The flames burned out, and the howling monster turned into pus in the raging dragon fire.

After the robbery, half of the city of eboden was turned into ruins - either crushed by the tentacles of the evil god's body or turned into fly ash in the heat of the dragon. Only a few broken low walls and black debris were left, and almost all the civilian areas were occupied.

The only thing to be thankful is that only half the city was destroyed, Eboden's most famous western market and wizard tower. The port, alchemy workshop, warehouse and other important buildings in the North District have not been damaged, which is a blessing in misfortune.

The roaring dragon mirassis opened his wings and proudly isolated on the wall of eboden, making a deafening roar; In front of the trembling eboden people, there was only a dragon fire, which turned the seemingly solid city gate into a pile of burning rubble.

At the same time, the imperial Legion has also appeared on the distant horizon, ready to take over the city's defense.

Originally, all this would not be so easy - eboden also has its own army. Although there are a lot of losses under the blockade and the unrest in the south of the city, there are thousands of elite mercenaries in the port area. If we can mobilize, it will not be so easy for the imperial Legion to take over the city without any harm.

"Now, although the free parliament is not over, the Bellini family is over - without the consul, they don't even have the power to give orders to the mercenaries."

Brandon with a glass in his eyes flashed a trace of pity and smiled cynically: "this is the sadness of trusting mercenaries. Their loyalty is bought with money. They will no longer be loyal to anyone after the fall of their employer.

Until... There was the next rich man who could afford the Commission. "After a pause, Brandon added:" whether he was an enemy or a friend. "

"Mercenaries will not be loyal to anyone."

Phillanai, standing beside him, suddenly said, "they will only be loyal to the winner."

Brandon was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "yes."

"But... Who is the final winner of this turmoil?"

The question of the red haired boy only received a disdainful look from the girl, silently mocking his boasting behavior.

"Me? No, no, no... I'm just a participant at most, well... I should be half the winner." Brandon stood up and lost under the murderous eyes of phillanai:

"But the real winners... Are actually the Wizards here."

Brandon, who smiled and shook his head, looked at the nine pointed star wizard tower at his feet, fell into a quiet silence, and the original cynical smile gradually faded.

"You may not believe it, but before I came to eboden, I sympathized with the Wizards very much; but now I'm starting to be a little afraid of them... I'm serious."

The knight girl's expression was a little confused - in her impression, she had never seen the boy show such a serious expression.

With a slight sigh, Brandon took out a shining gold coin from his pocket and threw it to the girl: "this... Is the source of my fear."

"Coins?" the girl frowned.

"No, no, no, this is the latest gold coin - the masterpiece of twelve alchemists from the Royal wizard college in the imperial capital, who helped the mint in the imperial capital improve the process." Brandon said and compared: "From now on, the coins of the Empire are such beautiful works of art with patterns, reliefs and a ring of teeth around them, and the content of various metals has an absolute standard. They will always bid farewell to the era of rough manufacture and different colors!"

"..." the girl shook her head.

"As like as two peas and forging machines, the twelve alchemists are not only one, but they can make countless coins that are exactly alike.

Brandon stared at the coin and murmured:

"It's really... Terrible."

Fillonay's expression changed slightly, and his eyes looking at the coins were not at ease at the beginning.

"After I came here, I further felt the atmosphere." Brandon looked into the distance with a faint envy: "do you see the city that has become half a ruins? In less than three months, these wizards can restore it to its original state!"

"It's not just that - as early as decades ago, the alchemists in the South improved the old forging technology. The herbalists led by Prince saklan are indispensable in every manor; you can see the pharmacists' shops in any imperial town; as for power..."

Brandon silently pointed to the corpse of the monster burned by Longyan not far away: "after seeing that thing, do you still think they are really harmless to humans and animals?"

"We can't go back to the era without wizards for a long time. Some people think that wizards are weak and deceptive because they don't have their own army and don't master any powerful 'magic'... It's sad."

... the Grail hall became silent again.

We represent the future?

At the moment of hearing this sentence, Loren couldn't help thinking of another wizard, who was always crazy, complacent and gifted.

Isaac Grantham... And his almost crazy "research project".

"What is really powerful is ourselves, the knowledge we have and the impact on the Empire and even the whole world - when these cannot be erased, wizards are invincible."

Corona said silently, "this is our 'strength' - the knowledge we have, so that everything that was once unknown and terrible will no longer have a secret in front of us!"

"In the same way, it is impossible for wizards to really die out - because no matter in any era, mankind will never lack the desire to explore and seek knowledge, which is inevitable."

"But exploration and knowledge also mean danger." Lauren took his words: "what we pursue diligently comes from the endless darkness of the void, but this darkness can not only give everything we think, but also devour everything we have."

There was a smile on corona's face:

"That's what freswalker told you, isn't it?"

The dark haired wizard nodded slightly.

"He's right. He's also one of the few wizards in the wizard tower who have the same view as me." corona smiled kindly: "that's why I asked him to give you some help at the beginning, but I didn't expect the result."

"... so, master freswalker will be willing to help me, and it's still your plan?" Lauren narrowed his eyes and asked calmly, "I guess it's not for any particularly good reason?"

"I admit that I was ill intentioned to let you" find "the book on the legend of lottel - but it seems that I have self defeated myself, Lord Loren Turin, you also have many secrets."

Corona did not deny: "as you said, darkness can give us what we want and will devour everything we have - the nine pointed star Holy Grail. It is never a weapon that the wizard tower can use to threaten the church, but an uncontrollable disaster."

"Unfortunately, even inside the wizard tower, there are some crazy people obsessed with power and the so-called 'truth'. They fanatically think that we can summon and control an evil god with the nine pointed star holy grail to fight against the Holy Cross Church. If they succeed, it will be a real disaster!"

Corona's tone was calm as if it were an eternal mountain: "so, at a little cost, it can not only make the church relax its vigilance against wizards and eliminate this hidden disaster, but also arouse the common anger of the wizard class and reunite the organizations and colleges originally loose in all parts of the Empire around the wizard tower."

"Kill many birds with one stone, why not? Unfortunately... I failed."

Listening to the indifferent sigh, Loren couldn't help fighting a cold war. Fear surged in.

What would it be like to be yourself, who worked hard to arrange such a plan but was destroyed?!

"Don't be afraid, Lord Loren Turin... As I said at the beginning, I don't mind you taking or destroying the Grail, and I won't do anything to you."

Corona still had a gentle smile: "it's better to let you take it away.

A stranger from afar, little sir. "