The trembling right hand held the bottle of sedative and gently sipped the cold liquid. The corners of Loren's mouth were still twitching.

What did mentor Dalton say? Half an ounce can relieve pain, one ounce will lose consciousness, and two ounces will die of direct shock... Are you almost drinking more than one ounce?

Looking at the blue liquid in the bottle, Loren smiled at himself. It was just that the exposed tendons on his temples and forehead made the severe headache more and more unbearable.

Not only does it maintain the high-level spell of "beyond perception" for a long time, but each use of "bright silver" will also increase Loren's burden. If it weren't for his "special", I'm afraid he can't even feel a headache now, and his head will directly turn into a broken watermelon.

It's not just to catch up with the speed of vampires. If there were no sedatives, I would have fallen to the ground and twitched in pain.

But now I can't stop... The bloodshot pupil focuses on the enemy in front of me. The vampire entrenched on the ceiling has also begun to lose support, the speed of recovering the wound is getting slower and slower, and the newly grown limbs are gradually becoming weak.

It had begun to notice Loren's tactics. It hid in panic on the ceiling and didn't dare to come down. It just screamed like a wounded wild dog, and even didn't dare to take the initiative to attack.

As higher than human beings, vampires also have the inner mechanism of self-protection of "fear". When death is coming, they will also choose to escape or fight hard.

Loren, whose mouth was slightly cocked up, gently snapped his fingers with his right hand. The white light spot of "firefly curse" floated gently in the palm of his hand and floated towards the vampire on the ceiling. When he was about to approach, it burst into dazzling light.

If it is an uninjured vampire, this little trick can make it blind at most for a moment - but now it is afraid to be blind for even a moment.

A scream came from overhead, and the black shadow fell in the middle of the church. Slightly proud, Loren raised the "bright silver" again.

When using the "firefly curse", he also secretly added a "crystallization curse" - I'm afraid he couldn't even hurt the animal's skin, but now

The wounded monster roared and jumped on Lauren. His blinded right eye looked ferocious on the wolf like face. It was full of fangs and wanted to bite off his neck.

Just... Now it really can't make Loren feel much fear.

The figure waving the gray blue lightsaber seemed to have predicted the position. The light half turn, the sword cut an elegant arc in the air, and took the vampire's chin and right arm away from its body!

The howling vampire made a strong howling sound. Ignoring the vertigo that almost shattered the eardrum, Loren, whose sight was getting blurred, widened his eyes and raised the last light of the long sword in his hand.

"Die for me -!!!!"

Roaring with strength, the gray blue lightsaber tore open the indestructible purplish red skin and pierced the vampire!

It didn't wait until the next time. Loren, who tried to resist the side effects, once again stimulated "bright silver". This time, the sword light directly appeared in the vampire's wound and broke its ribs and spine with an unstoppable momentum!

With a flash of sword light, the trembling figure turned into two sections!

The waist cut monster screamed and flew backwards. The cut off lower body directly turned into a pool of plasma, and the remaining half of the body was hung on the sculpture of the Holy Cross.

It's just that Loren is also uncomfortable. The lightsaber excited for the last time almost drained his last energy. Even if I just drank the sedative, I felt my head was about to explode, and my temples and heart were beating fast.

The inertia brought by the run-up made the body lose its balance and fall to the ground. Instead, Loren would quickly roll and get up, but now

There is a bitter smile on the corner of the mouth. The side effect of drinking too much sedative is losing consciousness. He could hardly feel the existence of his legs, but the memory of his muscles kept him from loosening his left hand holding the hilt of the sword.

But that's enough. The vampire hanging on the sculpture didn't recover its severed limbs. Instead, it screamed more and more, and the ferocious face became more and more angry.

It finally made a decision.

The vampire stopped wailing, and a deep sound came from the depths of his throat, echoing in the chapel like a spell again and again.

The splashed plasma seems to have received traction, like small blood beads floating in the air, gathering on the vampire on the sculpture, slowly re condensing into its lost body, and even began to grow.

The bat wings behind him expand and can almost wrap it all. The original corpse like body has become much stronger, and even the body size has become much larger. The sharp long claws are like evil knives, emitting strange luster.

This is another powerful feature of Vampires - under the influence of the void, they mutate more thoroughly, and they are not even real "life". When necessary, they can mutate themselves briefly like wizards using magic.

In such a situation, Lauren, who has collapsed, obviously has no chance of winning. How long he can survive depends entirely on the other party's mind.

Lauren, who was lying on the ground, showed a relieved smile.

You've finally been fooled, beast

"It's wonderful, Lord Loren Turin."

Asriel, who didn't know when to appear, stood in front of Lauren, bowed respectfully to him lying on the ground, with a sincere smile on his exquisite face: "please leave the rest to me. You just need to watch quietly."

After that, the young man in the little dress turned around, and the evil eyes even made the vampire feel a trace of fear and involuntarily stepped back.

"Oh, oh... Although it was my idea to take your body, I always felt that I had been used by Lord Lauren."

The young man's face showed a tangled look, holding his shoulder with a troubled look: "it's really a strange illusion, as if he had expected when I would do it, and I was just the last step he used to defeat you."

"It's stupid to confront a vampire head-on, isn't it? If it were me, I would probably be fooled with you - of course, this is a joke."

"An amazing friend, even I have some creeps... What do you think of being defeated by him?"

The vampire screamed and spread his wings, trying to escape from the chapel. Before flying, he screamed and fell to the ground, as if locked by an iron chain.

"I advise you not to make unnecessary resistance. When you choose this form, there is no way to escape." Asriel showed a distorted and eager expression under his handsome face. The body gradually turned black, and thick fog came from all directions.

The fallen vampire was completely shrouded in fear and struggled desperately to escape, but his wings were directly removed from his body by the black fog, and his body was tightly bound and could not move. It looked like a creeping reptile from a distance.

"HMM... the crawling reptile is just right." a hint of ridicule flashed across the corner of the teenager's mouth, more black fog gushed out of his body, wrapped the vampire in the middle, penetrated into its body bit by bit, and the scream kept coming.

Asriel had begun to be impatient. The thick fog poured directly into the vampire's throat and deprived him of his right to ask for mercy. Trembling, he could feel that he was being swallowed by the bottomless abyss. This seemingly powerful body no longer belonged to him.

"The Church of the Holy Cross, this is the best resting place for your humble life." the young man's voice became very gentle: "quietly fall asleep, have a long dream that will never wake up, and then give your body to me for safekeeping."

The voice fell, and the boy's whole body turned into a thick fog, completely devouring the vampire in front of the Holy Cross sculpture!

There was no sound, let alone wail and scream, and everything was calm. In the church, which was almost in ruins, only the unconscious Loren fell in place.

The serpentine Rune on his right wrist disappeared without a trace.