. The core content must be the bishop level. Ordinary priests and priests are no longer qualified to read it!"

"But... You don't need a bishop to help you interpret this. Just have a talented and knowledgeable person; then it happens that... I'm the most knowledgeable of the three, and I'm also proficient in the old scriptures of the Holy Cross!"

"Look, how lucky you are. Do you feel great when people who meet both conditions stand in front of you at once?"

"... yes, we are so lucky." the embarrassed black haired wizard reluctantly smiled. Similar scenes seem to have happened more than once along the way.:

"Then, Mr. Isaac Grantham, who has learned a lot, should you tell us what it says?"

"Well, since you all spared no effort to ask me, how could Isaac Grantham, who was just superb and helpful that day, refuse you?" Isaac, who didn't notice the change of their looks, looked at the tombstone in front of him with an academic look:

"The above content roughly records all the experiences of the 'hat wearing Logan' in this adventure - he seemed to have encountered a similar situation with us, but he didn't look back in the end."

"Similar situation?" Lauren looked back and looked at the gray pupil boy who had been silent.

"The second generation of the saxophone Empire, the 'great expedition' of his majesty Eckhardt I; that was also the first time that the new empire encountered the invasion of the north after opening the 'new era'." facing Loren's question, Lucian, who sighed, replied silently.

"At that time, the saxophone Empire had just completed the basic reunification of its territory, and Elman had already sworn allegiance, and lottel and Arle became subjects to saxophone; but the Principality of Bain and the Principality of Boye united and demanded courteous treatment at the Kingdom level."

"The two sides were deadlocked until the Centaurs invaded the Principality of Boyi on a large scale. At the same time, facing the sakran Empire invaded from the north and the East, under the command of his majesty Eckhardt I, they first marched eastward to defeat the Centaurs; then they gathered the forces of the Principality of Boyi and Bain to go north and defeated the invading demon army on duanjie mountain."

"The fortress of duanjieshan was first built to commemorate the 'great expedition' of his majesty Eckhart I; the empire finally won the loyalty of the Principality of Bain and Boye."

"Come on, no one wants to hear these boring historical stories, okay?!" Isaac interrupted him again, coughing gently:

"In a word, he came to the same place as us, and spent nearly a month without finding the real entrance of niederhogg. He nearly died and survived several times, but finally found an amazing secret under the guidance of the Holy Cross!"

"Niederhogg is not hidden by the remnant of the Dragon Kingdom, but 'ascended' by some force - this is a legendary capital 'standing on the top of mountains and rooted in the earth'!"

"Get to the point!" Isaac's words made Lauren frown slightly.

"He found a tunnel leading to niederhogg." Isaac snorted with some dissatisfaction: "and the tunnel is on the top of a nearby snow mountain. As long as you find it, everything will be solved!"

"Where's the snow mountain?" the one who spoke this time was the grey pupil boy.

"I don't know," Isaac said.

"You don't know?!"

"Of course I don't know, because it's not written at all!" Isaac opened his eyes and stared at him naturally: "the last sentence on the tombstone 'the Holy Cross lights up the road to hell' - do you think I, a wizard, can understand the stem that crazy believers can understand

Lusen shrugged and looked aside at the dark haired wizard.

Ignoring the quarrel between the two, Loren went to the cliff alone, looked at the rough tombstone, narrowed his slit pupils and fell into some kind of meditation.

The Holy Cross lights the way to hell?

Logan was only a devout and simple missionary at that time. Moreover, he hoped that later believers of the Holy Cross could find it, which showed that this sentence was not a riddle, but a very important hint.

What on earth is what Logan really wants to tell them?

Oh... Wait.

How is the logo of the ancient Saxophone cross hollow?

Suddenly aware of something, Loren knelt down directly in front of Logan's tombstone, took a deep breath, and then folded his hands in front of him like a devout believer.

"What are you doing?" Isaac, who noticed something wrong, turned back and looked at him in surprise.

"The Holy Cross lights up the way to hell... I think Logan has told us the final answer." the corner of the black haired wizard's mouth slightly aroused a proud arc:

"After all, this is a place that only devout believers can find!"

Slowly open the distance, raise your folded hands, and then keep an appropriate distance between your sight and your fingertips and the hollowed out holy cross. Finally

"I know where the snow mountain is!"

"Thank you so much!"

The black haired wizard who was trembling suddenly turned around for the first time, and the "bright silver" falling into his left hand was puffing and puffing the gray blue sword; At the same time, Lucian immediately blocked Isaac behind him and held his double swords!

When the cold wind blows, the peak of the snow mountain is empty without trace.

Where are the people?

At the moment when the three flashed the idea at the same time, a strange figure appeared in front of them.

Slightly stunned, Loren's pupils suddenly contracted!