Lauren's "gentle" voice completely frightened the hat. The whole night's fear and the experience of being almost strangled have overwhelmed the boy, shrinking at the root of the wall and almost crying.

"You see, as a partner who has worked with each other, I am very happy to protect you and give you a safe place for the time being - but unfortunately, you seem to be using my friendship to make profits for your new master. What do you think I should do to your friend who betrayed me, hat?"

"I, I don't know! Please let me go, I won't dare again! As long as you don't kill me, anything will do! Really, anything will do..."

The hat was completely stunned. He couldn't say anything except crying. His face was covered with tears mixed with snot. He didn't even dare to look at Lauren with his head.

"You're making it difficult for me, hat." Lauren sighed and handed the boy a handkerchief. "If I really want to do something to you, do you think I'll wait until now?"

"Well, say that..." while blowing his nose with a handkerchief, the boy looked at Lauren with red and swollen eyes, full of hope: "you won't kill me?"

"It depends," Lauren smiled, and the hat cried again.

Well, coaxing children is not your strength.

"But now I'm not going to kill you - after all, what's the use of doing so?" Lauren had to harden his head and continue: "if you can tell me more information."

As soon as he said this, the boy was so nervous that he tried to hide behind him, even if he knew that the wall was behind him: "no, please don't do anything except this! Really, you can do anything you want me to do, kill me!"

"Don't be nervous, calm down - you're at vimpar castle, where the Duke's most powerful wizard is." Loren quickly comforted: "no matter what Mr. Kalan did to you, we have a way."

"So you know!" the hat almost cried out, but he shook his head and looked very frightened: "it's useless. I can't save anyone!"

"He drugged you?"

The hat nodded in despair, and his voice trembled more and more: "well, the gentleman gave me a bottle of something to drink. In fact, it's good to drink, and after drinking, he can have a long dream. The dream is particularly real. What he drinks into his mouth, eats into his stomach, and holds in his hand is the same as real!"

"But only a month after drinking, i... I feel like I'm going to die. It's more painful than death!" the expression of the hat became more and more frightened: "my head is going to explode, and my body seems to be bitten by thousands of insects, but I'm not dead, and I'm still alive. I can't die if I want to die!"

"The adult promised me that he would give me another bottle as long as he listened to him. Otherwise, he would be burned like that guy and then opened his belly..."

Psychedelic potion... Of course Loren knows this kind of thing. The principle of this low alchemy potion is the same as meditation or deep dreams. It promotes a strong hallucinogenic effect through a very small amount of void power. Although simple, the price is also very expensive because the materials are difficult to find.

It seems that master Kalan has really made a lot of money. This thing is not affordable for ordinary people. No wonder the hat is so afraid of him. I'm afraid he's addicted.

"Don't worry, it's just an ordinary psychedelic drug. It's not difficult to treat." Loren comforted. "And if you really like that feeling... It's easier to configure this kind of thing than you think."

"Really?" the hat was a little skeptical.

"Then let me tell you one more thing." Loren slowly stood up and pointed to the statue of the Holy Cross in the front of the church. "Remember what you just did? I guess Mr. callan asked you to put this little Pendant in that groove, didn't he?"

The hat nodded.

"It doesn't seem difficult, but he forgot to remind you of a few things." Lauren said calmly, as if talking about breakfast last night: "this pendant is actually a magic object, a 'key'. And the sculpture is actually a mechanism. When you put it on it, the mechanism can be opened - and then your head will be torn apart!"

"Really? Are you lying to me?" the hat obviously didn't believe it.

"You can try." Lauren smiled and handed the pendant to the boy. "Trust me, you won't feel any pain!"

If this powerful mechanism is not an extremely powerful wizard in the spiritual palace, or has superhuman willpower, it can't bear it at all. The impact of void power can blow the head of the hat into pieces in an instant.

"Well, what should I do?" whether I believe what Loren said or not, hat knows that he has no way back now - as long as he goes out, the Wizards here will not let him go: "Lord Loren, please help me, I don't want to die!"

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you." hiding next to the hat again, Loren carefully patted the boy on the shoulder: "as long as you don't betray me, I'll do my best to protect your safety."

"Not to the college, not to Mr. Karan, but to me. Hat, I need your loyalty and wholehearted loyalty to me."

He didn't know what the hat was, but instinctively nodded and stared at Lauren's deceptive smile: "if there is another time, I won't give you a third chance, okay?"

"Ming, understand!"

"Let's get out of here now." Lauren immediately showed a cheerful expression and reached out to pull his hat off the ground. "Go back and have a good sleep as if nothing had happened!"

Of course, the boy would not object. He walked behind Lauren, walked to the door and gently opened the bolt - two figures were standing outside the church door, one left and one right, waiting for them for a long time.

"Good evening, Loren, and this little gentleman." Peter smiled and broke the embarrassment. But Dalton's cold eyes made this effort no improvement.

"Good evening, Dean, and tutor." Loren immediately bowed humbly. Then he patted his hat on the back: "can you go back first, headmaster? They may have something to find me."

"Oh... OK, OK!" the boy who immediately responded quickly nodded, looked at Lauren with the eyes of the Savior, and then ran away quickly.

There were only three people outside the church, and the atmosphere became embarrassing again. With a slight sigh, Lauren put his hands on his back and turned his eyes to Dalton: "I remember you promised me you wouldn't monitor me anymore."

"Please don't embarrass Dalton, boy, that's my idea." Peter immediately took it down and said apologetically, "it's not that we don't believe you, but that this fact is too important. We must know how much Mr. callan knows. Can you tell us what the little gentleman named hat told you?"

"Of course." Loren bowed his head respectfully. "The man named Karan filled his hat with a bottle of Psychedelic medicine and used it as a means of blackmail to make the hat work for him and look for something."

"What a mean villain, the scum among wizards." Peter, who pushed one eye and did not change his face, continued, "so what exactly does he want to find?"

"Not very clear, but it should be related to some 'mechanism' - this is just my guess." I touched in my pocket behind me and handed the burned Holy Cross Pendant to Peter: "but I found this by accident when I was in ancient wood town. I'm afraid it has something to do with what the hat is looking for in the church."

Taking the burnt pendant, Peter and Dalton looked at each other, and their eyes clearly revealed something. Loren was relieved. If he hadn't kept his hand before, it would be difficult to make a job tonight.

"You did a good job, Loren. You can even say very good." after a long silence, Peter said this sentence: "then the boy named hat..."

"He has no threat. It's better to say that the talent behind him is a real threat." Loren shook his head. "I don't know what he wants, but one thing is for sure."

"He's going to do it soon. We have to be ready!"