After leaving the withered forest, the endless "big escape" greeted Loren and the expedition.

The withered forest ogres that were not completely destroyed could not catch up with the war dancers, but they also exposed the whereabouts of the whole expedition team - ogres rushed out of the surrounding forests on the road, cutting off the road and interrupting the journey again and again, which annoyed the expedition team.

Once you stop pestering, you will end up surrounded by more monsters around you; If they are not exterminated, they will be found again and encountered more pursuits and interceptions.

This is the reason why the monster killed them without withering the forest, because it was necessary.

The whole expedition team has now been completely exposed to the surveillance of "mezka". They have become the playthings of the evil god. They are wantonly manipulated, ravaged, flattened and rounded, breaking them down bit by bit.

Now, it has obviously become one of its "pleasures".

Several times in succession, Loren could clearly perceive that the ogres around him completely surrounded them, but he could still find a way to break through - and when he broke through, he found that he just jumped from one trap to another.

This is not the first time Loren fell into someone else's trap, but it is the most unbearable one. Indescribable nausea and suffering hit like a tide, and he endured his anger every moment.

As long as they have not got rid of the pursuit of ogres and are watched by evil gods, destruction and death are the final and inevitable fate of the expedition.

This is the other party's trick and a means to disintegrate their will; Only by keeping calm and rational, can you turn over!

"Two ogres are coming --!"

The roar of a war dancer came from the rear column. Before the voice fell, the tree on one side was broken in two. The broken tree trunk raised huge smoke and dust, cutting off the whole expedition from the middle.

"Keep moving, don't stop!" yelled Lauren, who was running wildly among the trees. "Go right and bypass them!"

"But the soldiers in the rear row have been blocked..." as soon as izuriya on one side said half, another red figure had turned and ran away.

"Shut up, move on and give them to me -!!!"

Several big trees passed one after another. The tight Female Elf was like a war bow ready to go. Her right foot broke the branch supporting her body, and her slender figure galloped out like an arrow!

The two ogres who rushed out immediately found the movement, but it was too late for them.

Liya appeared out of thin air in the dense forest, holding a spear in her hands. In the roaring wind, she could only see her shadow, and a gun pierced the ogre's head!

The roaring second monster roared and prepared to attack. Immediately, it was surrounded by the blocked rear war dancers - the spear tore its tendon and the deadly shotgun plunged into its throat!

But the battle is not over... The movement in the forest immediately attracted more ogres. In the sudden sound, two monsters blocked the front of the expedition, and more ogres were nearby.

Are you going to surround us again?

Of course, Loren knew each other's tricks, but the reality was so cruel - if he didn't get into the next trap, the enemies behind him would drown them, and the chased expedition had to face the enemies in all directions.

At that moment, in addition to the collapse of all and their escape, it will be the end of being surrounded and annihilated. No matter which expedition will be completely destroyed!

No, there's a way... A certain idea appeared in Lauren's mind, and the dark pupils contracted slightly.

Only absolute reason and calmness are the key to defeating the enemy. Any excess emotion is stupid.

"Izuria!" Lauren shouted the name of the young war dancer: "tell all the war dancers in the back row immediately, turn around and break out to the left!"

"Yes!" not daring to neglect, izuria separated from the front and chased after the figure of the Female Elf just now.

The black haired wizard suddenly waved his right hand. The top 20 war dancers stopped, and the oldest one stopped behind Lauren, from the morning star forest.

The ogres in front and on both sides have rushed over, and the expedition soldiers who have not been ordered still stay in love, and there is no fear in their eyes.

"What are you going to do?" the older war dancer asked.

"Can you tell me your name before you go?" Lauren looked back and looked very sincere: "sorry, I don't know your name after so long. Please accept my apology."

"Nothing. In fact, we don't know much about you." the old war dancer shook his head carelessly: "just call me Gracias. I'm also from the morning star forest. You saved my life in the big tree wall."

"Greysas... Greysas of the morning star forest..." the black haired wizard nodded, read it very seriously, and looked at each other solemnly: "please forgive me, we could have been friends."

Glassas was stunned for a moment, and soon understood what he meant. He smiled like a sigh of relief: "you don't have to mind. We've been ready since we came with you - we'll hold them as long as possible, and the monster named 'mazka' will be handed over to you!"

"This is my last kindling agent." he threw the bottle full of alchemical liquid to the other party. Without hesitation, Loren turned and retreated: "anyway, don't leave regret!"

"Goodbye... Lord wizard..."

The determined greysas waved his spear and took more than 20 war dancers who stayed with him and rushed to the ogre who roared at them.

The explosion of the igniter sounded one after another in the distance behind them. The war dancers who drew the attention of the monsters bought time for the expedition - instead of attacking the Yongye forest in the established direction, they turned to the other side and went to a beach in the upper reaches of the deciduous river.

Loren no longer looked behind him. Those war dancers could never survive. They were surrounded by more than 40 ogres. Death was doomed.

The scream of Ogres, the cry of dead war dancers, the cry of fighting and devastation... When the last explosion rang through the dense forest, Loren finally joined the rest of the expedition soldiers.

The terrified war dancers sat on the beach of the deciduous River, their faces numb and stared at the distance - they finally rushed out of the circle of Ogres at the cost of their lives.

They are dead, but they are still alive

The calm black haired wizard stood on the edge of the forest, staring at the direction of the last light of fire. Behind him came a slight sound of footsteps.

"Lord Loren, what are we going to do next?" izuria swallowed hard: "those ogres will catch up soon, if they don't leave as soon as possible..."

"How long will it take?"


"How long does it take from here to yongyelin?"

"If you don't change your direction, there will be ten days!" the young war dancer was still a little frightened: "but be careful. If you go around the deciduous beach, it will be about fifteen days."

Fifteen days... If it is a normal way of thinking, it must be safer, but the evil god will certainly think the same. There must be more ambushes and traps waiting on the only way.

Slowly torture and bleed, and finally let the whole expedition collapse without war. This is its purpose.

So afraid we'll come to the door? The black haired wizard raised a cold "smile", which made izuriya standing next feel a bone cold.

"You just said it was ten days, didn't you?"

"Er... Yes, but if you take a safer Road, it should take 15 days..."

"Eight days! Eight days later, I'll arrive at yongyelin - I don't care if you remember or don't remember. Find the nearest road. At all costs, I'll raid there in eight days, okay?"

"Clear, understand!" the trembling izuriya nodded abruptly.

At present, time is the key - the success or failure of the whole expedition will be determined by launching a raid before mazka catches his whereabouts again.

Mazka... We'll attack this time. Wait, you can't escape!