"Ayn, Ayn, can you hear me?!"

The little wizard felt he had a long dream.

It seemed that I was near a fireplace of vimpal college. The stern mentor Dalton kand said a lot to me. I couldn't remember exactly what it was. I just vaguely remembered that she mentioned the history of wizards - "Logan in hat", "Wizard tower", "Holy Cross", "valve"... Which was completely different from the history in her impression.

These memories are like pieces of glass, but even if they are just casual, they are shocking enough!

Logan, who was once a holy cross priest, was the first wizard and found the nine pointed star Holy Grail? The first wizard sages who fled to eboden were his followers and traitors to the church? The Ancient Runes based on various schools even originated from the seal of the Church

If all this is true, what happened between eboden and the Holy Cross hundreds of years ago?!


I don't know when the "man" sitting opposite him changed from mentor Dalton to Lauren, and looked at himself with a worried face. Really... Why do you have such a dream? Obviously, you've always been worried about him, okay?

"Ayn, wake up, it's too late!"

Wake up... Where the hell am I?

The confused little wizard woke up slowly. The first reflection into her vision was the nervous expression of the black haired wizard.

Then she found herself lying in a dark corridor in the sewer, more accurately in the arms of some guy.


"Thank you for the Holy Cross. I thought you couldn't wake up!"

The black haired wizard's teasing words made the little wizard's pale face blush a little, but the next moment, the vibration and falling dust from around made ayin wake up immediately.

"What's the matter? Where are we?"

Ayn remembers clearly that she should have been in the Holy Grail Hall of the nine pointed star wizard tower before she was unconscious!

"It's a long story... In short, we have been driven out of the wizard tower by Mr. corona and are now in a corridor in the sewer." Loren couldn't help laughing bitterly and looked helpless:

"Then unfortunately, for some reason, our area may collapse in a short time - if we don't leave quickly, we will all be buried alive under eboden!"

Although this explanation is no different from fooling, he can only say so.

The wizard tower, which gradually collapsed without the support of the nine pointed star Holy Grail, and the surrounding sewers collapsed seriously - eboden's sewers are an "underground maze" built with the help of "rock will". Over the years, this part distorted by the Holy Grail has also changed, and naturally disintegrated after the Holy Grail disappeared.

As for what corona said, Loren also didn't intend to tell the little wizard... Because it was too dangerous.

No matter the history of wizards or the identity of "the first Wizard" Logan, Mr. corona told him these "truths" that were enough to subvert cognition in a tone of almost chatting - just knowing any of them was enough to kill the church.

Although the fascist bishop could not wait to kill himself

"Boom --!"

Like to prove that he didn't lie, there was a huge vibration in the corridor above his head!

Loren, holding the little wizard, immediately rolled aside. As soon as the two men stabilized their feet, the place they had stood was collapsed with bricks, stones and oats.

At the same time, the two men took a frightened look and swallowed their saliva.

"Leave now, don't you think?" the dark haired wizard suggested.

The little wizard nodded desperately.

At the moment of getting up, Ayn suddenly remembered something and almost instinctively said, "the nine pointed star Holy Grail... Have you got it?"

Looking back, Loren saw the little wizard's worried and concerned expression. There was no trace of miscellaneous thoughts in his eyes as clear as sapphire.

This is the only person I can absolutely trust in this strange world.

"It's on me." the smiling black haired wizard handed over a positive look: "we won the Holy Grail War."

AI Yin, who was stunned for a moment, couldn't help laughing, but the smile on her pale cheek was really sad.

"Boom --!!!"

The cracked bricks and stones were blown to pieces on their heads, half of the used wall became a huge pit, and countless soot and rubble fell down.

In the shock, the two people who could not even stand steadily immediately ran towards the other end of the corridor!

When the dark haired wizard left, another figure appeared in the nine pointed star wizard tower.

The roar of broken bricks and stones reverberates in the collapsing corridor hall, the surrounding brazier has been extinguished, and the cracks are all over the ground, which will turn into ruins anytime, anywhere.

But the figure who stepped here showed no sign of retreat.

Walking into the corridor, fascist almost fanatically looked at the darkening Black Sun in the middle of the sky. His shocked expression seemed to be experiencing something that would happen only in legend.

"The towering tower, the invisible abyss, the darkness of hell... And the burning black sun hanging from the dome!"

Francis murmured, and the calm Bishop's lips trembled slightly at the moment:

"Just like in the records... This is the 'desecration Church' built by Rogan, the apostate, to store the nine pointed star Holy Grail --"

The memory goes back to the night before leaving lottel

When bishop Fabian told Francis that he would not inherit his mantle, but would go to eboden as bishop, Francis was very angry.

He has been preparing for this day for too long, but now he wants to be a bishop in a place where the church is the weakest and almost full of wizards - it's like exile!

Then, under the guidance of Fabian, he saw the "secret Xin" that shocked him.

Power, ambition, desire, status... Completely lost its meaning in the face of the "truth". He, the fascists themselves, and even the whole church, were just a trivial pawn in the grand plan of the Holy Cross.

Ancient legends are not stories that deceive believers, but facts that are covered up;

The mission for hundreds of years is not to expand the power of the church, but to lay the foundation for the coming of the Holy Cross.

When the light of God shines on the world, all kingship, rule, betrayal... Will disappear invisible.

And himself, the humble fascist, will become a loyal believer dedicated to the Holy Cross!

But what he doesn't know is that he will never see that day

"Poof --!"

The sudden tingling made Francis stop involuntarily and freeze in place in shock.

"How, how..."

He lowered his head in disbelief, and a slender steel sword pierced his chest from the position of his heart. The cold sword tip was still dripping blood, dyeing the plain white priest's robe red.

Indifferent Edward stood behind him, holding the hilt in his right hand and suddenly pulled it out!

There was another tremor. The surprised fascist didn't seem to react from the scene just now. He covered his chest wound and turned tremblingly. The ejected plasma had flowed through his throat and gushed out of his mouth.

"I reminded you, bishop Francis." the night watchman's voice was cold: "you have given me enough reason to kill a bishop of the Holy Cross!"

"You, you rebellious..." the blood spitting fascist also said vaguely: "Holy Cross, please forgive... Your ignorant... Believers, they don't know... What they have done...!"

Another sword pierced the throat of fascist.

"I know what I've done, just like you."

The indifferent night watchman pulled out the blade, threw the dying bishop in his pool of blood, and held the handle of the sword: "the night watchman in the shadow, no one will ever know their names!"

The last scene that Francis saw was the stabbing sword running through the middle of his eyebrows!