"The wizard named Baudelaire doesn't seem to have much faith in you, dear Loren."

Asriel, who didn't know where to get a midnight blue Nightgown, lay lazily on the creaking bed, with his head on his right hand, light blond hair scattered disorderly, and a look of waking up: "such a sincere man... Can you really believe him?"

The dusty room has been cleaned, even the beds and corners have been cleaned, and the old and moldy floor can almost reflect people - obviously, no one has this spare time except some guy named Asriel.

"I don't need to trust him much. The corona family should pay attention to standing behind him." Loren sat aside blandly and ignored the boy's provocation perfectly: "not to mention... It's not without reason."

According to Isaac Grantham, all spell casters are a group of magicians - the natural limitations of the spiritual palace, coupled with the limit of the world's wizards to the power of nothingness, so that the vast majority of spell casters can not have a bright future in spell science.

After all, no matter how gifted, a wizard can only completely remember three high-level magic spells at most, but the price is to completely occupy all the space of the spiritual palace and greatly reduce the efficiency of meditation and connecting the void, which is obviously not cost-effective.

In fact, spell learning is only an additional choice for many wizards - many low-level but practical small spells, such as "firefly spell". Even alchemists or scholars studying ancient runes will contact one or two, but they really take it as their main subject

"Probably only liars and jugglers."

Shrugging his shoulders, Loren was helpless: "after all, spells are only the superficial use of void power, and high-level spells are too expensive. Instead of wasting time studying spells, it's better to focus on alchemy and runes, which can achieve the same or even more perfect effect - at least for most ordinary wizards."

"But dear Loren, you are not an ordinary wizard. You are unique." Asriel smiled and raised the corners of his mouth: "only you can show the real strength of the caster!"


"Of course, haven't you seen it with your own eyes? The essence of the magic spell is the distortion of the void to the real world, and when this power reaches a certain level..." the boy deliberately dragged a long tail, murmured in a low voice and blurred his eyes:

"It's like... God."

Loren's eyes twitched. Now he wanted to turn his eyes: "anyway, I'll be tested in three days at most, and the trouble is that I can't get anything to prove my level as a caster!"

Asriel first raised his eyebrows puzzled, and then the understanding teenager also showed an embarrassed expression.

Yes, as a caster, Loren has mastered two high-order spells and a considerable number of low-order spells, and the endurance of the spiritual palace is very strong. With the help of Asriel, he can use high-order spells without restriction even in a short time.

But the problem is that these strengths are invisible.

Naturally, Asriel needless to say, "beyond perception" is the sign of the night watchman, which can not be put on the bright side; As for "Turin fire"... It is indeed Loren's unique high-level spell, but it is also one of his only fighting means now.

Although he has always avoided fighting, it is obvious that he will not be plain sailing in eboden. Loren doesn't want to be recognized by others as soon as he makes a move in fighting.

"So if I don't want to make the 'Turin fire' my own sign, I have to find a way to create another one as soon as possible." the black haired wizard frowned involuntarily: "and within five days."

"Or consider learning one now?" the teenager suggested, "it may be much faster."

Loren shook his head and rejected the proposal - if it was so simple, Baudelaire wouldn't deliberately remind himself that he must show his strength to shut up eboden's wizards.

Not only to find Isaac and become the wizard of the nine pointed star wizard tower, Loren can also get access to the talented alchemist and increase his probability of success.

Just when the two were still thinking hard, there was a loud noise under the floor, and there was a faint sound of shouting and beating, which made the black haired wizard frown.

Maybe it's just gangsters making trouble? Even a small place like Gumu town will have such a guy as a hat. It's not surprising that there are gangs blackmailing eboden.

Whether pickpockets or gangsters who are keen on blackmail, such people are very difficult to deal with. If you can't provoke them, try not to provoke them, otherwise it will be endless trouble, and Loren hates trouble.

Just when the dark haired wizard made up his mind, Asriel lying next to him showed a cunning smile - although he was still very weak, his body was a real vampire, which was far from human comparison.

"What's the problem?"

"Well... Only one thing, the innkeeper didn't tell the truth when he introduced you." the boy lying on the bed tilted his legs: "he once cleaned this room."

Understanding Asriel's hint, Loren immediately got up, slammed the door out and walked towards the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

The spacious hall was supposed to be in the busy hotel. The guys were all shivering behind the counter and dared not come out. The drunkards and guests in the hall had long disappeared and were replaced by a group of thugs who pretended to be fierce and armed.

The tables and chairs were kicked over, the cups and dishes on the ground were in a mess, the wine pots behind the counter were looted, and even the oak barrels containing wine were robbed.

As for the enthusiastic innkeeper, he was trampled under his feet by a very strong looking drunkard, like a meat mat. The sharp knife was against the tip of his nose and kept shaking around his eyes.

The frightened hotel owner was sweating all over and his eyes were wide open. He didn't dare to blink for fear that the tip of the knife would poke down directly!

"Old friend, we have an agreement." the strong man, who was full of wine, naturally threatened, "if you owe us money, you have to pay it back, or you will break your promise, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes... You're right. I, I will pay back the money!" the hotel owner was paralyzed and trembled: "you say a number, I'll give it, I'll give it all!"

"HMM... count it." the drunken man rolled his eyes and shouted behind him, "how much does this guy owe us?!"

The minions looked at each other and were stunned for a long time before they remembered and replied, "two thousand silver coins!"

"Two thousand five --!" "three thousand --!"

"Three thousand five --!" "four thousand --!"

"Four thousand five --!" "five thousand --!"

"That's five thousand!" the drunkard waved his hand fiercely and put his short knife directly on the hotel owner's neck: "listen clearly, you owe us five thousand silver coins. Hand it in immediately - if you're lucky, we don't want your interest!"

"Even if you sell my hotel, it's not worth 5000 silver coins!" the hotel owner cried directly: "please, spare me. There's not so much here!"

"Don't be silly, I know what you're hiding. It's definitely worth five thousand silver coins!" the drunk stared greedily: "one of your guys has told us that it's what you stole from the wizard's room!"

"I, I don't know..." the hotel owner who was just frightened suddenly "has backbone": "you, you must have heard wrong..."

"Excuse me, can you interrupt?"

Almost at the same time, lying on the ground, the innkeeper and the drunk looked at the stairs directly opposite. The smiling black haired wizard leaned against the handrail:

"Well, I find you seem to be arguing... I wonder if you can satisfy my curiosity and tell me what's going on?"

"Come out of nowhere, hick, go back to your room." the drunkard hung his eyes and shouted, "it's none of your business here..."

"Bang --!"

Before his voice fell, Loren, who gently snapped his fingers, used a "hovering curse" to make the drunk's head have a "close contact" with the counter.

"Well... Look at your expression, I guess there's something about me now, right?"