It turns out that Karan still seriously underestimated the rebellious desire of vimpal college.

In the face of the strong attack of more than ten wandering wizards and elite mercenaries, they can still rely on the city walls and towers to resist day by day. Although it was a little flustered at the beginning because of the raid, it soon recovered, and even beat back the mercenaries who had rushed into the castle several times in a row.

The wizards and apprentices standing on the city wall kept blocking the of the mercenaries with crossbows, kindling agents and various low-level spells. Flying arrows and blue "meteors" across the air swept over and over again, setting off bursts of smoke and dust on the stone wall of the city wall.

The falling kindling agent rolled up the dazzling fire. Although it was only a short moment, it also made the mercenaries retreat in a panic.

After all, they just come to earn money. There is no need to really fight with these wizards - if they really attack, they can take it down, but there will be casualties, so these mercenaries just work without contributing.

The Wizards gathered behind the city gate are also unwilling to show weakness, facing the "peers" who are not in the stream.

These people are not inexperienced apprentices, especially wizards in such remote areas. They all have swordsmanship. The wandering wizards who are fighting with them do not have much advantage at all.

Soon, casualties began to appear among Karan's subordinates. A screaming wandering wizard waved a pointed hammer and kicked the college wizard blocked at the edge of the city gate to the ground. Before he could knock off the other party's celestial cap with a hammer, he was hit in the head by a bottle of kindling agent falling from the sky, and his hair was instantly ignited, Kneeling and screaming with a burning head.

Kalan immediately withdrew the wandering wizards under his command. The two sides were deadlocked near the city gate. They only occasionally harassed each other with spells and bows and arrows. In addition, the ghouls who were constantly summoned were killed and entangled with the college wizards who were constantly resisting.

The cold moonlight shone on him, and the fire in the distant villages and towns still didn't stop, and even became more chaotic. But all this is just a precursor. Francis will come at any time. Then he will have no chance!

"If it goes on like this, we will never attack vimpal castle!" a wandering wizard with a wound on his body ran to Karan and looked very excited: "please think of a way quickly!"

Looking at the same eyes around him, Karan suddenly felt a shiver in his heart - these people will die tonight, and because they believe in themselves.

But so what? Who made them so stupid to put their hopes on others? Deserve their bad luck and become their stepping stone!

"... I have a plan." Karan said, with a little tremor, but soon returned to normal: "but I need you to cover for me and continue to attack the city gate - I will enter the castle from elsewhere. As long as I catch the apprentices, they will fall without war!"

"Then please go quickly!" the wandering wizard showed an awe inspiring expression on his face, waving his magic wand and nail hammer: "we will insist until you come back, for freedom and revenge!"

"For revenge --!!!!" the wandering wizards who were just dejected shouted loudly, roared like hungry wolves and rushed towards the city gate, stunned the mercenaries on one side, and had to follow behind to launch an attack.

The sudden attack caught the college wizards at the city gate off guard. Even the apprentices on the city wall tried their best to shoot arrows and fire kindling agents, which could not stop these mad dog like enemies. The defense of the castle suddenly became precarious.

Under such circumstances, naturally, no one will notice that a tall and thin man suddenly disappeared, and the cry of fighting also obscured all movements and sounds.

Karan, who slipped into the castle quietly, did not dare to be slighted. After repeatedly confirming that no one was following him, he immediately ran towards the chapel of the castle.

As for the words promised to those wandering wizards before, they were all forgotten by him.

He has no time to delay, and Francis will arrive at any time - he is not sure that after the other party knows what he wants, he can return it to himself according to the promised conditions!

When he came to the door of the chapel, Karan clearly felt the trace of void power. It seemed that even the door in front of him became a little strange. But he pushed open the door and went straight in.

The main hall of the church is quiet. The statue of the Holy Cross in front is cold and solemn, which makes people feel like worshiping.

But in fact, the statue of the Holy Cross was made by a wizard, and Karan's mouth aroused a ironic smile. He raised his wand and walked slowly to the sculpture. The gray blue light gathered at the top of the wand and touched it gently.


Nothing happened.

"How could this happen?!" the furious Karan almost blurted out that he had given the key to the little beggar. He should not dare to disobey his orders!

What is the problem? Is it that the key made by himself is invalid, or that Peter found it and replaced the unlocking spell? Or

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so surprised now."

When the frightened Karan looked back, he saw a black haired young man sitting in a church seat, smiling at himself with scriptures in his hands.

"Loren Turin?!" there was no doubt or confirmation at all. The gnashing Karan knew who the man was. The wand in his right hand directly pressed on Loren's forehead: "it's you

"Half right, Mr. Karan." Lauren, who was holding the other party's wand, still had a fearless smile on his face and full of confidence in his eyes: "the other half has to thank you for your help."

"Thank me?"

"If it weren't for your special hat - Oh, the little beggar you fed hallucinogens, I couldn't find it here at all." Loren sighed and shook his head slightly. "I'm afraid you'll never know why you killed father Anthony."

"I can probably guess why you give the key to the hat. After all, starting this mechanism will consume a lot of energy, even for a real wizard. So you find a substitute, even if his head will blow up."

"That little thing is your man?" Karan immediately reflected, and his expression became more angry: "I knew I shouldn't believe these cheap people!"

"Oh, really?" Lauren asked with a smile, "because my dear hat carried out your order intact, otherwise how could I find this church?"

"Let me continue to guess. If you're right, I'm afraid you're with Francis - otherwise he doesn't have to cover for you and blame green Lyle for everything in Gumu town. It's unreasonable. How can a wizard cooperate with a church man?"

"Unless from the beginning, you are his subordinate or something else. I'm afraid the commotion in Gumu town has something to do with the fascist. Even tonight is a trap set by you and the fascist, so that he can send troops in good faith and turn the whole vimpal college into ashes!"

"Pa pa..."

Karan, who put away his wand, clapped his hands and smiled angrily: "smart, you are so smart - but Loren Turin, do you know that smart people often die of talking too much because you like to show off yourself!"

"Do you think I won't kill you after knowing so much?"

"On the contrary, just because you are willing to listen to me talk so much nonsense, you really lost the chance to kill me."

Closing the Scriptures in his hand, Loren, who stood up slowly, sighed: "if you had just started, you might have killed me, but now it seems that the Holy Cross is still on my side."

"What are you talking about?!" Karan suddenly noticed some movement and retreated half a step in panic.

"Do you know why the mechanism didn't respond just now? It's very simple." Loren smiled strangely.

"Because I opened it long ago."