When everyone went back to prepare, the black haired wizard who had just gone out was stopped by Peter FASA. Seeing his serious expression, Lauren quietly looked out and closed the door after confirming that there were no eyes outside.

"You have something?"

Peter's face sank like water. He took out a spell book from his arms and opened it. With the slight trembling of his lips, the left hand with the "caster" stretched out three fingers.

The dark haired wizard only had time to see a light and shadow flash in front of him. Half of the room seemed to be covered by a blue transparent liquid and wrapped them in it.

"A very interesting high-level magic spell, 'silence is like water' - as long as it is still inside, no one can hear your voice." Peter smiled and wiped the sweat on his forehead: "the consumption of mental power is very low and can last for a long time; the disadvantage is that it can be broken at once, which is not much different from the water polo. It is one of the characteristics of the night watchman spell."

Lauren nodded. You don't have to think about it. You can probably guess that this spell is used for interrogation. No one can hear it even if you shout through your throat in this water polo. It's really simple and practical.

"Please allow me to apologize to you for what happened just now." Peter slowly closed the spell book and sighed with his head down: "but for some reason, I can't leave the nine pointed star wizard tower now, otherwise..."

"I said, don't care too much." with a helpless expression, Loren sat down and spread his hand: "you took so much trouble to stop me, certainly not just to apologize?"

Peter FASA pursed his mouth and nodded without saying a word.

This is the nine pointed star wizard tower, where there are most wizards. Even if Peter FASA is powerful, he can't hide the void trace brought by a high-level magic spell - he risks being found to make sure that no one can hear the conversation between the two people. Obviously, this matter is very important.

Important enough to bet on the risk of discovery.

"Before we talk about this, I must ask one thing." Peter FASA's eyes were burning. "How much do you know about the corona family, the nine pointed star wizard tower?"

"It should be less than you. After all, I just came here and didn't have much time." the black haired wizard replied truthfully: "but according to my observation, the corona family should have a high voice in the wizard tower."

"Yes, but neither."


"In fact, this is only a recent situation in eboden; before that, the corona family was only a more important agent and funder of the wizard tower;" obviously with a baby face, Peter FASA's expression was as gloomy as decades old: "their home owner Lorenz corona was only one of the twelve elders."

"The nine pointed star wizard tower is a... Very large wizard organization. In addition to the public like lottel, which especially excludes wizards, trade unions are all over the Empire, and many wizard colleges are its branches." Peter FASA couldn't help laughing here: "remember when you first came?"

"Remember, you said lottel didn't have a wizard college." Loren couldn't help laughing.

"Because vimpal college was actually founded by the night watchman secretly, and has no connection with the wizard tower." Peter was also very helpless: "I can't reveal my identity, so I have to say I don't know."

"The corona family, the reason why they were able to convince the nine pointed star wizard tower to stand on their side, was not only the Holy Blood potion, the betrayal of the free parliament, but also the Holy Cross Church."

Peter FASA's expression became more and more serious, even with some fear: "the corona family was able to convince them because they found an evil god!"

Loren was stunned and remembered what ayin had told him.

"Do you mean something, or..."

"No, I just think evil gods are real... You should know if you are lottel?" Peter's expression became more and more nervous and his voice became more and more urgent: "young people with light blond hair and exotic clothes are always polite

Yes, what they found is the legendary devil who is keen on blood sacrifice, Asriel! "

What... What?!

For a moment, Loren couldn't believe what he heard!

Yes, Asriel is an evil god, an empty life that can never be guessed and recognized with normal thinking, an existence that is completely different from itself

But it's too routine!

Peter FASA's expression did not seem to be joking, and the fear in his eyes became more and more serious: "the evidence is on Lorenz corona - exactly on his wrist, there is a snake rune that seems to be imprinted!

For the sake of the nine pointed star wizard tower and the Holy Grail, Lorenz corona did not hesitate to become the running dog of the evil god Asriel, which is why the other eleven elders of the wizard tower are willing to believe him and let the whole wizard tower and the corona family advance and retreat together!

Even if we can complete the blood ceremony and summon the Holy Grail by waking up a void monster under the distortion of void power, we mortals can't really find its specific location; but an evil god can do this, because the essence of the nine pointed star Holy Grail is the same as them! For any evil god, the only thing that can hurt and threaten is Another evil god! "

Only one evil god can hurt and threaten one evil god

"If so, why can the Holy Cross expand to the whole empire?" the voice of the black haired wizard seemed to ask himself, "why did they defeat those humans who hold the power of evil gods?"

"Because the Holy Cross has a higher level of power." Peter's voice is also very heavy: "the existence of the Holy Cross is far higher than all the demons, gods, goblins and creations that once existed. That's a higher level concept... This is what master Baudelaire told me, and I only know that."

"But now what you need to worry about is not these, but a real evil god - that is not the power that a wizard can resist, and Brandon Sally..."

The dark haired wizard's hands are tight!

Peter FASA clenched his teeth: "I don't know his true identity, but according to the available information, his status is probably not lower than that of Lord LUT infinite; no matter why he wants to cooperate with you, I'm afraid it's much better than the corona family, but you must also be careful! Only by walking between the two sides can we ensure that either side will not choose to get rid of the other side because he is afraid of the other side You! "

Loren bowed his head slightly, digested a lot of information he had just got, and let his heart gradually calm down.

"Why did you tell me this?"

It's not necessary at all, is it? No... it should be said that Peter FASA took the same risk. He is a member of the night watchman. If he is really loyal to LUT infinit, he should keep silent at this time.

After all, it should be the best ending for the night watchman leader to become a dead man in the end.

If anyone, especially the corona family, knew that he had revealed such important information to himself, Peter FASA could not even leave the wizard tower alive - even at the risk of being an enemy of the night watchman, they must not let it come to light.

One of the twelve elders of the wizard tower and the patriarch of the corona family has become the running dog of the evil god... The Holy Cross Church will never miss such a good opportunity and even catch the whole eboden!

Peter FASA raised his head slightly, still with a complicated look:

"Edward once warned me not to do superfluous things. If I do my part, I can live a long life and will not become a thorn in the eye of others.

... but that's not me.

I can't watch a friend step into an abyss like area without knowing what he is about to face, face an enemy that is almost impossible to defeat, and compete for something he can't get with his life!

So, this is my last suggestion: no matter what happens at that time, once you meet those enemies you can't defeat, don't hesitate or take any chances. I will protect Isaac Grantham from any harm for you.

Therefore, please also make a wise choice at the critical time and bring back those who are willing to trust you 100% alive! "