"... thank you, your excellency, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to Shenlin castle. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks in the name of Lord Reuven Friede in lower Loren Turin, the adviser of the count."

With impeccable politeness and smile, with humble and dignified eyes, Loren ended his opening speech with the calmest tone.

On both sides of the long table, which was not spacious, were packed with Shenlin Castle nobles in different costumes, staring at the count's confidants. As a representative of the Seine family, Barry Seine sat in the front row.

The old man's expression was very complex - this was the first time that ruwen convened all the nobles in the whole territory in the name of the count. Almost all the dignified nobles came, but the count disappeared. They were received only by the wizard Loren Turin.

What on earth is he going to do?

On the empty long table were thick stacks of parchment scrolls, which looked very old. The old man was very curious about the contents and looked at the expression of the black haired wizard. What they were going to talk about today was obviously related to these things.

Will senna, the attendant standing aside, was shocked and obviously knew something about it. But you can't ask him in the current situation. Restraining his curiosity, Barry Senna turned his eyes back to Loren to see what tricks the "Wizard consultant" wanted to play.

"As you know, Lord Reuven Fred has only recently become the count of shenlinbao, so he doesn't know much about the situation here and your families, even the ordinary people don't know. They already have a new count."

Loren's eyes swept over Barry Senna's face. The old man's expression was indifferent, and the dark haired wizard slightly raised the corners of his mouth:

"Therefore, the count is ready to carry out a reform to establish his authority. At the same time, it can make the people in this land really understand who is ruling them!"

There was silence on both sides of the long table, and all the nobles looked on coldly. No one was willing to take the initiative to stand up, or even respond a little.

"So... What is the count going to ask us humble servants to do for him?" Barry Senna said hard: "is it to publicize to the people in the territory?"

"No need." Loren snapped his fingers at will Senna. The attendant who had not recovered from the shock hurried forward and handed parchments to each nobleman.

Barry Senna glanced quickly, and the old expression changed slightly - although it was only for a moment, the dark haired wizard caught it.

"The above content is in the library of Shenlin castle. At present, the whole count leads the amount of all farms, orchards, land, villages, hunting grounds and several quarries, the taxes they need to pay, and the different families they belong to."

Lauren, with a calm tone, said in a tone of no tone: "I believe you are not strange?"

The nobles sitting on both sides of the long table can only nod silently, but they don't understand what the other party wants to do when they take this thing out?

"Excuse me, Lord count, is this a thorough investigation of the tax situation in the whole territory?" or did Barry Senna respond quickly: "if so, the senna family is willing..."

"Bang --!"

A loud noise interrupted the old man's words and startled everyone present. He looked at the black haired wizard with his right hand on the stack of scrolls.

Barry, who was interrupted, was robbed by Loren before he could even be angry.

"What I have in hand is the earliest documentary records of Shenlin Castle - it records in detail the division of large and small lands, forests and even rivers under the Earl, as well as the families under his jurisdiction."

"Yes, I think you have guessed. There is almost a world difference between what is on it and what was recorded on the parchment just now."

"After all... A hundred years have passed." the old man smiled reluctantly. "It is normal for some changes to occur. Some families rise and some decline. Naturally, it is impossible to be the same as before."

"Really?" Lauren sneered, "but according to what I found, the tax paid by shenlinbao in recent years is still paid according to the record in my hand!"

"I'm very curious. Can it be said that the ancestors of shenlinbao hundreds of years ago predicted the current situation? So the taxes to be paid have been calculated, so that today we can fulfill our obligations according to the above records?!"

"If not..." the dark pupils swept from the surprised nobles, and Loren raised the scroll in his hand: "that means someone concealed his taxes and obligations and filled his private pockets!"

The nobles here can't keep calm at last. They don't even dare to look at each other. One by one, they want to hide under the chairs and regret why they came here today.

Barry Senna was also stunned. He expected the count to use some fierce means, but he didn't expect to do it - this is really the attention he can think of?!

Or is it the card that the Duke has already prepared?!

Once you start to turn over the old accounts, you can't stop - everyone will be around to avoid accusations of guilt. At that time, everyone will be in danger. Who else will be willing to stand by the Seine family faithfully?!

But if it's only at this point, there's still a chance to save it. Barry, who was forced to be calm, stood up tremblingly, carrying the eyes of all the nobles behind him, hoping that he could stand up and defend everyone.

"About the grand plan of the count... The Seine family will give full support to liquidate the taxes received by the count!"

As soon as the old man's voice fell, someone fell directly from the chair behind him. A staring expression seemed to be carved out of a mold, and all the nobles were dumbfounded.

Barry Senna... I'm afraid he's not crazy?!

Loren's face was still blank, and he waited for the other party's next speech with his hands on his back - he didn't believe that the senna family would simply raise their hands and surrender.

"For some... Special reasons, tax has always been an important problem in shenlinbao." Barry Senna made an impassioned statement: "thank you, Lord count, for discovering the problem for us in time; and we humble servants should naturally start to solve it!"

"Just..." the old man said, "such a grand plan takes a long time to investigate and study before we can draw the final conclusion. It can't be achieved overnight. We should be careful."

"Please also tell the count to give this plan to his humble servants. We will seriously discuss and work out a practical way to realize the count's wish."

Barry Senna's idea is very simple - as long as the "reform" can be held in the hands of the senna family and cronies, the final result is not what they say?

At that time, not only will the Seine family be more stable, but the count of Reuven Fred will be further elevated, and the Duke will have no reason to trouble them any more!

"You seem to have some deviation in your understanding of the count's plan." with a formulaic smile, Loren shook his head with regret: "thorough tax investigation is only a step of reform."

"In addition, we should thoroughly liquidate and measure the area of all the cultivated land, orchards and hunting grounds owned by the whole count, find out the original size of the land of each family, and then sort it into a book."

"Not only that, we also want to convey these contents to the ears of the whole count, every nobleman and every civilian, and let them see if their taxes are the same as those recorded above!"

What --?!!

"This kind of thing..." the old man, who was almost speechless with fear, choked: "why isn't the count present for such an important thing?! I want to see Lord Reuven Fred, I want to see Lord Reuven Fred --!"

"It's a pity that Lord ruven Fred is not in the castle now." Lauren, with a calm face, showed a creepy smile in the old man's eyes:

"He has taken the guard knights with Sir Aaron to measure the land owned by the count!"