The body seems to have been drained, and the spasm like pain is still coming from the chest. It seems that it is necessary to completely tear itself apart by stimulating the nerves again and again.

"You're awake."

The cold voice is not like asking, but more similar to a calm narration of a fact.

The guard Knight tried to open his eyes, and his blurred vision gradually focused on the figure in front of him. After confirming the identity of the other party, he shifts his eyes and looks around.

There are yellow weeds and several withering trees. Nearby is an open wilderness. A town built around a hill can be seen not far away.

This is... The outskirts of melting pot?

Francis was sitting beside him, holding an open book of the Holy Cross, with his right index finger pressed on the yellow page, as if he were praying in the morning.

At this time, the Bishop had already taken off his golden red bishop dress and put on a worn and faded pure black priest's uniform. There was a wooden Holy Cross Pendant hanging on his chest. His broad hood almost completely covered his face, and he could only vaguely see the expressionless face under the hood.

With a slight sigh, the guard Knight struggled to get up, and his memory seemed to stay at the moment before he was unconscious:

"I lost, Lord Francis; even with the blessing of the Holy Cross, I still lost to the blasphemer."

"That's not important." Francis did not raise his head, but his eyes were still fixed on the Holy Cross: "Loren Turin is a very dangerous enemy, an enemy who is good at deception and disguise. We can't be too careful in the face of him; but he is not our target - at least not at present."

"But he recognized me and was still with his highness Brandon de sallion. They were also going to the fortress of duanjie mountain."

The guard Knight frowned slightly: "if this is true, this dangerous blasphemer will be your obstacle, just like in eboden."

"Then he will be the test of the Holy Cross for us." fascist's tone remained as plain as water:

"Faith without setbacks and honing is worthless."

"Rest a little longer and start on the road at dawn." Francis whispered, "it's still a long way from melting pot town to duanjieshan fortress. Winter is coming, and we don't have much time."

The guard knight was silent.

"What do you want to say?"

"I have never had any doubt about your piety and choice, Lord Francis." the guard Knight slowly said, "not once."

"But this time, you're going to... The north."

Francis closed his holy cross and slowly looked up:

"Are you afraid?"

"Never." the guard Knight's eyes were still firm: "I'm the one who made the oath of the sword. I'm ready to sacrifice for the Holy Cross anytime and anywhere!"

"Then you should be afraid, because the Holy Cross is watching us all the time and testing us - sometimes this test is not just sacrifice, but will make you face your faith."

"Face... Faith?"

The guard Knight bit the word.

"Even death is still so pale in the face of such a test - when you have to rely on the power of evil; when what you see and hear is completely contrary to your belief; when you can't even prove that what you believe in is an absolutely detached existence, or even the embodiment of justice and light, as you think …”

"Will you defend your faith wholeheartedly and thoughtlessly?"

Francis spoke very slowly, and his meaningful eyes stared into the eyes of the guard knight for a long time - it was definitely not questioning and guidance, but more like looking for an answer.

A moment later, the hesitant guard Knight nodded solemnly and replied wordlessly.

"At any time, I will be ready to sacrifice for the Holy Cross." the guard Knight paused and fell into some kind of thinking: "but I'm afraid not all believers will think so, especially those... Ordinary people."

"So we can't tell them the whole truth - faith must be blind, and too much knowledge will only make them lose their way in ignorance and arrogance."

"Because of this, all sources of confusion and confusion must be erased as much as possible. Too much kindness will only make the glory of the Holy Cross questioned, opposed and understood by them."

"To erase this confusion is what we have to do."

He got up slowly, turned his eyes to the gradually bright horizon in the distance, and the corners of Francis's mouth trembled slightly under his hood:

"It's time to go."

Seeing his figure ready to leave, the guard knight who remembered something suddenly looked up: "Lord Francis!"

The priest silently turned back, waiting for his question.

"About the question just now." the guard Knight licked his chapped lips:

"Have you ever... Faced up to your beliefs?"

The expressionless fascist paused, and then made an action that seemed very strange to the guard Knight:

He clenched his right arm tightly and stared at his bandaged right wrist. His burning eyes seemed to penetrate everything:

"My test... Has never stopped!"


For furnace town and furnace college, yesterday's night was longer than a year.

After the Dean was forcibly arrested by Brandon de sallion, with the help of the clues Isaac found in the books and archives, the soldiers of the guard found a large amount of "non-existent" materials from the warehouse, which was huge enough to arm a whole Legion.

It is not the dean's corruption that makes them "stunned" - many workshop foremen and college tutors seem not to be surprised at this. They have even noticed it for a long time, but they don't know the specific amount.

What's really terrible is that his highness Brandon de sallion found evidence from the mountains of accounts and files only overnight, even the specific location of all "blacklist" materials!

Of course, they didn't know that there was Isaac Grantham, a mysterious genius who could remember all the books in the whole library in only one day, and they couldn't think that his highness Brandon suspected them from the beginning.

With the asymmetry of information and the careless calculation, the honest saxorians in melting pot town were severely "pit" by their royal highness.

As for the Dean, Brandon didn't really intend to do anything to him - after all, the other party was still the vassal of the Royal brother in legal theory. If he really dug out people's eyes, I'm afraid it would be difficult to say.

But this is just Brandon's plan according to his current situation. After all, his highness once set a living man on a dirt plane. What he can't do in the world... Is really rare.

Naturally, the trial and getting him to confess fell to Loren.

"First of all, allow me to state that this is not my request, but the job that his highness Brandon forced me."

Looking at the shackled Dean in front of him, the black haired wizard sitting down "kindly" reminded him: "I believe you also understand - from the beginning, this is a carefully prepared plan, and now we have enough sufficient evidence to convict you, so it's meaningless to entangle again. Can we just do it?"

The Dean stared at the black haired wizard coldly, looking dismissive.

Why don't you cry when you don't see the coffin? With a sigh in his heart, Loren turned his right hand, and there were more daggers in his palm, and the tip of the knife stopped steadily less than a centimeter in front of his right eye.

"Please don't waste my patience, Dean." Loren gradually lowered his voice: "I'll give you one last chance to confess!"

"If you really think that his highness Brandon de sallion did not dare to kill you, it would be a big mistake - I saw it with my own eyes when he hanged the free nobles in eboden. Do you need me to tell you about the death of those people?"

"Confession, I'm a loyal courtier of the de sallion family. Why should I confess?!" the Dean sneered, not even afraid of the sharp point of the knife aimed at his eyes: "I can see that Brandon thinks I'm helping his brother deal with him, right

"Brandon... Your highness." Lorraine slowly withdrew his knife in a cold tone: "please pay attention to your words."

"Wording? You are a bunch of fools!" the Dean was still dismissive: "I can guarantee that furnace town has always been a loyal minister of the de saleon family. We have never assisted any Prince of the de saleon family against another."

"Who's your enemy?" Lauren stared at him.

The Dean sneered:

"It's the Holy Cross!"