For the civilians living in the south of eboden, the gutter lane is a place to avoid as much as possible - scoundrels, bandits, robbers, gangsters, gangsters... This street has never been really peaceful.

Eboden is a seaport city. Naturally, a large number of traders will flow here. Naturally, many people want to avoid high taxes. Naturally, some people want to get rid of some invisible things - in short, it is a "paradise" for smugglers, bootleggers and thieves.

In the south of the city is the slum of eboden. The power of eboden free parliament is only enough to maintain the surface order. The gangs who can only haunt at night really control the streets and alleys.

Naturally, Yingou lane, a place with a lot of money, has become the "fat meat" in their eyes. All kinds of open and secret fighting have happened nearby. Anyone who forcibly occupies this territory can become the largest gangster in the south of the city by virtue of the profits from various underground transactions.

At present, the whole gutter lane has become the sphere of influence of the crutches gang.

The index finger and thumb of the right hand held the small pipe and trembled slightly to the candle. The flickering fire light flickered up and down, slowly lit the tobacco on the edge, and the dark red fluorescence flickered in the dark environment, revealing a dark and thin face.

After a long deep breath, the gray smoke filled around him, and fansteno's face showed a slight attitude of enjoyment - this kind of tobacco can be regarded as a first-class product in the gutters and alleys, a good thing that even money can't buy on the market.

A slight knock made van steno frown when he had just relaxed. A black feathered bird suddenly appeared outside the empty window and was staring at him.

Crows? But those red eyes look rare.

When he was ready to observe the "strange bird" more carefully, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and the fleshy dog leg came in with a flattering smile - if Loren was here, he would find that this guy was the same person as the drunk in the last hotel.

"Boss fansteno, the deadly wizard is coming."

"Let me wait for three days, and finally come..." the hooked nose van Stefano's eyes crossed: "how many people?"

"Well... Only see himself!" replied the dogleg, lowering his head.

"Only himself?" Van steno showed an incredible smile: "a man dares to come to the gutter Lane... The wizard is really confident!"

"But that's good. I'm afraid he won't come... Invite the adult in, and I have something to discuss with him." Van steno said, taking a sip of his pipe and leaning against the back of the bench. "Tell the brothers not to embarrass him too much."

"Really, actually..." a few drops of cold sweat suddenly fell on the dog leg's forehead and said, "the wizard has come in, just outside the door."

"Outside the door, outside the door?"

"No... just outside the door of your room!"


Van Stefano suddenly burst into a rage: "he just broke into the chassis of the crutch gang. Are you blind or a loser?"

"No one saw it at all, and no one knows when he broke in!" the dog leg quickly explained, "when we detect it, this guy has..."

"It's really rude to break into someone else's house; but can you calm your people down first, your excellency fansteno?"

A strange voice came from the outside. The grumpy van steno pushed open the dog leg blocking the door, stood on the corridor on the second floor and looked down at the hall below - the wizard in black robes, surrounded by a group of crutches Gang thugs, and dozens of long swords and short knives pointed at the not burly figure.

Obviously, the crutches Gang is the one with a large number of people. The black haired wizard saw a little nervous on his face. On the contrary, the thugs around him were sweating hard, not even a guy who dared to rush up.

The sight in front of him made fansteno frown, and he wanted to order the dogs to kill the wizard who was not afraid of him!

"What are you doing? This Lord ain Rand is a member of the nine pointed star wizard tower and our distinguished guest! A group of fools, get back!"

The gangsters around didn't protest, but left the hall with great relief. It wasn't until everyone left that van steno understood why - there was a body beside the black haired wizard, nailed to the floor by his own dagger.

And it was pierced from the back of the head

"I'm very sorry, but the gentleman wanted to kill me as soon as he saw me. After he was subdued, he kept shouting that one of us must die."

Loren shook his head regretfully and took off his hood: "in that case, I have to meet his wishes."

A trace of murder flashed across van sitnor's gloomy face.

"It's not very convenient in the living room. Please come in and talk," said Van steno respectfully, narrowing his eyes. "It's just a minion. You don't have to take it seriously."

"Thank you so much."

Nodding his head, Loren calmly walked up the stairs, as if he were really like a guest, followed behind fansteno and walked into his exclusive "lounge".

As soon as he entered the door, the strong smell of tobacco came to his face. The black haired wizard frowned and glanced carelessly at the side window. The "black crow" outside the window didn't seem to see him come in.

"This is the first-class goods I just got. Would you like some?" asked fansteno politely.

"No, I'm not cold about tobacco." he sat down, and Lauren pushed away the other party's kindness.

"That's a pity. Without a pipe, life will be less fun."

"In that case, say something that interests me."

Looking at the other party ready to go round with himself, the black haired wizard raised his eyebrows and said directly, "do you know me?"

"Of course - there are not many things I don't know in eboden, especially in the south of the city." fansteno smiled a little on his gloomy face: "Lord ain Rand, I know you have just been recognized by the nine pointed star wizard tower recently. I know you're from lottel, and I know you're still looking for someone.

This man's name is Isaac Grantham. Am I right? "

All right... Lauren nodded without changing his face: "you invited me not just to tell me how much you know about me?"

"Of course not. I invited you here to make a deal with you."

"Deal?" Lauren smiled. "Can you explain it for me?"

"Just a few days ago, you injured more than a dozen of my men, hindered the business of the crutches Gang, and made the hotel not pay protection fees - this is a great loss to the reputation of the crutches gang. In other cases, I've tried to kill you or drive you out of eboden!"

The voice of fan Situo suddenly smiled and waved carelessly: "but this time, I intend to let bygones be bygones, if you are willing to make a deal with me..."

"I don't know." Lauren shrugged. "I'm just a little wizard. What can I do for you?"

"It's simple. Make up for my loss."

Fansteno said in a very calm tone, "because of you, the crutches gang has become so awe free in that street that a group of bastards called 'Copper Group' are ready to challenge my position and want to take the gutter Lane from me - as far as I know, he has planned for a long time."

"Then you can kill him or his gang directly. I still can't see what it has to do with me."

"I can't do that. In that case, the rest of the gangs will surround me." fansteno smiled strangely: "but you can."

"I've got a very useful news. The boss of the 'Copper Group' has just contracted a tavern recently. Only he and some confidants enjoy themselves in it - with your ability, you can kill all of them quietly!

As long as you help me with this, I'll tell you everything I know about Isaac Grantham! "