Loren, who got rid of priest DOM, played with the bronze badge in his hand and left the dilapidated church leisurely. Miss Ariel corona, who was originally standing outside the door, had disappeared and was replaced by a servant in a dark blue long sleeved shirt.

"Miss Ariel has returned to the residence. Let me leave a message for you before leaving." the serious servant stared at the black haired Wizard: "you are a friend of the corona family. You can visit at any time if you need it. The corona family will open the door for you.

In addition, the residence of the corona family is very easy to find. You just need to inquire about it. "The servant paused and continued," is there anything else you need? Miss Ariel asked me not to ask you too much before I leave. "

"Please thank Miss Ariel for me. If you are free, you will visit me." Loren could see that the other party didn't like him very much, so he only said two sets of words: "how can I get to the nine awn star wizard tower?"

"You just need to inquire about it. It's in the inner city of eboden. It's very easy to find it." the servant pointed to a direction in the distance: "in addition, if you don't have anything important, please don't come to the door easily, which will bring a lot of trouble to miss Ariel. Goodbye, sir!"

Without giving Lauren a chance to say goodbye, the servant had disappeared into the crowd at the end of the street. There was only Lauren left in front of the church door and the black feather eagle on his shoulder.

"Tut tut tut... Dear Lauren is looked down upon by others again. Maybe he is regarded as a dissolute son who colludes with the noble lady?"

Asriel's provocative voice echoed in Loren's mind, with some vigilance in his tone: "don't you think this dear Miss Ariel is really too enthusiastic - for a wizard from the countryside who has just met."

"I feel more like you're sarcastic about me."

"Don't say that, my dear friend, not everyone has seen your real charm. You have to be careful about those who take the initiative to throw themselves into the arms, because they are likely to have bad intentions."

"Like you?" Lauren picked the corner of his mouth.

"... this is not an appropriate metaphor, but almost, I don't want to see another I become your good friend."

"Are you jealous, too?"

"Dear Loren, what are you talking about?" the young man's voice was very pondering: "Asriel is an evil god, and jealousy is an inherent good quality of his birth."

"This is no different from human beings."

Curling his lips, Loren took out a parchment note from his clothes, on which was written the address of Isaac Grantham, which Dalton had left to himself.

He prefers to find out the truth of Isaac's disappearance as soon as possible rather than working for LUT infinite.

As for the night watchman organization ambushed in eboden... The night watchman leader did not explain, but only told Loren the contact information between a night watchman.

But anyway, their goal is the medicine formula, so these night watchmen must have something sooner or later. All they need is a little patience.

"Well, since you're going to find the Lord Isaac Grantham, why do you ask the servant where the nine pointed star wizard tower is?"

"Just asking, I didn't say I was going." Lauren, who was standing in the middle of the street talking to himself, raised his mouth and left the street along the bustling crowd: "didn't some guys just remind me again and again to be vigilant?"

Isaac's address is not difficult to find. After asking a few people, Loren smoothly found a hotel where this guy used to live, a building about three stories high near the city wall at the South Gate of eboden.

The black haired wizard walked into the hotel door. The boss who saw his bronze badge on his chest immediately came forward attentively: "what can I do for you, master wizard?"

Obviously, eboden's wizards are different from lottel - the pubs and ordinary people in Gumu town would never be so attentive to a wizard.

"I'm looking for a friend who should live here." Lauren smiled kindly. "His name is Isaac Grantham, a wizard... About my age."

"Isaac Grantham..." the innkeeper frowned and thought hard, and suddenly widened his eyes: "ah, I remember!"

"Do you know him?"

"Of course I know him. Almost everyone in this hotel doesn't know his Excellency Isaac Grantham!" the hotel owner smiled bitterly: "your friend just came to the hotel and gave us a lot of rules and improvement plans. He is more like the boss here than I am!

Of course, he did give us a lot of useful advice, but his character is so strange that no man can stand him - fortunately, the wizard is not in the room at ordinary times, otherwise we will be driven crazy by him! "

Well... It does sound like Isaac's style.

The corner of his mouth smoked. Lauren continued to ask, "is he still there now?"

"Isaac has moved away a long time ago." the hotel owner shook his head regretfully, but changed his words: "but we stayed in his room because we don't know when your Excellency will come back."

"That's great," the black haired wizard asked, "can I go in and have a look?"

"Yes, yes." the hotel owner nodded and hesitated: "but..."

Loren then took out a few silver coins and put them on the table. The friendly hotel owner did not hesitate to give him the room key and took the initiative to lead the way.

When I opened the door, dust came to my face. The embarrassed boss stood outside: "this is mainly to ensure the original, so there is no reason why he didn't clean..."

"It doesn't matter."

The black haired wizard waved his hand casually to show that he didn't care - even better. If someone came after Isaac left, he would leave a trace.

Because there is only one person living in the room, the room is not spacious. There is only a bed, a tea table, a table and the next window. Half of the candles on the table are covered with dust. It can be seen that they have not been touched again.

The windows are locked back - this is also in line with the habit of a genius. He has an inexplicable attachment to the quiet environment, and more importantly, there is no sign of being damaged or pried open.

In the room, no matter on the floor, the bed or the door handle, Loren couldn't find a trace of fighting. At the same time, he didn't find anything related to Isaac. It was as clean as if no one had ever lived.

So Isaac was not forced, but took the initiative to leave the room. Or the other party's means are very clever. They can kidnap him without leaving any traces and clues in the room, although this is almost impossible.

All wizards, whether trained or not, exposed to the void will make some of their "subconscious" and "intuition" sensitive, and Isaac is a wizard specializing in mystics, which is almost unmatched in this regard - the one who can easily put him down can only be another wizard.

But there was no trace of empty power in the whole room, so Loren preferred to be forced or lured to leave here.

"Did anything happen before Isaac left here?" Lauren looked back at the innkeeper behind him. "For example... Did he do anything unusual?"

"Abnormal behavior?" the innkeeper smiled pleasantly. "No other meaning, but in our eyes, this gentleman is not normal every day!"

Er... It's hard to do.

"But just before he disappeared, Mr. Isaac seemed very happy. He was shouting all the time. We didn't hear it clearly, but it seemed that he had found his own sponsor."

"Sponsor?" Lauren raised his eyebrows. "Is it a rich businessman?"

"Rich merchant... Oh, that gentleman's surname is not just 'rich merchant'." the innkeeper swallowed his spittle hard and his eyes were full of envy:

"It's the Bellini family that is the most popular in eboden at the moment!"