Gently clenched his fist, Loren frowned tightly and opened his left hand with the "caster".

It's the third day. The recovery speed of the body is still lower than expected, and even does not reach the original standard. The state is only about half of its heyday. If you want to fully recover, I'm afraid you have to wait another week.

However, according to Asriel, it is a miracle that he can live now - if a normal wizard bears as much mental burden as him, or even fights in the cave completely distorted by the void, he would have collapsed into a pool of meat mud from head to foot, or become dry and crazy.

Concentrate and gently snap your fingers. Even a "hovering spell" will make the skull cavity feel slightly tingling. Last time I had this feeling, I waited three days to return to normal after the battle with vampires.

Three more days?

Loren sighed gently, calming down his impetuous heart. Staring at the "caster" on his left hand, his expression was thoughtful.

Loren has always been curious about his mentor Dalton kand - he is good at alchemy, mystics, herbal medicine, incantation... And has a wide understanding of all kinds of monsters. Even in terms of his age, he can be called quite knowledgeable and gifted.

So far, Dalton kand should be regarded as a very standard master wizard who is good at research and practical application.

But in fact, from the notes left by his tutor, he is also proficient in fencing and fighting, and has a set of spells used in small-scale combat. "Beyond perception" is his original high-level magic spell, and Loren's "Turin fire" also draws on another low-level magic spell in his notes.

What kind of guy can catch his mentor and even imprison him without anyone noticing - and most importantly, the other party's goal is himself?


The black haired wizard shook his head. If the other party really has the ability to catch Dalton kand, why should they do so much to catch themselves, a powerless little wizard?

In addition, Loren also imagined many possibilities - the wandering wizard under Karan, the trap of fascism, and an evil god that Asriel didn't tell himself

Loren can clearly smell the smell of the trap. It's better to say that the other party has clearly told himself that this is a trap and is looking forward to jumping in.

No matter who he is, he must know himself very well, know the relationship between Dalton kand and himself very well, and be very sure that he will save his mentor.

This is really... Reluctantly shaking his head, Lauren slowly stood up and put "bright silver" behind him. Take a deep breath and extend your right hand to the wand placed aside.

At the moment when he was about to meet, he was stopped by the other hand and forcibly snatched the "tree heart" from Loren's hand - slowly raised his head, and Loren saw an elf who was also staring at him.

"You haven't recovered from your injury. You can't go out and walk now." Leia frowned and said in an indisputable tone: "go back to the room and lie down!"

"Who said that? I've almost recovered now. And people who have just recovered from a serious illness should go out for a walk and exercise... It's good for health!"

After thinking for a long time, Loren came up with such a word and managed to squeeze out a smile.

"Where are you going?" the fairy still clung to her wand and refused to let go.

"Er... Let me see." Lauren pretended to pull the corners of his mouth, and his eyes kept dodging each other's eyes: "I'm the wizard adviser of count Reuven Fred, so I must go back to Shenlin castle; in addition, I've already discussed with the priest about the alliance with the Duke, and I can make him..."

"I already know," Leah said suddenly, interrupting Loren's incoherent gestures.

She knew very well how far this guy could push himself - no matter how tired and painful he was, as long as he could stay awake, he could make himself look as if nothing had happened; He won't even let others notice his fatigue until the last minute.

Although I can't say it, I'm more reluctant to admit it. But Leah knew that she had begun to care about the liar. If she could, she would never want to see anything happen to him.

With a slight sigh, the dark haired wizard thought for a moment: "did Ayn tell you?"

The little wizard was also Dalton kand's apprentice, and Loren didn't intend to hide it from her - not to mention that the little priest had told her in advance even if he didn't tell her.

The fairy nodded and acquiesced: "the little wizard said you would certainly save your mentor, and it's useless even if someone stops."

"You see, Ayn knows my character better." he tilted his mouth like a joke, and Lauren directly stretched out his right hand: "so... Please give me back my wand."

"Wait!" Leah suddenly carried her wand behind her. "The man who grabbed your mentor doesn't know what you look like, does he?"

"Probably, it shouldn't be someone I know. What do you want to do..."

"I'll go for you!" the fairy replied angrily, "give it to me - no matter who the other party is, I can bring your mentor back safely!"

"Or don't you believe me? If you don't agree, we can have a fight now and see who's better!"

"Why are all your elves like this..." Lauren whispered with a wry smile.

"What are you talking about?!"

"Nothing, but you seem to have misunderstood." the black haired wizard shook his head: "this matter has nothing to do with each other, but no matter what reason, I have to go, and it can only be me."

"But your body hasn't recovered yet!" Liya fiercely retorted, "you're just going to send..."

"I'm going to die. The other party has dug a trap and is waiting for me." slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and Lauren, who looked indifferent, took down the other party's words: "that's what you want to say, isn't it?"

The silent fairy stared at him, still unwilling to let go.

"Although it may be strange to say so, when did you think I wanted to be the one who took the initiative to die?" she gently pressed her right hand on each other's shoulder, and Leia didn't resist: "I won't do anything I'm not sure of."

"Let me go with you!" the Female Elf's tone became weaker and weaker. "This can at least increase your chance of success - even if there are traps, I can help you lead them away!"

The corners of his mouth trembled slightly, and a faint smile appeared on Lauren's cheek.

"Do you look down on me?!" sensitive Leia immediately reacted.

"No, in fact, I'm very moved, really." the black haired wizard and the Female Elf looked at each other with some emotion: "I didn't expect you to care so much about me, which is completely beyond my imagination!"

"You are my friend." the fairy naturally said, "so I have to protect you, at least I can't watch you die!"

Although she spoke very righteously, Leia could still feel her shoulders trembling, her heart beating faster and faster, and an indescribable anxiety gathered on her chest as if to melt her.

"Then, as a friend, should you trust me more?" Lauren asked, "first of all, I can't die; second, as an elf, you are too conspicuous among humans. I'm afraid the other party will find us before I get there!"

"That's not just right. I can be your bait, and then you can sneak in." the Female Elf immediately replied: "you also said that I am also very beautiful among humans, which will certainly attract more attention!"

The black haired wizard was stunned.

It's not because the female elves have such a "warm" attitude, but because they can't find any excuse to refute each other for the first time. Even if it's fake, they can't think of one, and they don't even know how to refuse.

Because what Leia said is very reasonable, two people must be much more convenient than one person, and they will certainly let themselves take action and have a home with some ease. But

With a long sigh, Loren gently hugged Leia's shoulder. The slender fairy didn't resist and was taken away by him.

"Please, Leia, can you trust me once?"