Ghouls, scavengers, and social monsters have a strong ability to move in low light environment. Their sensitive sense of smell allows them to find bodies buried underground. But very afraid of fire and strong light, and very flammable.

Now that he knew that he would face this monster, Loren specially prepared a large number of kindling agents before starting from the College - this is a very simple alchemical compound, which can burn with only a little spark; The disadvantage is that it volatilizes very quickly and disappears in the blink of an eye.

Loren brought an improved version of the little wizard. Although it still can't change its volatile characteristics, it makes it more unstable. Even a strong impact can make it burn directly. It's one of the best weapons to deal with ghouls.

Step by step, the hoarse chewing sound became more and more clear, slowed down, and Loren's expression on his low body became more and more serious - ghouls are a very sensitive monster. If you sneak attack, you can only have one chance at most, and you must kill as much as possible.

The chewing stopped suddenly, which showed that the monsters had found themselves. The strange dumb sound floating in the empty tomb is definitely not like seeing the warning of the enemy, but more like greedy salivation when smelling prey.

Loren stopped and tried to integrate his figure with the surrounding environment. Listening to the creeping sound not far away, the motionless eyes locked the field of vision in front.

Finally... A small figure appeared in the dark Tomb of the ghost. His eyes with deep green light looked around, and then seemed to feel something. He suddenly rushed towards Loren, followed by countless random footsteps.

Well, Loren squeezed the bottle containing the igniting agent in his hand, visually measured the distance between the two sides, calmly, calculated the angle, estimated the advance, and then three, two, one!

The "firefly curse", which was just dark, seemed to wake up suddenly. It suddenly flew to a position ten meters in front of Loren and exploded. The tomb, which was just dark, was as bright as day. At the same time came the screams of ghouls blinded!

There are fourteen ghouls in total. They have to make a quick decision... Lauren whispered in his heart. Before the dazzling white light dissipated, the wooden bottle filled with kindling agent accurately fell in the center of the ghouls, and the sudden flame swept away like a spray.

The smoke and burning smell of the flame spread, and the ghouls lying on the ground tossed and struggled to put out the flame, but it was still useless. Without brains, they don't know what will really kill them. In fact, it is their own too flammable body.

The only pity is that the coverage of the igniter is not enough. Not all the ghouls have been lit... With a slight sigh, Loren clenched the knight's long sword in his right hand and met the ghoul who had rushed towards him.

The roaring Ghoul only left a residual shadow in Loren's vision. The bright Silver Knight's long sword was held flat. At the moment when his claws came, he stabbed forward like a spear!

The ghoul who was pierced by the sharp blade was thrown off the sword before he could shout. With one foot on its upper torso, Loren, who raised the long sword, waved the long sword without hesitation, and cut off the ghoul's head with fishy blood.

Even as a wandering knight, Loren can't completely keep up with these agile mutant monsters, so his advantage is not in physical fitness, but in reaction ability - as long as he can predict their actions, no matter how fast he runs or how high he jumps, it's useless.

The narrow passage is not an obstacle to these thin ghouls. The howls and angry screams fill every inch of space, as if they could devour him alive at any time.

There were four ghouls left, but he had only one bottle of kindling. Ghouls who have stepped on a trap will definitely run away as soon as they see that they throw out the bottle, so they need to change their strategy this time.

Roaring and screaming ghouls rushed from all over the tomb - these mutant monsters didn't know what fear was. Even if their companions were burned to coke, Loren was still a delicious fat meat in their eyes, a delicious meal that they could covet!

So the beast will always be just a beast... Slightly raised his mouth, Lauren directly unscrewed the bottle of igniter, poured a little on the sword, sealed it again and threw it out.

As Loren expected, at the moment when the igniter landed, the running ghouls immediately dodged. The explosion only ignited one of them, and the remaining three were attacking from their left, right and top of their heads, revealing their salivating fangs.

He needs accurate prediction. Loren's eyes narrowed into a seam, pretending to move the next second, but the knight's long sword in his hand has begun to swing.

The ghoul who rushed to the front couldn't resist the impulse to live life, hoarse roared, showed amazing bouncing power, jumped directly from above Lauren, and was ready to bite off his head!

At the same time, the sword edge has been raised and turned into a bright silver light. The dazzling shadow opened the ferocious monster in mid air, and the smelly blood directly sprayed out from the thin body!

But at the moment of chopping, the igniter that was strongly impacted was immediately ignited - the cold long sword ignited a raging fire and directly drove back the other Ghoul who wanted to attack from the side.

It takes only eight seconds for the igniter to go out, which means you only have eight seconds to solve the remaining two ends!

This time, Loren did not take the defensive again, waved the long flame sword and took the first step to the left. He turned the long sword in his hand between the landing of the monster, nailed it to the ground from his back, and then it was ignited in an instant.

"Then the third."

There was no world in which the sword was pulled out. Loren directly threw the lit Ghoul in the direction of the other end. The agile monster dodged directly and skilfully bypassed the front and attacked from Loren's back, but he didn't see his slightly raised mouth.

Although even seeing it can't change anything.

At the moment of pouncing, Loren, who gently snapped his fingers, moved his body two steps sideways as if he had been pushed from the side, and was well avoiding the position just now.

Then... The flying monster saw the long flame sword waving towards it - smooth sideways chopping, splitting the whole Ghoul in half with a bright red track!

The burning debris reflected the leaping shadow on the walls of the abandoned tomb, as if it were a strange dance of the devil, tearing the residual fire.

The flame on the sword was gradually extinguished. Lauren, who was gasping, looked at the charred ghouls around him, and his eyes still had some lingering palpitations.

If I hadn't strengthened my mental strength before coming, the "hovering curse" just now would not be enough to avoid the ghoul's attack. I'm afraid it would at least open a hole in my left shoulder.

However, assumptions are always just assumptions, just to avoid their overconfidence - even if there is an accident, it is impossible to change the result, let alone really put their lives in danger.

This is not self-confidence, but the result of careful planning. Even if there are more than twice as many ghouls here, Loren is absolutely sure to eliminate them. If there are more... He will try to create chaos as much as possible and buy time for his retreat.

Traps, accidents, emergencies... Lauren doesn't like these, but if there's anything more disgusting to him, it should be deception.

These ghouls are no different from normal ones. Although the desire to attack is stronger than Loren predicted, it is only caused by long-term hunger, and there is no sign of mutation in the battle.

"I'll find you out, you coward hiding behind the ghoul."

Standing at the end of the abandoned tomb, Lauren muttered to himself, staring at the ghoul nest on the ground.