"In the name of Duke Fred, the guardian of the noble and majestic principality of lottel and the defender of the Holy Cross, I extend my most sincere greetings to the elders of the morning star Forest Elves. May you live a long life!"

In the long room at the top of the cloud canopy tree in the morning star forest, the Duke Messenger, dressed in a delicate dark green robe and wearing a long gold chain and silver buckle, calmly stood in front of the elf elders, and his arrogant eyes were almost on the beam.

Beside him stood a young Holy Cross priest with a serious expression and even a little nervous. Even if Lauren stood here, he could not recognize that this was the little priest he had helped him when he was in Gumu town.

"May the ancient wood forest bless you and wish Duke Fred a long life." the elder Bowen sitting in the center frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the Duke's envoy's attitude.

This meeting was also the result of the agreement between the two sides - the Morningstar forest settlement will reach an alliance with Duke Fred, and the elves' caravan can be unimpeded on the land of the whole principality of lottel, no longer limited to shenlinbao.

The Duke will provide the elves in the morning star forest with all the support they need free of charge during each ogre invasion, not only iron, armor and even medicine, until the end of the invasion - and the elves must ensure to keep the ogres in the forest and prevent any ogres from fleeing to the land of the Principality.

As a price, Morningstar forest must pay the best Mead of the year to Duke Fred every year, with a total amount of half of the new wine of the year, as well as precious animal skins and rare flowers and plants as gifts, and send envoys to the Duke's hunting banquet to prove the friendship and alliance between the two sides.

Generally speaking, the conditions are very favorable to Morningstar forest, and even better in terms of specifications and treatment than many aristocratic lords in the principality, which proves that Duke Fred really treats them as corresponding allies rather than vassals.

This has been the content discussed by both sides. Elder boon is not worried that the other party will renege. But just seeing the arrogant expression of the Duke's Messenger, he felt an indescribable disgust.

"I don't know why you're visiting again?" elder boon tried his best to make his tone calm: "I hope our hospitality won't disappoint you. You can mention anything you need."

"It's very kind of you, but what I want to say is not your hospitality." the Duke messenger smiled a little "reserved": "but more importantly, some small issues about your covenant with the Duke."

"Oh, isn't that already agreed?"

"Of course, the Duke will certainly not go back on what he promised - but it needs to add some small details and necessary conditions to make the covenant look more reasonable."

"Don't go too far!"

Another elf elder on the side stood up directly from his position and glared at the Duke messenger who was still "reserved smile": "we still promise to form an alliance with you, which is not equivalent to bowing to the Duke!"

"Yes, but please don't forget that you couldn't have won the war without the support of the Duke." the Duke messenger didn't even bother to see the elf elder and was extremely arrogant: "isn't it? Even an iron ingot can't appear here without the permission of the Duke!"

"Under such circumstances, you not only didn't thank your benefactor for saving your life, but even said evil words to his messenger. Is this the courtesy of the elves?!"


"Sit down!"

Elder Boone interrupted the elf elder and looked back coldly at the Duke Messenger: "please clarify what the so-called 'little details' are?"

"Of course, it is the premise of the alliance between the two sides - this matter was put on hold because of the war before; but now that the war is over, it is natural to solve those problems that still need to be solved!"

The Duke's envoy nodded slightly, not as if he had been interrupted: "as you know, the Principality of lottel is a land shrouded in the light of the Holy Cross, and the Duke is also a devout believer; as a devout believer, one of the most important duties is to spread the faith of the Holy cross."

"As an important ally of the Duke, the elves in the morning star forest naturally become the people of the Holy Cross and are illuminated by the holy glory." the Duke messenger looked intoxicated and danced: "this is not only a request, but also an honor, so that the spirits can also bathe in this glory!"

As he spoke, he also dragged the little priest beside him: "and this is a saint of the Holy Cross, a holy priest. He will lead you on the road of true light. You will no longer be shrouded in darkness, nor fear evil gods and terrible monsters, because they will have nowhere to hide in front of the Holy Cross!"

"Er... Yes, yes!" the little priest who was suddenly pulled up was nervous and trembling, and his frightened eyes kept dodging: "it is a very glorious thing to become the people of the Holy Cross, I, I..."

"The spirit of the morning star forest will never accept an external God for no reason!"

Before the little priest made it clear, the angry elder boon spoke directly: "with all due respect, your behavior is blackmail, it's naked blackmail!"

"Maybe the elves in the future will accept the glory of the Holy Cross, maybe never - but it can only be out of voluntariness, not forced by this!" the trembling elder almost stood up from his position: "step back 10000 steps. Even if we agree, the elves in the morning star forest and even the whole eastern forest will never accept this result!"

"Then I can only regret it."

The Duke messenger pouted in disdain and shrugged his shoulders: "if you can't become the people of the Holy Cross, the Duke will never form an alliance with you without the witness of the Holy Cross - this is the premise of everything!"

"This is blackmail, and we absolutely do not accept any form of blackmail!"

"This is not blackmail, this is only a necessary condition!" the Duke's messenger still did not give up: "this is also the will of the Holy Cross!"

"Let me put it another way, dear emissary!" elder Boone forced his anger, and his aging eyes stared at the emissary's face: "if we give up the big wall at the border and let the ogre enter the Principality of lottel through the forest, what would the supreme Holy Cross do?"

"You, you dare..."

The Duke's messenger was surprised. He didn't expect that these elves had the courage to refuse, and even threatened the Duke in this way?!

"Bang --!"

The door behind him was suddenly knocked open, and the scared Duke messenger almost hid behind the little priest. Luca, with a group of war dancers, stepped in and surrounded the "messenger" in the middle of the long house.

"What are you doing?!" the Duke messenger who saw this posture finally panicked and stared hysterically at the elder Boone in front of him: "I'm the Duke's messenger. If you hurt me, you'll hurt the Duke, and if you hurt the Duke, you'll declare war on the whole principality!"

"You can rest assured that we have absolutely no intention of hurting you." Luca, who has always been kind, involuntarily took a bit of sarcasm in his tone. Looking back at the elder Boone in front of him, "the expedition has returned and has just reached the big tree wall."

"Back?!" elder Boone stood up directly this time, looking serious: "how many?!"

"There are only a dozen left, and they are not injured or disabled." Luca's expression is very ugly: "Kono has died. Only Leia is the war dancer in the morning star forest."

"What about him?" elder Boone didn't notice the sentence behind Luca and stared at the war dancer leader.

"He hasn't recovered yet, but he should still be alive." Luca certainly knows who the elder is talking about.

"That's enough... That's enough..." elder Boone breathed a long sigh of relief and looked sarcastically at the Duke messenger who was still in panic: "I'm sorry, sir, this meeting may come to an end."

"We're going to meet a friend, a hero who ended the invasion!"