"Why are you here now?"

When Loren and his party arrived at the chase wind forest, they were greeted by an elf and dancer who was already scarred all over.

The wound that lost his left arm was hastily bandaged and still bleeding; The leather armor on his body was also dilapidated, and there was an extremely ferocious crack on his shoulder. The white bone and flesh eyes below could be seen. It was only a little short of tearing half of his body apart.

"We sent messengers to spread the news three days ago. Why are you here now?" the wounded war dancer gasped and questioned again, staring at Luca with bloodshot eyes: "it's only one day from the morning star forest!"

"We were attacked on the road." seeing the other party become like this, Luca's tone also paled a lot: "and it's too sudden to organize people!"

"What about this guy?!" the one armed War dancer pointed a spear at Loren with his only right hand and stared at the black haired wizard's face: "isn't he an elf?"

"Take away your spear. This is the guest of the morning star forest. He is here to help us!" Luca pushed away the other party's spear, looked back and introduced to Loren: "his name is Kono, the leader of the war dancers in the wind forest settlement. They are responsible for patrolling the big tree wall."

"It's my pleasure to meet you." the black haired wizard took the initiative to take a step, calmly smiled and bowed to each other: "if you don't mind, you can call me Loren."

"The diehards of the morning star forest will have human guests?" the war dancer named Kono pulled his mouth and shook his head: "it doesn't matter. Since Luca is willing to believe you, come with me."

Loren and the war dancers who followed Kono passed through the outer woods and came to the settlement of chasing wind forest.

Compared with the morning star forest, the settlement here is much smaller - the low cloud canopy tree is only similar to ordinary ancient trees. The whole settlement is surrounded by simple wooden fences and fruit trees. Around the cloud canopy tree, there are some large and small wooden long houses scattered, of which the most exquisite one is under the cloud canopy tree.

But that's not what Lauren noticed.

The whole settlement was filled with an atmosphere of sadness and despair, and the breath of death seemed to turn into a shadow here. Wounded all over, elves lying silently under the tree and in the shade can be seen everywhere; The passing Elves were in a hurry, but they all had a numb expression, and they couldn't even see whether it was sadness or anger;

Every time he walked through a wooden house, Loren could clearly smell the strong smell of blood and medicine, and even the smell of wound ulceration, like rotten meat.

That one by one was so lost that they were close to numbness. What kind of bloody war did they experience to become like this?

In addition, what most surprised Loren was that the settlement looked really open in space. As for the reason, he felt that he might have guessed part of it.

And Leia and Luca, a group of war dancers, also kept silent. The current tragedy has exceeded their imagination, even to the point that they can't even say a word.

"We've been waiting for you for three days." Kono, who was walking in front, suddenly said, "the whole chasing wind forest has adhered to the big tree wall for three days."

"Sorry, we should hurry up." Luka opened his mouth in a weak tone: "I..."

"Needless to say." walking to the long house under the cloud canopy tree, Kono, leaning on a spear, reluctantly opened the door: "please come in, all guests of zhufenglin, please forgive us for our poor hospitality."

Crucibles were placed on the campfire in the center of the long house hall, and the strong smell of medicine filled the whole room. Although the smell was enough to choke people to death, the war dancers who came in were silent one by one - after seeing the tragedy of the chase wind forest with their own eyes, no one could accuse them of anything.

"What's going on?"

Before she sat down, Leia couldn't help but say, "why did ogres suddenly invade, and why did cracks appear in the big tree wall, which... It's impossible!"

"We don't think it's possible, but it just happened." Kono looked up at her with a numb expression: "what do you think is the reason why chase wind forest has become like this?"

The speechless fairy lowered her head and stopped talking.

"Please forgive me, Leia. She is the first person to know the news. It's inevitable that she will be so excited." Lauren slowly opened his mouth and said as gently as possible: "we just want to know what happened and what we should do to resist the invasion - it's very important to find out the reason!"

The black haired wizard's sincere eyes made him a little excited. Kono calmed down a little and said, "it was about four days ago..."

In the "defense line" of the whole big tree wall, there is only a small area without hills and cliffs, which has become the only entrance for ogres to invade every time, and it is also the only defense line that elves need to stick to.

The fighting for hundreds of years has made the elves form a habit - when the ogres start to invade, the chase wind forest is the first "line of defense". They take the lead in resisting, so that the morning star forest has time to gather enough reinforcements to completely wipe out the invading ogre settlements.

Last year's battle has caused heavy losses to the elves in the east of the ancient wood forest, and as the largest settlement, Morningstar forest has paid the largest casualties. Not only the casualties of soldiers, but also all kinds of important materials are seriously scarce.

This is why the elders of Morningstar forest are still unable to prevent Luca from going to Shenlin Castle because they are unwilling to form an alliance with humans - if they can't recuperate and replenish supplies, Morningstar forest may not survive the next ogre invasion.

Without the morning star forest, relying on only a few nearby elf settlements, it will never be able to resist the invasion of hundreds of ogres.

Four days ago, the war dancers in the wind forest noticed that there was another ogre settlement at the border of the big wall. Immediately began to resist, and sent messengers to inform chenxinglin and nearby elf settlements to prepare for resistance.

At first, they were just going to delay the ogre's pace and buy time for the reinforcements. But

"Troll?!" Luca shouted out: "how can there be trolls in the ancient wood forest?!"

Luca was stunned for no reason. The giant monster should be in the wilderness further south of the ancient wood forest. It is impossible for the 20 meter body to survive in the forest.

"I don't think it's possible, but it's true." the ugly Kono's eyes twinkled with terrible memories: "the monster climbed up the cliff directly, pushed it to one of the ancient trees, and then countless ogres climbed up the hill along the trunk!"

"We didn't even have time to react, so we were slaughtered wantonly by the ogres attacking on both sides! In just one day, half of the war dancers in the wind forest were killed, and even... Their bodies couldn't be found."

Kono's voice choked, and the silent Loren certainly understood what he meant - the body that was not found was eaten by the ogre.

"The soldiers of the chase wind forest have been waiting for the reinforcements of the morning star forest for three days - not only the war dancers, but also all the young elves have participated in the war. Up to now, we can only barely protect our settlement."

"Weapons, medicine, manpower... We are short of everything, but in the end, we have no way to plug the gap in the big wall!"

"We tried several times to recapture the hills from the ogres. But they built a settlement there. There was no big tree to cover it. No matter how many war dancers were just going to die, not to mention the young people who had just picked up the spear!"

"Where's the troll?" Loren asked. "Where's the troll now?"

"I don't know." Kono, don't look away.

"Don't know?!"

"I don't know - the troll disappeared after the ogre began to invade!"

Konok, with a stiff expression, controlled his fear and looked at Loren: "I don't know where the monster went, let alone why it appeared; but I know that if the monster appears again..."

He paused and licked his cracked and trembling lips with the tip of his tongue:

"The elves of the wind forest will disappear in this world forever!"