Loren Turin, who is a "guest" at fresvok manor, can't know that the crutches Gang cleaned up by himself have come to the door - considering master fresvok's enthusiasm and the fact that he can't refuse each other's kindness, the rational dark haired wizard will certainly not leave.

However, master freswalker did not limit his activities in the manor, and even generously allowed him to visit the library at will, as long as he was not disturbed.

Since the other party was so enthusiastic, the black haired wizard naturally accepted it without scruples.

On the whole, master freswalker's library is not large, even if it is not as large as the library of vimpal College - after all, it is only a private library and the research room of a mystic wizard.

However, since it is the collection of a top master of mystics, the quality of these books is naturally not comparable to that of vimpar. Many volumes even date back to the time before the doctrine of the Holy Cross spread throughout the sakran Empire, or even more distant times.

Among them, Loren even found many solitude related to ancient history and even the legends of goblins and gods in various places - most of them are just hearsay, or biographies pieced together according to rumors and oral accounts. I'm afraid they have little reference value for a wizard.

However, in this world, there are always some writers who are very keen on the "sense of mission". Even if they know that once their writing is discovered by the Holy Cross Church, the only end is the crucifixion, they are still tireless to record the "historical truth".

Leaning against the staircase, Loren casually flipped through the book he had just found on the shelf. The quiet space and strong smell of parchment made him feel the illusion of returning to vimpal. Subtly, it seems that some pretentious genius is facing each other, waiting for him to ask questions.

The ancient book in hand is a historical material about the Principality of lottel. Although it is boring, it records in detail the development history of this land, the character and customs of the local people, the rise and fall of various families, especially the gratitude and resentment between the Fred family and the Seine family.

It even wrote a full 20 pages, involving legends among the loterians - referring in detail to the story of the "devil" that spread among the local population before the advent of the Holy Cross.

It is said that it is very "enthusiastic", likes to appear when people encounter difficulties, and can always meet people's wishes - but without exception, all have to pay some price, and the way to realize their wishes is always inconsistent with people's goals.

It is also vaguely mentioned that the appearance of the "devil" is a teenager with light blond hair and luxurious clothes, and his conversation is polite.

"... and his name is said to be so complicated that someone went crazy after reading it - so the local people call the devil... 'Asriel'."

The murmuring black haired wizard finished reading the last paragraph, and his face was a smile he didn't know how to describe.

Why aren't you surprised at all?

Maybe it's because I've been involved too deeply and have no chance to look back - but then again, even if I give myself another chance, I'm afraid I'll still make the same choice.

"But sometimes he will look at people on the other side, keen on sacrifice and death sacrifice, killing for no reason... The devil's thinking will never be the Caprice that human beings can guess..."


A soft cough came from the stairs, and the respectful servant stood by the handrail with his hands behind his back. Looking back with a smile, "pa!" closed the parchment book in his hand and calmly got up: "is master freswalker looking for me?"

"Your Excellency has left the manor for the nine pointed star wizard tower." the servant nodded slightly and replied, "before leaving, he asked me to remind you that your test will begin this afternoon. Don't be late!"

"Today?!" the black haired wizard looked at each other in surprise: "I remember it should be two days later!"

"It should have been like this, but there have been some changes." the servant shook his head: "the original three evaluated wizards have suddenly increased to five - these adults are temporary, and it is impossible for them to wait until three days later, so it can only be today."

"... how much time do I have?" Lauren squinted.

"The test is this afternoon, that is, you must arrive before noon." the servant looked at him very sincerely, with some pity: "in other words... You don't have much time."

"Bang --!"

In the roar, the door was opened, and the figure of the black haired wizard had already disappeared in place, leaving only the unfinished book on the steps, and the yellow pages were constantly turning in the strong wind.

Shaking his head, the servant went down, picked up the books from the steps and put them back on the bookshelf - as if nothing had happened. There was only the sound of clear footsteps in the staircase.

On the open space in the middle of a patio of the nine pointed star wizard tower, the apprentices have temporarily built a testing facility, stopped all the surrounding areas, and even set up several wooden targets on the open space.

Such a special "test" method can only be enjoyed by casters - after all, the best standard to test a caster is the level of the high-order spell they use.

According to the preferences of each caster, the high-level spells they use are naturally different. There are all kinds of magic spells - from magic tricks to some special spells with different ideas. The only thing they have in common is that they all need enough casting space.

Standing in the middle of the open space, Baudelaire looked a little nervous and gathered around. More and more apprentices forced to calm down and maintain his consistent indifference.

This test has exceeded his expectations. Not only did master freswalker suddenly increase the number of reviewers to five, but also it was advanced to within two days, which is simply unreasonable.

Of course, it is not reasonable for a foreign wizard or just a caster to get recognition in the nine pointed star wizard tower - but when things get to this point, it is very difficult for him to interfere with the evaluation results.

What happened?

"It's no surprise to see you, bedrell."

Just hearing this sound, Baudelaire felt a fit of nausea and didn't even bother to look back: "Lord verlot Bellini, what are you doing here?"

"Of course, I'm here to check. I don't know the wild wizard from the countryside!" a proud wizard is about 40 years old, with an unimaginable collapsed nose on his face, which is completely out of line with his luxurious Purple Striped wizard robe: "you seem to forget that I'm also a caster!"

This resignation made Baudelaire even more disgusted, because the guy who spoke relied on spell learning to muddle through and become a typical representative of an official wizard. He wouldn't be too ashamed by relying on the power and financial resources of the Bellini family.

The reason why he can appear in the nine pointed star wizard tower and talk to himself on an equal footing is entirely due to his gifted alchemist nephew, alto Bellini - because verlow is his mentor.

Although the "tutor" is a mere figurehead, and no wizard believes that Alto Bellini's success is his good guidance, this is the rule of the nine pointed star wizard tower - the tutor and apprentice will prosper together and lose everything.

"It's said that the wild wizard was ordered by Lord Baudelaire himself. I didn't expect you to have a good impression on a boy from the countryside." verlow, with a flat nose, said sarcastically: "is he your relative?"

"I have no prejudice against anyone. Can't a caster like you stand here and talk to me?" Baudelaire made no secret of his contempt: "as for this guy named ain Rand, he is much more arrogant than you think!"

"Oh, really?!" the angry weierluo Bellini turned his head back with hatred: "I really want to see what the guy who can refuse to become your Padawan of bodrell looks like!"

"Well, you're lucky. He's here."

With the direction indicated by Baudelaire, a dark shadow has appeared on a balcony next to the patio, and has jumped down from it in the blink of an eye!