After all, it's hard to hear a prime minister tell the court about his children.

To achieve this goal, Liu Qianqian turned white, nodded gently, and comforted him: "the Father also calmed down. My daughter specially ordered people to stew the medicated food for clearing away heat and calming the nerves. You should drink some first. Here, the daughter will clean up and plead with the ancestors."

While speaking, Wu Yu has already brought up a cup of medicinal food.

Liu Bohan glanced, did not immediately accept, but very pleased to turn to look at Liu Qianqian, "or you are the most intimate, worthy of my Liu Bohan's own daughter."

He was in a better mood, and his tone was more and more mild. "However, it's getting late now. You're weak and can't afford to make trouble. And I'm going to plead with the ancestors in person. You'd better go back and have a rest."

Liu Qianqian shook his head, and his face was full of stubbornness. "As a daughter of the Liu family, it is a big mistake for her not to stop her sister today. She must stay and repent in the ancestral hall for three days."

Two father and daughter speak here, did not notice, stand on one side holding the enchanting jade of medicated food, wrists already gently tremble.

Liu Bohan only noticed his stubborn daughter in front of him. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he was. He sighed, "it's really lucky for Liu family to find you back. If the ancestors knew about it, they would be very happy."

Liu Qianqian chuckled shyly and was about to open his mouth when he heard the sound of broken porcelain.

Then, it is the voice of the panic of the charm jade, "the slave should die, the slave should die."

If you listen carefully, you can hear the tremor in her voice.

Liu Bohan turned his head and took a look at the mess on the ground. His brow was suddenly wrinkled. "You can't go down to get the twenty boards."

He is not happy in Japan today. He only punished Liu Qianqian for more than 20 boards.

Before she could thank her, she heard Liu Qianqian's unexpected voice from her head, "father, it's not strange to have this matter. I just talked to you, but I forgot that she was holding it all the time. As a woman, she has poor wrist strength. You should look at my face and forgive her."

Hearing the speech, Liu Bohan did not have any objection and nodded to agree.

Liu Qianqian personally raised up the charm jade, the voice is gentle and soft, "you go to ask two to clean up, oneself go to change clothes, come to serve later."

I don't know why, she seems to be more afraid. She shakes her body slightly and kowtows her head in a hurry. She doesn't even say thank you, so she goes down in a hurry.

Liu Qianqian looks at the back of charming jade in a hurry. His lips are bright and smiling, but his eyes are completely gloomy.


She went back to her room and squatted down slowly against the wall. After a long time, she lowered her head and shook and opened her sleeve.

The white arm was exposed to the air.

However, there are some blood holes in the white forearm. The wound is not big but deep. The blood on it seems to have coagulated for a while, and then it is touched again. At the moment, the blood is slowly bleeding. In the blink of an eye, the blood beads are already the size of soybeans, dripping down the arm.

She took a piece of clean cotton cloth and wrapped it up for the time being. She couldn't stop shaking.

Big tears rolled down his pale cheek.

The wound on her body did not come from the side, but was stabbed by Liu Qianqian with a hairpin!