What time is it now?

Consciousness gradually blurred, but the Female Elf still tenaciously supported her body. The original spear had been broken in two. In her hand was the relics picked up from the dead war dancer. The sharp spear tip was still soaked with plasma.

In Leia's memory, she has never fought like this - stiff, numb, tired... Her body seems to have been torn in two, but she has been able to hunt the enemy in front of her with incomparable accuracy as usual.

It seems that all this is not their own, but completely handed over to the instinct of the body.

Leia has heard that many elderly war dancers have encountered such a situation. Although they are on the verge of collapse, they can seem refreshed or even stronger than usual. Even two or three ogres rush up at the same time and can hunt the enemy in an instant - and after the battle, they will fall to the ground and die unharmed.

Can you say that you are about to die

No, I can't die, at least not now - the crow mouth hasn't come out of the cave. I promised him to stick to it until he came out. No matter what degree, I must be the one who keeps my promise!

I promised him that this reason was enough. I promised him... And the little wizard would let the bastard go back alive.

No matter how embarrassed, even if it is true that he will suddenly die, he will have to wait until the bastard Loren Turin comes out and hits him on the chest - let him see how the elves in the morning star forest fulfill their commitments!

The outer side of the yongyelin settlement has fallen, and the ogres pouring into the mountain pass and climbing the hills are not stopped by an expedition of less than 100 people.

After paying the lives of more than 30 war dancers, Andu, who shouldered the responsibility of leader of war dancers, was forced to narrow the defense range and withdrew the soldiers of the expedition into the settlement.

Although the whole yongyelin settlement has long been turned into ruins, the space in the valley is still large enough to give the war dancers more space to deal with without facing the monsters who rushed in - and because the mountain pass is almost blocked by corpses, there are not many ogres who can rush into the settlement.

The cloud canopy tree burned into coke in the center of the settlement can also be used as an important support point to let the tired soldiers settle temporarily. At the same time, when too many ogres pour in, they will be lured to the cloud canopy tree and killed by the terrain.

Anduin is not such a good war dancer, but his experience is much richer than that of young Leia. Even in the face of enemies who are completely suppressed in number, they can still try their best to win that almost insignificant advantage.

Under his command, all the war dancers of the expedition gave up the attack and used the surrounding terrain to defend the cloud canopy trees and the caves behind the settlement, so as to resist the tide of Ogre attacks as much as possible.

Leia, on the other hand, became the only "spear" in the center of the entire battlefield. Under the cover of the surrounding war dancers, she constantly rushed to any single ogre. After the hunting was completed, nearby war dancers stopped her and retreated safely.

In this continuous alternation of defense and attack, the soldiers of the expedition persisted for a whole morning after the fall of the valley. Even in the whole battle, only two war dancers died under the trample of the ogre.

But this is the limit that the expedition can adhere to

Not only tired, but the body has been unable to support. More and more war dancers have made mistakes and died miserably under the siege of Ogres, or were caught up by the enemy behind them when retreating and torn to pieces.

As the most critical link of the whole "defense line", Leia had to abandon her original enemies again and again to save the expedition soldiers who were almost eaten and torn by the ogre, which finally curbed the number of casualties, but also made the defense line close to collapse, and more and more monsters rushed under the cloud canopy tree!

On the faces of those sacrificed war dancers, Anduin even saw an expression of relief - in the continuous battle and breakthrough, the expeditionary team had run out of lights for a long time, and it was only the promise that made them stick to this moment.

But if it goes on like this, the expedition will soon collapse and even the whole army will be destroyed!

We must reverse the situation, find a breakthrough as soon as possible, click to rout the ogre's attack and restore the morale of the expedition. Anduin participated in the counter offensive of the tree wall. He saw with his own eyes how far the human wizard could achieve.

If anyone can end this ogre invasion, it must be him!

It was precisely because of this belief that andoin joined the expedition - without Loren Turin, the whole eastern Elves will lose the hope of counterattack, and the fate of thousands of elves lies in him.

Even if the expedition is destroyed, he must be allowed to complete his mission!

"Expedition - assemble!!!"

An DU on the cloud canopy tree echoed over the Yongye forest with a heavy voice and held up his spear: "assemble the expedition! Attack the mountain pass and defend the Yongye forest!!!!"

"The fate of the whole eastern forest is in our hands. We have fallen. The eastern Elves will face unprecedented enemies. Our compatriots will never rush out of the big tree wall and recapture the eternal night forest again!"

"We are not fighting against the enemy in front of us, but for the future, so that one day the elves can rush out of the big wall!" suddenly waved the spear, and the roaring Anduin pointed the spear point straight ahead: "defeat them, expel them, and recapture the yongyelin Valley - attack!!!!!"

Echoing in the roar of the sky, Anduin's figure has rushed out of the defense front of the cloud canopy tree and jumped at the monster close at hand.

This guy... How can he be like Kono?!

The fairy, who shook her head to wake herself up, raised her bloody spear and followed her - the fiery red figure like a flag became the horn of the expedition's counterattack!

"Attack -!!!"

The thin "front" strode forward with the ogres pouring into the valley. The roaring war dancers followed the familiar figure and waved the heavier spear with their last strength.

Whatever the outcome, it was the expedition's last attack.

The ogres who roared and roared in front and poured into the yongyelin valley like the tide could not stop their pace at all. Even if the robe beside them was torn off, half of their body was torn off, screamed and swallowed by the monster... They just roared and stabbed the spear through the monster's huge figure.

Their vision is just ahead, the mountain pass of the yongyelin Valley, which has been blocked by countless ogres - all in order to protect the human who is still fighting on another battlefield.

"Rush over, the mountain pass is close in front of you, rush over!!!!"

Anduin desperately shouted to the war dancers behind him. The spear in his hand had been broken in two. He still waved the remaining gun rod as a flag: "rush over and recapture the Yongye forest!"

There were only less than a hundred people left in the expedition, which stifled the attack of the ogre "army". The sound of wailing was remembered all around. There was even the momentum of pushing back on the battlefield of the whole valley!

The female elf who followed him desperately followed him. For the first time, Liya, who had always been the gun tip of the morning star forest dancer, found that she couldn't keep up with another Elf Warrior.

Surprised, only for a short moment, the running Female Elf suddenly showed panic in her eyes, and even rushed up: "be careful below!"

But it was still a step too late... Andu, who didn't hear her cry at all, hit his spine with his claws waved from behind. The desperate war dancer waved the broken spear in his hand and was caught in the palm of his hand by the ogre and crushed his legs!

"Anduin --!"

"The mountain pass is close at hand. Rush and recapture the Yongye forest!!!!!"

The dying war dancer stared at the female elf who rushed towards him, desperately waved the only broken spear, and his mouth was full of blood.

"Rush --!!!"